Sin And Forgiveness Flashcards
What is a sin?
An act against the will or laws of God
What is Absolutism?
Belief that there are certain actions that are always right or always wrong. The belief that moral laws exist eternally and are not just human interventions
What is relativism?
The belief that there is no moral law and that the rules that govern what is right and what is wrong are human inventions and change from place to place or from age to age depending on the situation.
What is a crime
When someone breaks the law
Laws are in place to show what unacceptable behaviour is so people can live safely and without fear
Laws are made by goats and can vary from country to country . For example in some states of America you need to be 21 to buy alcohol but uk its 18
Absolute morality in more detail
This is when people have principles such as stealing is wrong and applies to all situations
e.g if someone steals food because they are starving and have no money some people would view this as wrong
Another is taking someone’s life this would apply in situations like euthanasia abortion and premeditated murder so taking a life due t slef defence is still seen as wrong e.g in war some people still see it as wrong
Relative morality in more detail
Idea that oral principle can be adapted so stealing principle is wrong but stealing due to hunger and lack of money would be deemed reasonable same as killing someone’s it of defence would be seen reasonable (in exam could use examples of police or protection agencies that protect the govt representatives
What are the aims(rationales) of punishment?
Deterrence- putting people off cries- punishments can’t be too harsh to deter people they must be proportionate to the crime, knowing that there will be a punishment it will make the criminal think twice before breaking the law, seeing criminals being punished puts other people off committing the same crime
Rehabilitation- helping criminals reform through education, counselling and training so they don’t re-offend, means that criminals are less likely to commit crime again and helps them to become productive members of society, studies have found that societal factors like poverty an poor parents mean that people are more likely to turn to crime , unless these are addressed then people will continue to reoffend
Retribution- Makingcriminls pay for what they have done- for Christian punishments should be motivated by justice not revenge, people feel that it i s fair and just that criminals get what they deserve ’an eye for an eye’
What is a punishment?
The consequence of a wrong decision and a penalty imposed by a person in authority on the person who has committed the wrong-doing
T a o p s f t o t h c y, o o a p f
The act of pardoning someone for their offences they have caused you, or overlooking a persons faults
Christina teachings about forgiveness
It’s at heart of gospel message
Jesus’ teaching shows Christians that they should treat others with compassion,love and mercy and forgveness
In Matthew 18;21 in the parable of the unforgiving servant , Jesus makes it clea that there are no limits for forgiveness
The importance of forgiveness is emphasised in the Lord’s Prayer,this allows Christian’s can only receive forgiveness from golf they forgive others
Examples of Jesus forgiving ad as Christian’s want to follow how Jesus lived which was with love and compassion they can learn about forgiveness from Jesus:
Forgiving a woman caught committing adult army
He visited the tax collector who cheated and allowed reform
Parable of prodigal son in one of Jesus’ best known stories - where the father forgives his son even though he had don e wrong
Peter asked jesus how many times her should forgive his brothers and sisters for sinning against him an d said seven times but jeus replied with 77 times
Catholic teachings on capital punishment
Traditionally the church allowed it but now is against
St Augustine emphasises the need to seal punishement
Pope john Paul II in evangelium. Vita 56 suggested capital punishment should be avoided unless it is the only way to defend society from the offender
The co c stilll stands “ if bloodless means are sufficient to defend humans lives against the aggressors and to protect the public order and safety of person , public authority must limit t these means
Letter 153 to Macedonius , 3. We pity the person but hate the offence or transgression, the more we dislike the vice questions the less d we want the offender to die without correcting his vices, there is no space t reform character except in this life
The there is no space to reform character except in this lifeis a real significant
We would prefer to have them set free than to have the sufferings of our brothers avenged by shedding blood - letter 134 to apringius 4
Augsutine said these tow
Pope Francis said he is against death penalty And saying it is no longer justifiable
“Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth, hand f a hand , foot for a foot”
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”
Redemption definition
The forgiveness of sines through jesus sacrifice redemption is part of slavtion
Salvation defentition
The belief that through jesus death and resurrection humanity has achieved the ossibility if life forever with god
Paschal myster
The suffers death an reserectuion of jeusu
Refers to jesus revising from the dead
