Topic 1- Origins And Meaning Flashcards
Creation ex nihilio
Creation out of nothing- Before God created the universe,nothing existed. Only God can create out of nothing
The process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changed in species over time to suit particular environments
Imago Dei
‘In the image of God’. The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God’s personhood. Unlike the other animals, human beings are rational , free and moral
‘God breathed’. The belief that the spirit of god guides an individual to act or write what is good and true
The belief that God is all powerful
St Catherine of sienna on the sanctity of life
her dignity is that of her creation, sseing that she is the image of god
catholic views on abortion
•against at all circumstances
•human life is sacred- made in image of god
•teach life begins at conception
•killing a human is murder as a foetus is a human - against 10 commandments - classed as evil
•other than abortion encourage to put child up for adpotion
•if a mothers life is in danger e.g an eptopic pregnancy and if it threatens the life of the child then is is accepted. the effect is toi save the mother the intention is not to harm the child. this is caled the priciple double effect
other christian views on abortion
•if abortion result of rape, an abortion may be the best option for the quality of life of the women
•if continuing pregnancy is dangerous to mother it is acceptable
•if child likely to be severly disabled it is acceptable
they think of it as lesser of two eveils as letting a child suffer , or mother is eveil but so is murder but which is less evil
my interpretation is that if it is made in the image of god possibly the image was for the baby to die
what is pro-life
idea that abortion is always wrong
whatis pro-choice
the idea that women should be able to choose what happens to her own body
humanist views on abortion- peter singer
he argues all life has value but not of equal value
if they are unable to thhink,relate to other, speak then thier life has a lesser value
therefore abaies and embroys are all exAamples of ‘ non human persons’
therefore it is morally acceptable to end their life if it will bring less suffering and more happiness
this applies to both abortion and euthanasia
he argues a dog has more mental capacity than a baby or an ill elerdly person
catholic response to peter singers views on human life being sacred and humans having more value than animals
humans remain a person when they have conscionce or not even if they are in a coma
catholics agree anbimals should be cared for but do not have the dignity we have as we are made in the image of god
creation story-genesis
•Day 1- god created loight and seperated it from darkness. he named the light
day and the darkness night
•Day 2- creted sky used sky to divide water that covered earth in two halves
Day 3- god creted land and the sea
•Day 4- se[erated sun moon stars and sepeartes night from day
•Day 5- God creted all species of animals that llive on earth
Day 6- he created human beings which he put in charge of everything on the earth that has been created
Day 7- god rested blessed it and made it holy
what does genesis account tell us
god is transcencet- god exists above and beyond which makes him unlike anything that exists
Eternal- he created heaven and earth in the beginning he was alreadyt there meaning he had no beginning
Omnipotent- god is all powerful
what does genesis account tell us
god is transcencet- god exists above and beyond which makes him unlike anything that exists
Eternal- he created heaven and earth in the beginning he was alreadyt there meaning he had no beginning
Omnipotent- god is all powerful
second account of creation
creted man,adam, out of dust
provides him with everything he needs in the garden of eden
god cretes all creatiures and adam names them
god puts adam to sleep and creates eve
their lives were perfect unitl they disobeyed god -original sin
importnace of preserving the planet
in both accounts of creation humans are responsible therefore humans need to be responsible for looking after the enviroment and planet as god has made humans superior in the planet
2 of the most important commandments are love thy neighbour and love god this is important as love thy neighbour represent caring for others in different countries as climate change so should cut down on pollution as the earth is our responsibilty
many christinas belive we should look after world as it is a gift from god
humanist attitudes on creation and stewardship
agree we need to look after world
we need stewards to look out for other human beings to cnserve th human life
the bible
catholics belive it is the inspired word of god
split into 2 old and new testament
the laws first five books of bible
history 12 historical books
wisdom-psalms is the prayer book
prophets- god sent inspired figures
New testament:
•The gospels
•The acts of the apostes
•The book of revelation
paintings-michael angelos creation of adam
god is seen as an old bearded mman
got hand and gods are extending out in a mirroring pose this shows humanities creation in gods image
the fingers do not touch suggesting thatgod the giver of life is reaching out to adam and slos to represent god is not part of the earth or univerce but beyond that
adam is a perfect human being
adam resembles god like sons resemble fathers
god cariried on cloud shows transcendecne
