Topic 2 - Nutrirional needs of individuals Flashcards
What is weaning?
It’s the gradual introduction of solid foods into a babies diet.
What’s the period of babies having milk?
The first four - six months of life.
Teenagers age?
A person aged between 13-19.
What is obesity?
When a person is carrying so much extra weight that it is dangerous for their health,
What is anorexia nervous?
An eating disorder where people restrict the amount of food they eat.
What is bulimia nervosa?
An eating disorder where people make themselves vomit after eating to stop themselves put on weight.
What is metabolism?
A set of reactions needed to keep the body working.
What is oesteoporosis?
A disease where the bones become weak and can break easily.
What is digestion?
The process of food travelling through the body and being used by the body for various functions.
What is BMI used for?
Estimating body fat.
What is a lacto - ovo - vegetarian?
Vegetarians who do not eat meat but eat eggs and dairy produce.
What is a Lacto - vegetarian?
Vegetarians who do not eat meat, fish or eggs but eat dairy products.
What is a vegan?
Vegetarians who do not eat any food from animals.
What is gluten?
A mixture of two proteins found in some cereal grains, especially wheat.
What is lactose intolerant?
This is people who lack or have low levels of the enzyme lactase which is needed to digest the sugar lactose found in milk ready to be absorbed into the large intestine.
Diabetes - type 1?
This is where the immune system of the body turns against itself causing damage to the cells that make insulin.
Diabetes - type 2?
Develops either because the body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin does now work properly. Can also be found in overweight people being eating too many fats and sugars.
CVD and CHD?
Cardiovascular disease - CVD.
Coronary heart disease - CHD.