The meaning and significance of salvation for Catholics
Catholics believe that salvation is part of gods plan, humans turned their back on god by sinning . The original sin was committed by Adam and Eve in genesis 3 this brought the need for salvation
The ccc says that jesus ofers salvation that humans humans beings are saved by jesus life on earth his death and resurrection an d ascension , Jesus accomplished this work of salvation principally by the paschal mystery of his belessed passion reserection from the dead and glory s ascension,
Christians belove that:
Humans rejected god by their sins, human are so important to god that god sent Jesus to free humans from the effect of sinfulness
Their relationship with god depends on jeus life death and resurrection without it they cannot be close to gd or obtain for forgiveness and accept Jesus Christ as the son of god an the saviour of the role
The role of grace in redemption
Grace is the love and mercy shown by go because god wants people to have it , not because they have done anything to deserve to earn it .it is a free and undeserved gift from god . Jeus is the saviour of the world for Christian they believe they sod not deserve this but are freely given it by god . They must accept this freely i faith
The life death resurrection and ascension of jesus
During his life jesus showed what Gods like and how to live for example
•He taught us that god is a loving father
•love is at the hear of th gospel message
•god has a special for th poor and needy”the first will be last and the last will be first”
Jesus showed gods care by forgiving sins and healing the sick jesus spent his ice with the poor and needy
Death of Jesus
The gospel record that after the last supper jesus wen with his disciple pesto the garden of gethsemsan
Jeus death s often described as sacrifice:
In the bible animal sacrifice was common
The person making the sacrifice hopes to mend a relationship with god
The animal was seen as taking th blame for something it did not do and the sacrifice was beloved to free human being s from sin they had committed
Jesus total obedience to god was so powerful that it made up fro the sins of human being in the way other could not
The resurection
The resurrection is the central belief of Christianity and lies at the heart
of the Christian faith. The gospels record that after Jesus died on the
cross, his body was buried, but he rose from the dead three days later.
• Catholics believe Jesus overcoming death proves he was the Son of
God. Only God can conquer death.
• The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus is their saviour.
The ascenison
The gospels’ account of Jesus’ ascension tells how he was taken up into
heaven 40 days after his resurrection. The significance of the ascension
for Catholics is:
• Jesus’ mission on the earth was complete,
• He had completed everything God the Father had intended him to do.
• Jesus returns to heaven to prepare a place for his followers.
• Jesus’ ascension prepared the way for the Holy Spirit to come to earth,
as he had promised at the Last Supper.
Sacrifice defection
Means to make an offering f yourself or a gift at a big cost
The resurrection
The resurrection is the central belief in Christianity and lies at the heart of th Christian faith, the gospels record that after jesus died on the cross, his body was buried, but he rose from the dead three days later.:
•catholics believ jesus overcoming death proves he wa the son of god ,only god can conquer death
•the resurrection demonstrates that jesus is their saviour
The ascension
The gospels account of jesus ascension tells us how he was taking up into have an 40 days after his resurrection the significance of the ascension for catholics is
Jesus mission on the earth was complete
He had completed everything god the father had intended to do
Jeus returns to raven to prepare a place for his followers
Jesus ascension prepared the way for th holy spite to come to earth as he promised at the last supper
The nature of the church the four marks of the church
At the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople church leaders agreed upon a single stamentmt of faith called the Nicene creed
•The church is one:the catechism notes th the church is one for 3 reasons- because its source which is the holy trinity
Because of its founder; jesus
Because its soul the holy sir it who dwells in the souls of the faithful
The church is the unity of the body of Christ
•The church is holy jesus makes the church holy and uses it to make people holy this is done through teaching prayer and worship
•te church is catholic - saint ignatius of Antioch used this word meaning universal or hole to describe the church. The church hosts task of reaching out to the whe world with the message of jeus
•apostolic- catholics believe jesus founded the church and gave his authority to his apostles . He entrusted a special authority to St. Peter the first pope and bishop of Rome to act as a representative in earth. It is also apostolic s the faith is preserved and taught ad handed out y the apostles
Mary as a model of the church
Catholics hold Mary in great honour , she was chosen to be the human meter of god the son jesus chrichst without Mary = n jesus = no incarnation= no salvation
Mary is a true disciple she spent her whole life dedicated to jesus , when Mary was told by the angel thatshe was to be the mother of Christ she accepted wilingfullly and joyfully- this makes her a role model d and a guide to the way Christian’s should serve god