god is resented as dynamic, active figure ad he is hard at work at his greatest creation the viewer is reminded that the belief that god is eternal and powerful
the touch between the fingertips represent the spark of life
symbols- the cross and the tree
cross of cruxifiction of jesus with mary beside it base of tree considered to be tree of life
alpha and omega symbolism
first and last letters of greek alphabet symbolises god is the beginning and ending of all hings
chi-Rho symbolism
looks like letter x and p first two letters of the word chist in greek it is an early sybol of christianity and can be viewed as the very first christian cross
The lamb symbolism
12 lambs
symbol of sacrifie story of the passover as the lamb was sacrificedt o put on doors for the greater good
jesus is described as lamb of god as his sacrifice acted as a freedom of sin
the four evangelists symbolism
image of matthew s a man he is the gospel of christs humanity and his humbleness
-image of mark signifies leadership and royalty winged lion
- image of luke- winged ox symolises sacrifice as ox wasused as sacrifice
-image of john flying eagle- eagle of the sky high theological meditation meaning the fact of christ
god brethed into adam quote
god brethed into adam the breath of life
catholic social teachings
peace and reconciliaion ae at the heart of the gospel. catholic social teaching condems he arms trade and suports those whon take u arms on the ground sof conscience
we are entilted to human rights
2the basic equality of all must recive increasingly greater recogntion with respect to the fundamental rights of a erson” imago dei gaudium
catholic charities
tries to live out churches mission on a global scale by heloing those in need
it has a disaster fund provide with food etc
5% is spent on educting people
they also work for social justice
2.St Vincent de Paul Society
regular visting+ care to help families finding it difficult to organise their homes
help the lonely
visit the elederly people
set up hospitals
organise childrens camps for children from poor or troubled homes
organsig stores for unwanted furniture
What is the Principle of Double Effect?
If mother life is in danger (e.g. ectopic pregnancy) the
action to save the life of the mother even it it threatens
or destroys the cite of the unborn child is acceptable as the
intention is to save the mother, the effect on the child is not
directly intended but is a side effect.
The duty to care for creation responsibility, as stewards rather than consumers, and to protect it for future generations
God creating in his image(sowa)
So god created mankind in his own image (Gen 1:27)
Catholic views about nature sanctity of life
Humans were made last in genesis 1 as they are th high point of god creation
In g 2 he personally created Adam and Eve from the dust this shows they are sacred and special as god perfectly crafted them this links to the image of god
Why are humans made last in g1
As it shows the high point of gods creation
Inspiration refers to ‘God
breathed’. The belief that
the Spirit of God guides an
individual to act or write
what is good and true.
Revelation is the word used
to describe all of the ways
in which God makes himself
known to human beings,
Christians believe that God
does this finally and fully in
the person of Jesus Christ.
Structure of bible
The Old Testament
The Old Testament is made up of the following types of writing (literary
• The laws (Torah) - the first five books of the Bible (Pentateuch) deal
with how the Jewish people became God’s chosen race and how God
taught them to live. These books tell of the creation and the lives of the
patriarchs, such as Abraham. They also teach about Moses and the laws
given to the people of Israel, including the Ten Commandments.
• History - there are twelve historical books in the Bible, such as Joshua
and Judges, These books show how God guided his people even
though they were not always ready to listen.
• Wisdom - Psalms is the prayer book of the Jewish people. There
are also books of religious and moral teaching, such as the Book of
Proverbs, which contains sayings about many aspects of life.
• Prophets - from time to time God sent inspired figures to challenge
the Jews to remain faithful to God,
The New Testament
The New, Testament is based on the life and teachings of Jesus and the
apostles to whom Jesus taught God’s message. All the New Testament was
written in Greek.
Answers at
It can be divided into four types of writing (literary forms):
• The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) - these are the most
important books of the Bible for all Christians, as they tell Jesus’ story.
The word gospel’ means *good news’ - the good news about Jesus.
• The Acts of the Apostles - this is the sequel to Luke’s Gospel, It tells
the story of the Early Church, after Jesus’ resurrection,
› The letters (or Episties)
- these were written mainly by Paul, but also
by Peter, James, John and Jude. They were Christian leaders writing
to Christians giving them advice on how to put Jesus teaching into
practice and explaining what it means to be a Christian
• The Book of Revelation
- this is the last book in the Bible, dealing
with John’s vision of heaven and the defeat of evil
Origins of bible
Origins of the Bible
It took about 350 years for the books that we now know as the Bible to
be accepted as authentic records of Christian beliefs. The Synod of Hippo
in 393ce decided which texts should be included in the Bible. For a book
“ her war satise incopter, Dig wiT triaStie had o fir the hallowing males.
