Topic 3: Animal Housing And Environmental Factors Flashcards
What is the five domains model
Environment (space, air,noise)
Health (fitness, injury)
Behaviour (movement, bonding, playing)
Mental state (affected by all)
How do we define quality of life
It is the balance between positive and negative experiences
What is the scale for quality of life
A good life-> a life not worth living
What are thr environmental factors that affect housing
-size of cage/ housing area (cage material, bedding)
What are the advantages and disadvantage of using wood as a cage material
Adv: cheap and warm
Disadvantage: short life span, needs constant maintenance, easily damaged by animals, difficult to clean and disinfect
Adv and disadvantages of using metal as a cage material
Adv: durable, easy to clean and disinfect, easy to maintain
Disadvantage; cold and hard so requires bedding, noisy when animal moves
Advantage and disadvantage of using plastic as a cage material
Adv: inexpensive, light weight, medium life span if well maintained
Disadvantage: susceptible to damage by animals and cleaning (harsh chemicals)
Purpose and examples of ventilation
Purpose: to provide clean air, remove foul gas and smells
Mechanical ventilation: fan, aircon
Passive ventilation: windows/ doors
Purpose of good lighting and examples
Purpose: to see and explore (adopt animals natural light and dark cycle)
Eg. Reptiles need uv lighting for vitamin D sus thesis and warms
Example and purpose of good drainage
Purpose: so animals coat won’t get skin problems
Insects may mitiple cos of puddles
Examples: floors should have gradient
Drains should be covered to prevent spill material from clogging it
Example and purpose of noise and sound proofing
Purpose: some animals are sensitive to excessive noise causing stress
Example: sound proofing and shelter from noise
What is the purpose of having the codes of animal welfare
Pet owners: specifies minimal standards of housing, managemt and care for pet owners
Failure to comply-> used as evidence to procecute owners under the animals and birds act
Pet industry: minimum standard for pet species for pet store, groomer, breeders and boarding facilities, prosecution also
Example of special kennels
-puppy kennels (situated away from other dogs, cos puppies no vaccination-> get diseases easiy), too half open, rest closer to prevent escape
-whelping kennels (additional heating, privacy, situated away from others so prevent disease)
How many literal trays are needed for cats
N(number of cats) + 1
U hi ow to provide exercise for cats
-outdoor/ indoor cat runs
How to allows rabbits to exercise
Daily regular exercise outside their cage (rabbit proof house by removing electrical wires/ poisonous plants)
What to do to prevent rabbits from overheating
Shade and ice bottles on hot days
Minimum cage size requirement for rabbits
Width: stretched rabbit
Lengths: 3 hops
Hight: rabbit able to stand on its back legs without touching the roof
Proffered bedding for rabbits
- solid flooring preferred to mesh (prevent foot and leg injuries )
-thick layer of bedding to prevent pressure sores (straw and grass hay)
Can rabbits be litter trained
How big must a cage be for a Guinea pig
1.3m^2 per adult
Requirements in Guinea pig and master cage
Alif flooring, bedding material: wood shaving, shredded paper
Place to hide
For hammies: enrichment: pipes, wheels, tunnels
What is the recommended temperature range for most animals
8-26 degrees celcius