With Mary had total faith in go da dn her son. She did not question got s will when she was told that she would have a child even though she was a virgin , at the end she did not desert her son but as one fo his followers right up to the floor of th cross
Dedication - Mary is an example of self giving . She did not hold back but gave her hole life to god, this is how Christian should be too
The church as the body of Christ
St. Paul describes it as body of Christ in the new testemant in his letter to corinthsind
Catholics believe themselves it be physical form of jest on earth thy must continue the physical work , ministering sin teaching , for catholics this shows that jesus is stil in the active world
Jeus lives on earth through his followers
Each person within the church have a diff talent
They become part of church through baptism so become body of Christ
The share the host so become body of christ
‘Outside the church there is no salavtion’
Old tradition
In actuality mean that ha s god actsin the world to provide some way for me to become holy and therofee saved where do i find what i need to become loving and holy
Catechism of Catholic Church 845-846
A very old, traditional saying of the early Church fathers was: “Outside the
Church there is no salvation’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 845-846).
This claim does not mean that Protestants, non-Catholic Christians,
non-Christians and Atheists or agnostics are not saved. This claim is
not telling us that Catholics are in Heaven and everyone else is in Hell.
Rather it is an answer to the question of a sincere person who wants to
know, “Has God acted in the world to provide some way for me to be
holy and therefore saved? Where do I find what I need to become holy,
more loving?
• The first part of the teaching echoes Jesus’ own words in John’s Gospel:
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father,
but by me.’ Jóhn 14:6)
What about those who have never heard the Gospel? As long as they
live according to their conscience - they may achieve salvation. These
people are sometimes known as anonymous Christians.
• God can reach people with his grace to bring salvation to all people in
ways that we cannot know or understand.
Orientation of Catholic Church
Traditionally faced east to face holy land where emus was born lived and died and rose again, also sun rises from east this is. Reminder of jesus resurection
Chruch is a house of prayer in which the Eucharist is celebrated and reserved) - catechism of Catholic Church 1181
Sun rises in the east which symboiuses heart of Christianity Jesus through his reserection
What die seucharist mean
Thanksgiving it is the name catholics use to describe the rite where the bread and wine e comes bod and blood . Also the name for the real presence of Jesus in the sacrament of holy communion
SOWA for orientation of a church
A church a house of prayer in which the Eucharist is celebrated and reserved where the fithful assemble ought to be in good taste and a worthy place for prayer and sacred ceremonial
Architectural features on a church
Towers and steeples=worship residing to heaven
Tall with domes= creates space for god and heaven
Be in cruciform(crucifix shape) to signify the importance of death of Jesus
Simple in design as result of Vatican II and the changes it made in worship some 1960 plus are circular with altar in middle to represent one’s of the worshipper
Stained glass used - display stories from the bible ir lives of saints
Sacred object in the Chruch and link to salvation
All churches focuse on sanctuary meaning holy place
•altar- table structure- man in action of mass comes from here , priest consecrates bread and one altar reminds Christian’s the sacrifice of death , jeus offers redemption and salvation from sin, also remind catholics of fellowship meal of last supper - one of the ost important sacraments
•lectern-Read from i t litharge of word scripture is read from here catholics believe they are nourished and fed by listening to word of god
•baptismal font- first sacrament by which a person become Cristian
•crucifix reminder of the suffering of jeus , catholics believe that the death of Jesus was the price he paid for their salvation
•tabernacle - sacrament is reserved here catholics will kneel and look towards (genuflect to te tabernacle in honour of the presence of jesus reserved in the blessed sacrament - host is kept here
Other sacred objects
Stroud/ e\water container contains dolly water signs the sly gritty snd their baptisma and focuses mind on reverentttidue when entering church
Stations of cross
What i a sacrament
Outward sign of inward grace ordained by God, by which grace is given by the soul
Sacramental nature of reality
Whole of creation shows the presence of god
•Gods presence and love are not distant things but realities all round us everyday. This involve seeing vetnatural and human thing as a way for god to communicate with us
Though sacraments catholics recieve nourishing healing forgiving and strengthening power this helps them build their relationship with god
7 sacraments of initiation
First step of lifelong journey o commitment. Anddiscipleshi- water is poured o. Abbas head wile the priest or deacon says i batiste you in the name of the father….