The work had to go back to the apostles,
• It had to have an early date.
• It had to agree with other presentations of Christian beliefs.
The words of the Bible have been very carefully preserved over the
centuries. The first Bibles were hand written and copies were made so
other people could read them.
Michaelangelos creation of Adam
• Adam is on the left of the painting, lying back on the
earth from which he has been formed as described
in Genesis: then the lord God formed man of dust
from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life; and man became a living being,
[Genesis 2:7)
• Adam is a perfect human being: young, handsome
and strong.
• Adam resembles God, Like a son looks like his
• Adam mirrors the pose of God.
Humans were created by God.
• God created a perfect world.
• Humans are made in the image and likeness
of God.
• God is presented as a dynamic, active figure as if he
is hard at work at his greatest creation. God reaches
out to the more passive figure of Adam.
• God is shown as older than Adam, yet he is strong
and powerful.
The viewer is reminded of the belief that God
is both eternal and all powerful.
• The difference in age between Adam and God
also signifies the parent-child relationship
that exists between God and humanity, God is
the Father of all creation.
• Adam and God are seen reaching out to touch each
other with their fingertips.
The touch of fingertips represents the spark
of life given to all humans by God; human life
is sacred and a gift from God.
• God is on a cloud, carried by a group of angels. This
is a contrast to Adam on earth.
• Some believe the cloud is in the shape of a brain
showing God is the source of all knowledge and
• Others believe that the cloud represents à womb
because of the red background. Also, the green
cloth hanging down could be the umbilical cord.
• This shows the greatness and transcendence
of God.
• God is omniscient.
This signifies the idea that God gives all life,
in the same way that the womb gives life to a
new child.
The Catholic Church views on interfaith dialogue
The Catholic Church and interfaith dialogue
Catholics believe they have a duty to put across the Gospel message.
They believe non-Christian religions have some truth, but only
Christianity has the whole truth.
› Other religions should be respected.
All people are created in the image of God (image Dei).
The popes have spoken out about the importance of respect and D
tolerance between different faiths. For example, Pope Benedict sid,
Together with all people of good will, we aspire to peace. That is why
I insist once again: interreligious and intercultural research and dialogue
are not an option but a vital need for our time. (February 2007)
• The Vatican Il Council stressed the importance of dialogue with jews
and Muslims.
Catholic Beliefs about the origin and sanctity of human life
Human life is sacred because humans are made in the image of God -SOWA- “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end” Catechism of the Catholic Church 2258
St Augustine’s quote on Creation Ex nihilio and which writing is it from ?
“You, O Lord made something in the beginning, which
is yourself, in your wisdom, which is born of your own
substance, and you created this thing out of nothing. You created Heaven and Earth but you did no make them your own substance . If you had done so, they would have been equal to you only-begotten Son, and therefore to yourself, and justice could in no way admit that what was not of your own substance should be equal to you.”
[St Augustine, confessions xii]
Beliefs about creation story
Fundamentalist- account in bible is accurate god made earth. In 6 days , comes from the view that the bible is inspired word if God, which is never mistaken .AKA CREATIONSIM
Catholics- read it symbolically , believe they can rveal some important things about the nature of the world +humanity. Although the 2 accounts of genesis are diff they share the same truths, see it symbolically
Some other Christian’s- not mean to be taken literally , some try to harmonise science and biblical account, claiming each day of the creation story is a representation of billions of years and the time the world took to develop
Jewish Beliefs
God is creator
God is sourced f life
Each week celebrate Shabbat rescaling that gos made the world in 6 days and rested on 7th
Jews share same two stones of genesis with Christian’s
Orthodox- accounts . They were revealed to Moses by god, some have difficulty accepting scientific ideas such as the Big Bang an evolution
Reform- shouldn’t be taken as historical facts
Other Jews believe god started creation through the Big Bang and has guided the creation of life through evolution
Michaelangelos Creation of Adam
Adam is portrayed as the perfect human , young handsome and strong
This reflects catholic belief that everything that God created was good , as mentioned repeatedly in Genesis,
Also adam resembles God he has the same physical build and is striking a similar pose and details such as the arms, shoulders and feet are almost identical. All this is a reminder that humans are made in the image of God: imago dei
Adam appears to be quite laid back figure, his arm resting on his knee , barely reaching out to God, syggesting that he is not fully alive yet. This symbolises that humand need God to give them life
What is a Catholic Social Teaching ?
