topic 1 review Flashcards
axial skeleton
limit to the skull, ribs, sternum, and vertbral column consisting of cervical - 7 bones, thoracic - 12 bones, lumbar - 5 bones, sacral - 5 bones, coccyx - 4 bones
appendicular skeleton
pectoral girdle (scapulae and clavicles), humerus radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvic girdle (ilium, ischium, and pubis), femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges
axial function
for protection
appendicular function
for movement
four types of bones
long, short, flat, and irregular
close to
further from the middle
towards the middle
near the back
near the front
cartilage function
enhance bone resilience, provide support, cushion the bones, shock absorption
ligament function
bone to bone, attaches/holds structures together
tendon function
muscle to bone, move the bone/structure
occurs where two or more bones articulate
layer of fibrous tissue connecting edges of 2 bones, solid w/ least amount of movement
bones separated by fibrocartilage disc (disc between vertebrae) or a thick layer of hyaline cartilage (ribs connecting to sternum), very little movement
synovial joints list
gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball & socket
articular cartilage function
provide a smooth, lubricated surface for articulation
synovial membrane function
synovial fluid, which has a lubricating function
synovial fluid function
cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move your joints
bursae function
reduce friction between moving parts in your body’s joints
meniscus function
disperse the weight of the body and reduce friction during movement
articular capsule function
supports major joints such as the knee, hips, and shoulders, joint stability
gliding joint
least movement, flat bones, glide side to side (tarsals and carpals)
hinge joint
bend/flex in one direction (elbow)
pivot joint
one bone forms a ring and other bone rolls allowing rotation (neck and head)
condyloid joint
oval surface fits into concave surface (wrist)
saddle joint
shaped like saddle and rider and can move in 2 directions (thumbs and fingers)
ball and socket joint
can move in all directions, sphere fits into rounded cavity (shoulder and hip)
contractility definition
ability to contract/ generate force
excitability definition
respond to stimulus
extensibility definition
ability to stretch beyond normal resting length
elasticity definition
ability to return to the original resting length after streching
atrophy definition
degeneration/thinning of muscle (mutation and poor nourishment)
hypertrophy definition
enlargement/building of muscle
2 factors of hypertrophy
sacroplasmic = increased muscle glycogen storage
myofibrillar = myofibril size (body builders)
muscle tissue is…
controlled by nerve stimuli and fed by capillaries
different types of muscle
smooth, cardiac, and skeletal
smooth muscle
involuntary control, no striated appearance, lines walls of blood vessels and hollow organs (stomach and intestine)
cardiac/heart muscle
involuntary control, striated appearance, contracts w/out thought
skeletal muscle
voluntary control, striated appearance, tendons attach muscle to bone, main function is movement of skeleton
function of muscles
movement of skeleton, movement of substances in body (food and blood), stabilize and maintain body position (keep head upright), muscle contraction can generate up to 85% of body heat (voluntary and involuntary)
origin of muscle
attachment of a muscle tendon to a stationary bone
origin of insertion
attachment of muscle tendon to moveable bone