Tooic 4 Pt 2 Flashcards
What are lagomorphs
They are herbivores that include rabbits, hares eat.
What do rabbits use their sharp teeth for
Cut through forage or woody plants
FYI can cut through dry land)
Tell me about the incisors or rabbit teeth
They are constantly growing and require the right type of forage diets to maintain the ideal length
If not provided, need to vet to trim them
Tell me about the specialise digestive system of a rabbit
They have an organ called the cecum (smith like small intestine) that is filled with anaerobic cellulitis. Bacteria that breaks down cell wall of plants that produce cellulose-> glucose to produce energy for microbes growth-> thus microbes break down fiber to enter the cecum
Why do rabbits need a high fibre diet
To maintain a healthy microbial population to main optimum gut health and proper digestion in rabbits
Explain to me hope food travels in rabbits digestive system
Materials that have already been digested in small intestine, bypass the cecum and go to large I tetive to be Norma, poop.
The remains portion of partially digested do then tracel to cecum (they don’t go to small intestine at all) where microbial breakdown of fibre takes place -> produce violative fatty acid-> get absorbed throughdecal wall-> provide Energy to rabbit
Other nutrients, amino acid and vitamins get excreted as cecotropes (night faeces)
Why are cecotropes referred to as , night faeces,
Cos during cicardian cycyle (takes place at night) motility of rabbits digestive tract changes and cecotropes are formed instead of normal faecal pallets (it slows down)
Why do rabbits eat the cecotropes
Cos they contain a rich population of microbes that are able to grow to a larger concentration due to slower motility of digestive tract at night (more time for fermentation)
So cecotropes contain a high amount of crude protein (cos it doesn’t get digested in the cecum) and low amount of fibre (already digested in the cecum)
What is the act of consumption of cecotropes called
What us the process of eating poop called
Type of diet for rabit
Young rabit (less than 1 yr) need higher percentage of crude protein compared to adult
Both need high percentage of crude fibre
Type of food for young rabbit
Alfalfa hay: higher amt of calcium and protein (help in growth)
At older age start to add grass hay to help in the transition of gtass hay entirely when they reach maturity
Pallets: dry pallets formulated for youth rabbits (high in protein)
Less petted cos can cause overweight
Free flow
Type of food for adult rabbits
Hay: Timothy hay, oat hay , herbal hay
Pallets : specific for adults limit amount of pellets to prevent obesity and encourage hay consumption
How much vegetables can be offered to rabbits
Only 1-2 tablespoons
Can cause diarrhoea and gut status (food movements slows down or stops) z
What causes gut stasis
Lack of proper diet that can be caused by
Health conditions (dental/ kidney-> reduction in appetite)
Environments stress (new let/ change of environment) -> reduction in appetite
-pain from injuries that discourages eating
-consumption of too much pallets (carbs) but insufficient hay (fibre)
What causes gut statis (low fibre)
Insufficient fibre, slow down movement of rabbits digestive tract
Low fibre, changes in ph in digestive tract, favour growth of gas producing bacteria , poruce gas, pain
Clinical signs of gut stasis
Lethargy: pain, dont want move
Reduction in appetite
Reduction in stool production (no movement, less eating)
How to diagnose gut stasis
Physical exam: lethargic, no gut sound(use stethoscope), painful on abdominal palpitation (squish)
Teeth exam (can be cause by teeth issues)
Diagnostic test: x ray: gas build up in stomach or intestine
Blood test: gut stasis can be caused by kidney/ liver failure disease (no enzymes for digestion)
Describe what outpatient and inpatient for gut stasis looks lile
Outpatient(not so severe)
Still eating
Not too dehydrated, blood work is relatively normal
Not eating pooping
Excessive gas buildup
Be hospitalised
Treatment for gut stasis (outpatient)
May need to use critical care formula for feeding (hydration and fibre)
Treatment for gut stasis (impatient)
Injectable/ oral meds
Close monitoring
Repeat of blood test
Pain management
Monitor appetite, stool production
Support feeding
IVFT for dehydration
Where are iv catheter usually placed at
Lateral marginal ear vein
How to syringe feed rabies
Critical care formula used
Do not feed when rabbit is on its back (cause aspiration)
Ensure it is swallowing constantly
How to minimise possibility of gut stasis in rabbits
Ensure to feed high fibre diet
Only offer small amounts of pallets/ veg/fruits
Allow rabb ur to roam freely, encourage gut mobility
Look out for signs of gut stasis