Over the years popes have soikedn out about he social issues of their day after having reflected their on God’s word in the scriptures. They have often chosen to do this through various encyclicals, and these have become known as Catholic Social Teachings the first modern instance of this can be traced back to 1891 when pope Leo XII spoke out in favour of oppressed factory workers who were demanding justice from their reluctant employers
What is the belief at the heart of the cst ?
Imago Dei
During second vatican council in the 1960s the church published an influential document called Gaudium et Spes which reflected on the role of the church in the modern word. The document drew on the crestion accounts in Genesis which outline hoe human have been crested in the image and likeness of God , imago dei . This belief is at the heart of CST
What does equality mean for all ?
353,000 babies are born a day. But unfortunately not all are equal
Some are born into poverty
Some into war , neglect and slavery.
Some will be happy
Some will be safe
Some will be warm
Some will be looked after
Other will face a lack of peace die to gear,disease,
Injustice and death
Cstholics think this is unacceptable so they trest everyone justly and try to experience peace
Catholic beliefs about the Big Bang theory
First of all the bb theory claims all matter was originally concentrated into a tiny point why as a result of a massive explosion in space 13.7th years ago it stated expanding and stilll is
Catholic views
Happy to accept it , say that’s under stand genesis symbolically not as a sciencitif. C explain to but as a theological statement about th worlds relationship with gd . The Big Bang theory was proposed my a catholic priests fr geogre lemaitre
Non catholic views about Big Bang
Some Christian’s believe it didn’t happen and tat god is creator and created the earth
Other believe god created the Big Bang theory and catalysed it
Stephen hawking doubts existence of god and can explain existence and origin of the world without th existence of God.
Powerful telescopes can detect evidence of background radiation which is thought to be left from an initial explosion at the start of the universe
Differing Christian and Jewish attitude on the creation story
Fundamentalist- believe everything in biblical accounts is accurate and the creation of the earth took place in 6 calacnder days consecutively
Comes from the view that the bible is inspired word of God and is never mistaken
Catholics- don’t take it literally see it ymmoblicaly , believe it reveals som important things about the nature f the wold +humanity. Although the 2 accounts. Of genesis are different they show he same truths
Some Christian’s think it shouldn’t be taken literally and try to harmonise cicnetific and biblical accounts suggesting that the a day in the creation story is actually billions of years in ime
Jewish beliefs-
Orthodox God is creator God is all source of life
Each week celebrate gsbbat recalling that god made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th
Jews share the 2 stories of creation i th catholics
Orthodox also believe that they creation stories are ru accounts revealed to Moses but God
Reject the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory
Reform Jews - shouldn’t be seen as historical fax’s
Others believe God started creation through t the Big Bang and guided the creation of life through evolution
Catholic Paintings general reasons etc
Christianity has a log tradition of sacred art using themes and images from Christian belief. The use of art goes back to the time when people could not read or write. Learning aboutJesus and the bible as made easier by looking at pictures
Catholic art is used to :
•Express faith in God and glorify him
•Used as a focus for meditation and prayer
•It demands a personal response , so it helps people think and reflect on their own beliefs
•Art can sometimes challenge people, an artists interpretation of of a biblical theme may make the viewer rethink or reinforce their beliefs
Where is the Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam and when was it painted +context about MA
Sistine Chapel in the Vatican
It was painted in between 1508 and 1512
He was a very religious man , his paintings brought glory to God and also intended to start reflection and meditation about catholic beliefs about God
There are 9 scenes from Genesis the most famous being the creation of Adam ,
Adam is naked positioned on the lower left. God’s right arm is extended as if giving the spark of life to Adam , whose left arm is extended mirroring God’s. The mirroring pose shows humanity’s creation in God’s image,the fingers don’t touch suggesting God the giver of life is reaching out to adam giving him life
Creation ex nihilio
The creation out of nothing, god created the universe out of nothing
All powerful, god i believed to be all powerful
Te process if mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular environments
Imago Dei
In the image of god, god created all humans in his own image
The duty to care for creation responsibility , as stewards rather than consumers, and to protect it for all future generations
Catholic Beliefs about creation
Creation ex nihilio god created the universe out of nothing
Can be found in bile , but also can be found in st Augustine’s writings (confessions xii)
“You, O Lord made something in the beginning, which is yourself, inn your wisdom, which is born of your own substance, and you created something out of nothing “[St Augustine confessions xii]