Meaning and significance - become part of the family of god takes away original sin
•Confirmation-done when older , usually given by bishop, it is done by laying -on of hands on a person;s head and anointing with oil
Meaning and significance - completes sacrament of baptism- if baptism is the sacrament of maturity and coming age , it gives strength to follow jesus to become invited in the mission of the church
•Eucharist-lat supper bread wine jesus asked followers to re enact meal when hey one together
Meaning and significance both sacrifice no meal they believe its the real preacher of jesus who dies for humanities
sins, as they recieve his body and blood , they are fed spiritually
The below are sacraments of healing:
Meaning and significance- by expressing sorrow for sins catholics can experience gods forgiveness in the acrament of reconciliation
•anointing of the sick— anointed with oil a symbol of strength
Meaning an significance
Unites a sic person suffering with tat of jesus and brings forgiveness of sins, it brings strength in illness comforts from suffering and prepares those close to death to meet god
The below are sacrament sof service of communion
•holy orders- signs are laying -on hands and anointing with oil by bishop
Meaning and significance
Men are ordained as priests, deacons or bishops so they act in place f Christ
•matrimony- the couple give sacrament to eachother and their weeding rings and vows are the sign of this sacrament
Meaning and significance
In matrimony or marriage a baptised an and woman are untied as a sign of the unity between Jesus and his church. God is present through the couple’s lifelong love commitment to eachother
Importance of mass
It is said to be the “Source and summit of the Christian life” because being unified with god is th most important thing to catholics. It is at the heat of thrift spiritual life , they become closer to god because they recieve jesus in communion
•re enact sacrifice of jesus so is the heat form of prayer a believer can make
•Communion - christsboy and blood spiritually feeds the believer
• makes individual catholics part if th did of jeus or the church
Catholics believe that Christ is present in the Mass;
•in the consecrated bread and wine, which are Jeus body and blood
• in the readings , since jeu is the word of god and the readings especially the gospel
•in the believers gathered together
•in the person of the priest (catholics believe that Christ works through the misery of the priesthood to transform th bread and wine into hos blood hand)
Teachings or evangelising
Jesus sent his apostles on a mission to make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father the son and the holy spirt
Evangelii gaudium
The joy of the gospel -should do this through love
2013 pope Francis wrote a letter to the world on theme of the Church’s mission of evangelisation in the modern world.
He wants a church which is poor and for th poor
The pope says:catholics must care for homeless
Parishes should be e locking places
Catholics should be outward looking - this means they should look for new ways to spread the gospel message
“the main reason for evangelisation is to share the love of God”
Evangelisation quotes
“The main reason for evangelisation is to share the love of God”
Is forgiveness just letting people off
In the Bible, there is a tension between forgiveness and punishment. As
well as teaching about forgiveness Jesus also spoke about justice. He also
spoke about God’s punishment for wrong-doers, in the next life, On
judgement day, God will judge all humans according to how they have
behaved. If they have behaved justly they will be rewarded in heaven,
It is up to God to judge people and he will forgive those who are truly
sorry for what they have done and want to change.
Many Christians believe that punishment and forgiveness can go together.
Many Christians would see the main role of punishment as being to help
the person invofved to reform.
Arguments For and Agaisnt Capital punishment
Jesus never taught the death penalty
was wrong.
The Old Testament teaches that the
death pénalty should be used for some
Some Christians would argue that
the death penalty upholds the
commandment thou shalt not kill’ by
showing the seriousness of murder as a
4 St Paul teaches that Christians should
accept and obey the laws of their
country, which might include the death
The Catholic Church has not cancelled
their statements that capital
punishment can be used by the state.
