Topic 3- Communicable diseases Flashcards
What are pathogens?
Pathogens are microorganisms that enter the body and cause disease.
What are bacteria?
Very small cells that reproduce rapidly inside your body. They make you feel ill by producing toxins that damage your cells and tissues.
What are viruses?
Viruses are not cells. They are tiny they live inside cells and replicate themselves using the cell’s machinery. Eventually the cells burst releasing all the new viruses. The cell damage is what causes illlness.
What is a vector?
An organism that carries disease from one organism to another.
What is an example of a pathogen spread through water?
What is an example of a pathogen spread through air?
What is an example of a pathogen spread through direct contact?
Athlete’s foot
What is an example of a pathogen spread through sexual contact?
HIV, gonorrhea
What type of pathogen is measles?
What type of pathogen is HIV?
What type of pathogen is tobacco mosaic virus?
What type of pathogen is rose black spot?
What type of pathogen is malaria?
What type of pathogen is salmonella?
What type of pathogen is gonorrhea?
What are the symptoms of measles?
Red skin rash, sneezing and fever.
What are the symptoms of HIV?
Initially, the person experiences flu-like symptoms for a few weeks. Usually they then don’t experience any symptoms for several years. The virus attacks the immune cells leading to AIDs.
What are the symptoms of tobacco mosaic virus?
Causes a mosaic pattern to form on the leaves. The leaves become discolored causing the plant to be unable to carry out photosynthesis well resulting in stunted growth.
What are the symptoms of rose black spot?
Purple/black spots on leaves of rose plants. Leaves turn yellow and wilt causing stunted growth.
What are the symptoms of malaria?
Repeating episodes of fever.
What are the symptoms of salmonella?
Fever, stomach cramp, vomiting and diarrhoea.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhoea?
Pain when urinating, thick yellow discharge.
What is chlorosis?
Loss of colour in leaves of plants.
What is a treatment for tobacco mosaic virus?
Removal of weeds, infected plants and disinfection of all tools.
How do aphids cause infection and problems in plants?
Aphids lower turgor pressure causing wilting and their saliva can carry viruses into the plant’s phloem.
What is a treatment for aphids attacking plants?
Natural predators (e.g. ladybirds) and insecticides.
What is a treatment for rose black spot?
Fungicides and stripping the plant of infected leaves.
What does nitrogen deficiency in plants cause?
Yellow leaves and stunted growth.
What does phosphorus deficiency in plants cause?
Poor root growth and dull yellow leaves.
What is a prevention for malaria?
Protect people from mosquitos (anti bug sprays).
What is a prevention for measles?
What is a treatment for HIV?
Antiretroviral drugs when caught early to stop the virus from replicating in the body and barrier contraception.
What is a treatment for salmonella?
Vaccinate animals against salmonella (poultry), cook in a sanitary way.
What is a treatment and prevention for gonorrhea?
Barrier method contraception, antibiotics.
What are the mechanical defenses of plants?
Hairs to deter lavae from feeding and grind down herbivores’ teeth, mimosa’s leaves curl when touched, mimicry, thorns.
What are the physical defenses of plants?
Tough waxy leaf cuticles, barriers preventing microbes entering plant (like bark).
What are the chemical defenses of plants?
Can create unpleasant taste, create poison.
Why do people pour oil over ponds where malaria is present?
Because mosquitos lay eggs on stagnant water.