Origins of universe - Big Bang
Current scientific theory is universe was created by Big Bang
Big Bang claims that all matter was originally concentrated into a tiny point which as a result of a massive explosion in space 13.7th years ago , expanded into universe no is still expanding
Different beliefs about Orignins of UNiverse- Big bNAG
Stephen hawkings is an atheist- doubts existence of god as can explain origins of world and universe without needin god
Powerful telescopes can detect evidence of background radiation which is thought to be left from initial expansion at the start of the universe
Catholic views
Happy to accept Big Bang , it support belief that god created universe out of o thing
May Christian’s catholics included accept scientific explanations ad understand genesi symbolically , not as a scientific explanation of the beginning of te word, but it is a theological statement about the world relationship with God
Who proposed the Big Bang theory
A catholic priest Fr Georges Lemaître
Differing Christian attitudes about the creation story
Story of creation was written thousands of years before modern science existed
Fundamentalist- account in bible is accurate. This belief is known as creationsim
Thy believe that:
Creation of world and everything took place in 6 Callander days
Comes from view that the bible is the inspired word of God, which is never mistaken
Catholics- read it symbolically, believes it reveals some important things about the nature of the world and humanity . Although the 2 accounts of genesis are different they share the same truths
Some Christian’s - not meant to be take literally, some try and harmonisescientifc and biblical accounts claiming each day may represent billions of years
Jewish beliefs-
In Judaism :
God is creator
God is al source of life
Each week celebrate Shabbat-recalling that god made the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested
Jews like Catholics believe in the 2 stories of creation which are both in Genesis
Orthodox- generally believe;
True accounts and were revealed to Moses by God
Some have difficulty accepting scientific ideas
Reject evolution and Big Bang
Reform+Liberal Jews- Shouldn’t be taken as historical facts
Others believe- god started creation through the Big Bang and has guided the creation of life through evolution
Conflict between science and religion
•Catholics say there is no conflict between science and religion
•There is only conflict if someone interprets the bible literally
Conflict between science and religion quote
“ In his encyclical Human, generis(1950)
My predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith regarding
man and his vocation.” Pope John Paul II message to the
pontifical Academy of sciences: on Evolution 22 October 1996, paragraphs 3-4.
Theories of evolution
Prpeseod by Darwin
Idea that 0ranism gradually change +develop into new species by a process known as natural selection
Takes millions of years to come about
Supported by fossil records
DNA research shoes many similarities between species
Richard Dawkins
Modern supporter of a rigid scientific view
He is an atheist
Velvets evolution disproves the need for God and the belief that humans have sould
Argues that living ornagisms body is just a survival machine for its genes and does not serve any other purpose
Humans are just genetic mutations and are just advanced animals
Catholic views
Don’t rad bible literally pope john Paul II restated the view of pope piques that there is no conflict between evolutions and he doctrine of faith:
“ In his encyclical Human, generis(1950)
My predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith regarding
man and his vocation.” Pope John Paul II message to the
pontifical Academy of sciences: on Evolution 22 October 1996, paragraphs 3-4.
other Christian Views
Some do not accept theory of evolution as they elite it is an attack on their faith as they interpret the bible literally
The Four Evangelists
(Mark,Matthew, Luke and John)
The image for Matthew is a man. Matthew is the Gospel of Christ’s humanity an his humbleness and humility are highlighted through the book
•Mark is a winged lion. The winged lion , which signifies leadership and royalty, is therefore seen as a symbol of Christ as king
•The image for Luke is a winged ox-an o was used in sacrifice in the Temple. The winged ox is a reminder of the priestly character of Jesus and of his sacrificial death fro the sins of all mankind
•The image for John is a flying eagle. An eagle is of the sky. This book is totally unlike the three other gospels in that it begins with a gig theological meditation upon the meaning of the fact of Christ
Catholic Social Teachings- teachings about human dignity
At the hear of CST is dignity. Catholics believe that humans were created in the image of God, and that each human life is sacred. This is linked to Jesus teaching that we must love our own neighbour , as we love ourselves. C take a strong potion on issues to beginning and ending of life e.g abortion and euthanasia, but this belief has a huge impact on ho catholics support people with disabilities, how they address global inequality and their approach to civil right issues
Need sowa
CST- Teachings about justice peace and reconciliation
Peace and reconciliation are at the heart of the gospel. Catholic social teaching condemns them arms trades and supports those who refuses to take up arms on grounds of conscience. Loos to kingdom of God and looks t find ways we can relate a lasting lead in the world.