Jesus came to save (reform) sinners, but you cannot
reform a dead person.
2 The fifth Commandment says, “Do not kill.’
as a
Jesus said that revenge is wrong. Matthew 5:38 You have
heard that it was said, “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.
But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps
you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek
4 Christianity teaches that all life is sacred, if abortion and
euthanasia are wrong so is capital punishment. Only God
has the right to give and take away life.
The overall message of Christianity is love and
forgiveness so capital punishment goes against this.
There is always a risk that the wrong person might be
Saint Augustine says we should try to use other forms of
punishment if possible.
Non religious views
1. Retribution is a major part of punishment and only retribution for murder is death penalty
2 Human life is most important thing there is the value will only be shown by giving those who take lives the worst possible punishment
3 acts as a good deterrent
No court can be sure correct verdict is given
Stats shoe socuntires without death penalty have lower murder rates(but is this why the death penalty is needed in some places as it is so high?)
Murderers regard life imponesment worse than death
A loving Gods mercy
Some people might ask the question *a loving God would want to save
everyone. He would not want to condemn anyone to hell.’
Humans have free will and must choose how to spend their life.
If a person chooses to do evil, then they will be far from God no
matter how much God wants them to come to him
God’s love is unconditional but he cannot force it upon us, we have to
accept it.
• The idea of free will means that God can only offer salvation: it is up
to the individual to accept that offer.
Catholic Bleiefsa aabout the relationship between faith and salvation influence ideas on mission and evangelisation
This basic message of God’s love is passed on by the parish (celebration of the Mass,
sacraments, Bible study, charitable work, social events, parish retreats, outreach events,
etc.). Also the parish can engage with other Christian churches, other faith communities.
Individual Catholics might choose a career like teaching, medicine or caring which
demonstrates Christ’s love for the world. They might work as a catechist, sharing their
faith with other people. A catechist is someone who works in the parish preparing
people to receive the sacraments. Being married and raising children to follow Jesus is
one of the ways Catholics live out the gospel.
On a national level, the Bishops’ Conference of a
country helps Catholics to know and share the gospel.
In 2015 a national evangelisation initiative called
Proclaim “15; building missionary parishes, was
introduced by the Church through Cardinal Vincent
Nichols: it was designed to affirm the good work
that is already being done by the Catholic community,
and to provide resources to develop new expressions
of Catholic missionary outreach, Individual Catholics
might attend national events and conferences to
share their faith.
The Church proclaims the gospel to
the whole world through the global
figure of the Pope who visits countries
representing the Church. He attends
World Youth Days. The Church also
uses modern media like Twitter and
The Church lives out the Gospel in
the work of international charities
Evangelising Britain:Benefits and challenges
The UK is a multi-faich society in which people of different religions,
and no religion, live alongside each other. According to the 2011 census,
the profile of religious belief in Britain has changed. Results of the 2011
census compared to the 2001 census show an increase in the diversity
of religious and non-religious beliefs and practices (including those of
Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Humanism
and Atheism), while also showing that over half of those who responded
considered themselves Christian. Britain is now a place which has an
increasingly diverse pattern of religious and non-religious beliefs and
This diversity brings benefits and challenges. The Catholic Church
teaches that people of other faiths should be respected and Catholics
should be sensitive to those who have no beliefs yet seek to do good.
Less people are familiar with the gospel story now also less people attend
church regularly so it might be difficult to reach people.
Religious diversity problems with evangelisation
Greater tolerance and understanding of the beliefs of others.
• Varied and rich cultural life from experiencing the religions and
traditions of others.
• Better understanding of different viewpoints.
• New ways of living and enjoying life.
It is not always easy to be open and understanding towards the
views of others.
• Tensions can exist between different faith groups.
• Some people’s beliefs and values may be ignored.
• How can Christians spread the gospel if people aren’t
interested in it?
• Conversion - there can be issues where one group of religious
believers try to convert another, to their faith, which could
cause conflict.
• Interfaith marriages - when two members of different religions
get married. This could cause conflict between families with
different beliefs and values.
• Raising children - within interfaith marriages both parents
might want their children raised within their own faith. This
could lead to confusion and arguments.