What is the Dolshtoss theory?
‘Stabbed in the back’. The German soldiers felt betrayed by the people and the politicians who wanted the Kasier gone.
What is a diktat?
Dictated peace. This means that the losing side has no say in the terms of the agreement
What’s the definition of Anschluss?
What is passive resistance?
A non violent protest and the refusal to co-operate
What was the Rentenmark?
A temporary currency to deal with hyperinflation. It was backed with gold so the new money actually held value
What views does a fascist hold?
Very right wing. They are nationalists who believe in the idea of one powerful and strong leader and a one party state
What is the definition of an Aryan man?
Someone of European descent, not Jewish, often with blond hair and blue eyes
What is the 25 point programme?
The Nazi’s manifesto- list of beliefs and policies that was originally written in 1920
What is a putsch?
Attempt by the right wing to take power
What is the definition of Bolshevism?
A type of communism from Russia
What is the definition of Gleichschaltung?
The ‘Nazification’ of Germany- taking away civil liberties
What is a plebiscite?
Nationwide vote where the people are deciding
Who were the invisible unemployed?
People who didn’t have jobs/ were removed from their jobs and weren’t counted in the unemployment statistics
What is indoctrination?
Teaching a set of beliefs/ brainwashing
What is eugenics?
The study of improving the human race