Common Good
The Church promotes the idea of the common good. This means
seeking the conditions in society that promote the fulfilment of all
people, both as individuals and as groups. In order for people to
flourish and reach their potential, society needs to promote respect
for human rights and the dignity of each person, space to develop
spiritual and material well-being, and peace and security within
Need sowa
Interfaith Dialogues- how is Britain a multi faith society
• The UK has a strong Christian heritage, but modern Britain is a
multi-faith society, including Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and
in the UK people have retigious freedom which means it is up to the
individual to choose which religion they practise or not.
Atheism, not believing in God, is much more common now.
What is an interfaith dialogue
Means cooperative, constructive and positive engagement between diff faiths and e theists to :
•Promote mutual understanding, respect tolerance and harmony
•Identify common ground
•Engage ins sharped action for the common good of society
Why is an interfaith dialogue needed?
Many benefits
E.g diff cultures and traditions
Foods, loathes music literature
New ways of living ad enjoying life
Builds greater tolerances for eachother and respect an understanding to those who have a diff viewpoint o us
Leads to a safe harmonious society
The Catholic Church and interfaith dialogue
•Feel have a duty to put acrossgospel message
•Believe non-Christian religions have some truth, but only Christianity only has the whole truth
•Other religions should be respected
•All people are created in image of God
•The popes have spoken out about the importance of respect and
tolerance between different faiths: For example, Pope Benedict said,
“Together with all people of good will, we aspire to peace. That is why
I insist once again: interreligious and intercultural research and dialogue
are not an option but a vital need for our time. (February 2007)
• The Vatican Ii Council stressed the importance of dialogue with Jews and Muslims,
Catholic Charities-why they exist
Being a catholic isn’t just about praying on things you may do on Sundays. It is putting faith into action, and involves every aspect of life. Catholic charities try to reflect Catholic beliefs that:
•humans were created in image and likeness of god, each human is sacred
•Thi is linked to Jesus Teachinng that we must “2love our neighbour,as we love ourselves”
•Respect for human life means respecting all of God’s creation
Catholic Fund for Oversees Development(CAFOD)
Started by catholic bishop in 1962
I is and organisation which tries to live out the Churche’s is soon on a global scale. T tries to help those in need. It promotes long- term development so that the les-developed countries can support themselves
•Has a disaster fund to help natural disasters and refugees, Emergency aid may mean sending food, medicines and shelters to victims of sister and war
•About 5% of budget spent on educating the people and churches of England and Wales about the need for development and they ways in which Catholics can help less-developed countries
•Works for social justice challenging unfairness and tries to bring an end to poverty
St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Organisation of Catholics who try to help those in need in the uk can be found in small groups which a recalled conferences in schools, churches,parishes universities
Their activities may include following:
• Regular visiting and personal care to help families who are finding it
difficult to organise their family or home.
Helping the lonely or bereaved and the housebound.
Visits to individuals and families, to the sick at home or in hospitals
and hospices, to residential homes and to offenders’ institutions.
Visiting housebound elderly people to prevent them from feeling isolated.
Many appreciate a friendly face and enjoy a chat over a cup of tea.
Shopping, decorating, gardening, filling in official forms and making
sure people are receiving their statutory benefits.
Organising children’s camps for children from poor or troubled homes,
and holiday schemes to provide a break for family carers, to give poor
families a holiday or a break.
Organising stores for unwanted furniture, which can be used when
housing the homeless.
Providing drop-in centres to give lonely people an opportunity to socialise
Young Vincentians are the younger members of the St Vincent de Paul
Society. The SVP has a successful programme in primary schools called
“Mini Vinnies’. For secondary school-aged youth they have Youth SVP.
Creation EX nihilio
Creation out of nothing. Before God created the
universe, nothing existed. Only God can create
out of nothing.
The process of mutation and natural selection
which leads to changes in species over time to
suit particular environments.
The word used to describe all of the ways in
which God makes himself known to human
beings. Christians believe that God does this
finally and fully in the person of Jesus Christ.
The duty to care for creation responsibly,
as stewards rather than consumers, and to
protect it for future generations.
Existing outside of space and time. God exists
in a way that makes him nothing like anything
else that exists: above and beyond creation.