Topic 2 - Organisation (plants) Flashcards
How is a xylem tube structured/
- dead cells joined end to end
- no end walls between them and a hole down the middle
- Strengthened with a material called lignin
What does the xylem carry and where to?
The xylem carries water and mineral ions from the roots to the stem and leaves
What is the movement of water in the xylem called?
the movement of water from the roots, through the xylem and out of the leaves is called the TRANSPIRATION STREAM
What is transpiration?
The loss of water from a plant
Where does transpiration mostly happen?
the leaves
What causes transpiration?
evaporation and diffusion of water from the plant’s surface
What does transpiration cause?
the evaporation causes a slight shortage of water in the leaf so more water is drawn up the plant via the xylem vessels to replace it
What causes the constant transpiration stream through plants?
water is drawn up from the roots to replace the water evaporating from the leaves
What is transpiration a side-effect of?
the way plants are adapted for photosynthesis (they have stomata so gases can be exchanged easily)
How does water escape through the leaves?
there is more water inside the plant than in the air outside
- water escaped the leaves through stomata by diffusion
How are phloem cells structured?
made of elongated living cells with small pores in the end to allow cell sap to flow through.
What does the phloem transport and where to?
-transports food substances (mainly dissolved sugars) made in the leaves to the rest of the plant for immediate use (growing regions) or for storage.
What is cell sap?
a liquid that’s made of the substances being transported and water
What is the name of the process were the phloem transports food substances?
What is the role of the roots?
take up water and minerals from the soil
anchor the plant into the ground
What is the role of the stem?
used for transport (xylem and phloem), it supports the plant, spaces out the leaves and holds the flowers in position
What is the role of the leaves?
Contain mesophyll cells with lots of chloroplasts to absorb the light needed for photosynthesis
contain stomata to allow gases in and out of the leaf
What is the role of the flower?
-reproductive organ of the plant
-typically have male and female parts
-main role is to attract insects for pollination
What is the apical bud and what is it’s function?
apical bud- highest point of the plant
continues growth in height, produces new leaves, may produce flowers