Topic 2 (LEC & LAB) - The Organisms and Its Environment Flashcards
Most _____ are named for major climatic features and for their predominant vegetation
There can be________ and ___________ structuring of the oceans.
vertical, horizontal
Habitats on the bottom of the ocean, and other aquatic environments
[Horizontal zones]
Beyond the continental shelf
Oceanic zone
[Vertical zones]
Extends from 1,000 to 4,000m
Bathypelagic zone
What type of biome is this?
Geography: confined to Northern
Hemisphere ; extend from Scandinavia,
through European Russia, across Siberia, to central Alaska, and across central Canada
Climate: found where winters are too long and summers are too short ; moderate precipitation 200 to 6oo mm ; low evaporation rate ; drought infrequent
Soil: tends to be of low fertility, thin, and
Biology: dominated by evergreen conifers
such as spruce, fir, and pines
Boreal forest of Taiga
What type of biome is this?
Geography: covers most of the lands north of the Arctic Circle
Climate: cold and dry ; temperature not as extreme as in the boreal forest ;
precipitation 200 mm to 600 mm
Soil: surface soil thaw each summer
underlain by a layer of permafrost that may be many meters thick
Biology: is dominated by a richly textured
patchwork of perennial herbaceous plants, especially grasses, sedges, mosses, and lichens ; one of the last biomes that support numbers of large native mammals
Based on chemical property, aquatic life zones have __________ and _________.
saltwater, freshwater
Based on physical property, aquatic life zones have __________ and _________.
lentic (still water like lake or pond),
lotic (moving like stream or river)
[Horizontal zones]
Shallow shoreline under the influence of the rise and fall of the tides
Littoral or intertidal
This includes the lower part of the
atmosphere, most of the
hydrosphere, and the uppermost
part of the geosphere, extending from about 9 kilometers above the earth’s surface down to the bottom of the ocean
Aquatic life zones can be based primarily on _________ property and ________ property.
chemical, physical
[Vertical zones]
Extends from 200 to 1,000m
Mesopelagic zone
What type of biome is this?
Geography: largest biome in North America
Climate: 300 to 1,000 mm of precipitation
annually ; droughts may persist for several years
Soil: deep, basic or neutral, and fertile and contain large quantities of organic matter ; brown soils of more arid grasslands contain less organic matter
Biology: dominated by herbaceous
vegetation ; support herds of roving
Temperate Grassland
[Vertical zones]
Surface layer of the oceans extending to a depth of 200m
Epipelagic zone
What type of biome is this?
Geography: southeast Asia, West Africa, and South America, Central America and Mexico, southeastern Brazil, eastern Madagascar, southern India, and northeastern Australia
Climate: warm and wet year-round ;
average temperature range 25°C to 27°C ;
annual rainfall 2,000 to 4,000 mm
Soil: nutrient-poor, acidic, thin, and low in
organic matter
Biology: dominated by trees, often
supported by well-developed buttresses ;
1 ha may contain up to 300 tree species ;
primary production is highest
Tropical Rainforest
What type of biome is this?
Geography: south of the Sahara desert
extending from the west to the east coast,
across East African highlands, and reappear in south-central Africa ; south-central Brazil covering Venezuela and Colombia; northern Australia ; Southern Asia
Climate: alternating dry and wet seasons ;
seasonal drought combines with fire and
rains come in summer accompanied by
intense lightning
Soil: soil layers with low permeability to
Biology: Scattered trees ; populated by
wandering animals ; primary production
second to tropical rainforest
Tropical Savanna
[Horizontal zones]
Extends from the coast to the margin of the continental shelf, where the ocean is about 200m deep
Neritic zone
Habitats above the bottom, regardless of depth
What type of biome is this?
Geography: occupy about 20% of the land surface of the earth
Climate: vary considerably from one desert to another; water loss due to evaporation and transpiration exceeds precipitation during most of the year ; average temperature exceed 30°C ; average winter temperature −20°C
Soil: generally low in organic matter,
sometimes classified as lithosols, which
means stone or mineral soil ; desert soils
may contain high concentrations of salts
Biology: absent plant cover from many
places ; vegetation often cloaks in a
gray-green mantle ; low animal abundance but diversity can be high
[Vertical zones]
Layer from 4,000 to 6,000m
Abyssal zone