TOPIC 3 Flashcards
What are the key years in Hitler’s rise to being the leader of the NSDAP and what happens in them?
1919= Hitler joined the DAP- a right wing party which was led by Anton Drexler at the time
1920= Hitler became the lead public speaker and propagandist for the party
1920= Group changed its name to the National Socialist German Worker’s Party (NSDAP). The emblem- the swastika- was designed by Hitler- NOTE: THE NICKNAME FOR THE NSDAP WAS THE NAZIS
1921= Hitler was elected to be the Party Chairman and the leader of the Nazis
What does the different parts of the logo mean? (E.g. the swastika, and the red and white colours)
1.) Swastika represented the anti-semitism and the victory of the Aryan man
2.) The white colour represented nationalism
3.) The red colour represented the workers (E.g. Labour as red?)
What were the five key Nazi beliefs?
1.) Self sufficiency
2.) Strong Germany
3.) Social and Ethnic ‘cleansing’
4.) Lebensraum= living space
5.) Social Darwinism= survival of the fittest
What was the SA and what did they do?
They were called the Stormtroopers, or the Brownshirts
They were in charge of protecting public speakers and acted like bodyguards.
In reality, they were just thugs.
What was the Nazi Party like in late 1923?
1.) 55,000 members
2.) Mostly around the Munich Area
3.) SA disrupted meetings of opponents
4.) Hitler used his public speaking skills to attract new members
When was the Munich Putsch?
Between the 8th and the 9th of November, 1923
Give 4 reasons why Hitler launched the Munich Putsch
1.) He felt that the Weimar Government could be easily overthrown
2.) Impressed by Mussolini in 1922
3.) He believed Germany would support him instead of the Weimar
4.) Hitler had won the support of Lundendorff- a popular figure
How many people were killed in the Munich Putsch?
4 police and 16 Nazis
What happened in the Munich Putsch?
VON KAHR, VON SEISSER and VON LOSSOW were all held hostage. They were let go to call their wives. Instead, they called the police and ordered them to stop Hitler- who continued despite it all going downhill for him.
AFTER: Hitler disappeared for 2 days and was arrested the same day the Nazi Party was banned
How did Hitler’s trial benefit him? (4 points)
1.) His trial was a “media sensation” and it made him famous
2.) He used it as an opportunity to give “brave” speeches
3.) The judge was more lenient and sympathised with him
4.) His sentence of 5 years was reduced to 9 months
What were the 3 consequences of the Munich Putsch?
1.) Nazi Party was banned
2.) Hitler was imprisoned
3.) Hitler was banned from public speaking
When were the lean years?
What were 5 things that improved Hitler’s time in prison?
1.) He could have visitors
2.) Could have deliveries
3.) Had the ability to go out on the weekends
4.) Had a two bedroom apartment
4.) Was allowed to have his private secretary with him- it allowed him to write Mein Kampf
What was the Nazi’s manifesto known as?
The 25 pointe programme
What are 4 points that made the Bamberg Conference important?
1.) The Nazi party still continued even when Hitler was in prison
2.) However, it was divided and disunited
3.) Hitler was able to persuade the leaders in Bavaria to legalise the Nazi Party
4.) Additionally, Hitler began to make changes- possible rivals were won over, SS was created and introduction of the Hitler Youth
What 4 changes did Hitler make to the Nazi party after it was re-legalised?
1.) Possible rivers (Gregor Strasser and Josef Goebbels) were won over- by them being given high positions in the party in exchange for their loyalty
2.) Röhm was forced to resign as leader of the SA
3.) Hitler created his own bodyguard unit- the SS
4.) He also created the Hitler Youth- which was set up to rival other youth groups
What were the negative impacts of the Depression?
1.) 20,000 businesses collapsed- which led to unemployment and lack of production.
2.) In 1932, there were over 6 million unemployed
3.) People looked to more extreme sides of the political spectrum
Why did Hitler change the name of the DAP?
He added Nationalist and Socialist so it appeals to a wider audience
What were the results of the Presidential election in 1932?
1.) Hindenburg- leader of the SDP won (Social Democrats)
2.) Thalmann- leader of the KPD came third (Communists)
3.) Hitler- leader of the NSDAP came second
How many votes did the NSDAP get and how many seats did they gain in the 1932 election?
1.) 13,420,000 VOTES
2.) 230 SEATS
How long did it take for Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor?
6 months
What 3 things made Hitler more popular?
1.) He was a war hero, a saviour and an ordinary man
2.) Had a vision that revolved around making Germany the strongest nation in the world
3.) He had charisma- something other politicians lacked
What 4 things did Hitler do during campaigning for the election?
1.) Increased popularity
2.) Used modern technology to spread the Nazi message
3.) He was already as a leading political figure in Germany
4.) Hitler used a lot of persuasion and convinced big businesses to support him
When was Hitler made chancellor?
30th JANUARY 1933
What were the four weaknesses of the Weimar Republic by 1932?
1.) A lot more coalition governments- parties were getting less support so they need to form coalitions
2.) 84 year old Hindenburg and Article 48
3.) Rise of extremists
4.) PR
What are 4 points on President Paul von Hindenburg? (E.g. views on Hitler, what his advisors were like etc.)
1.) He was a former army leader
3.) His main advisors were all rich, Conservative industrialists and army leaders
What are 3 points on Franz von Papen? (E.g. views on Hitler, what party he’s the leader of etc.)
1.) He’s the leader of the Centre Party
2.) A favourite of Hindenburg
3.) He doesn’t trust Hitler
What are 4 points on General von Schleicher? (E.g. his role, his view on Hitler etc.)
1.) Former army leader
2.) Main advisor of Hindenburg
3.) Supported von Papen to begin with
4.) Doesn’t trust Hitler
Why did the Depression start?
The Wallstreet Crash in October of 1929 meant that USA had to call in loans from Germany. This means industries lost money, people were payed less and unemployment increased. This means that people spend less, the prices dropped and it led to the Depression. In 1933, there was over 6 million people unemployed.
How did the Great Depression help the Nazis?
When people became desperate, they turned to the extremists who offered simple solutions for their problems. Between 1930-1933, popularity for the Nazis and Communists soared.
What did the Nazis offer to the starving and unemployed during the Great Depression?
Work and bread. It was simple, but it increased their popularity. They also said that the Jews started all of this- because a lot of Jews were employers and were relatively well off. This increased anti-semitism and provided the people with a scapegoat for the Depression. The Nazis also said that only they could help restore Germany to its former glory, and also raised the hate for the November Criminals