TOLD Definitions and Assumptions Flashcards
4-Engine Climb-out Flight Path
Based on 4-engine acceleration from brake release to lift-off at normal take-off speed. After lift-off, the airplane pitches for and climbs at obstacle clearance speed. Gear retraction is initiated 3 seconds after lift-off. After gear is up, the airplane accelerates to flap retraction speed, at which time flap retraction is initiated. After the flaps are up, the airplane accelerates to best climb speed and continues to climbing at that speed.
Threshold Speed (Max Effort Landing) - Minimum Threshold Speed
- 28 x power-off stall speed (100% flaps)
- 106.5 KIAS minimum
Refusal Speed (Vr) define
- Assumptions
- Contributing Factors
The maximum speed to which the airplane can accelerate on all engines, experience an engine failure, and then stop within the remaining runway available.
Assumptions: 2 engines in reverse (symmetrical power), 2 engines in ground idle (one propeller wind-milling), and max anti-skid braking.
Contributing Factors: Take-off factor, runway available, gross weight
Take-Off Speed (Max Effort… Obstacles are a Factor)
1.2 x power-on stall speed (Vmeto)
Assumptions for max recommended crosswind component for take-off
The max recommended crosswind component that the airplane can be subjected to on the ground while maintaining directional control.
Assumptions: 50% flaps, max thrust on all engines, RCR, gross weight, use of NWS, rudder control, 5 degrees of crab into the crosswind, 3 degrees of bank into the crosswind, no asymmetric braking or asymmetric power applied.
Minimum Runway Length (Normal Landing)
Landing Distance (peacetime mins: 3000 feet long/ 80 feet wide) MAJCOM/A3/DO may waive runway and taxiway width requirements
Take-off Speed (Normal Take-off) Vt/o
1.1 x power-off stall speed or Vmca 1 engine inop in ground effect (whichever is higher)
Acceleration Check Time
Required when refusal speed is less than take-off speed. Always apply 100% of the runway component (headwind steady wind value plus the gust increment / tailwind steady wind value plus the gust increment).
Touchdown Speed (Max Effort Landing)
- 2 x power-off stall speed (100% flaps)
- 97 KIAS minimum
Minimum Flap Retraction Speed (Normal Take-off)
Obstacle clearance speed
4-Engine Max Effort Climb-Out Flight Path
Based on 4-engine max power acceleration from brake release (engines are stabilized at max power) to liftoff at max effort take-off speed (Vmeto). After liftoff, the airplane pitches for and climbs at max effort obstacle clearance speed (minimum control speeds are disregarded). Gear retraction is initiated 3 seconds after lift-off. After clearing the obstacle (Vmaxobs), the airplane accelerates to flap retraction speed (Vmaxobs + 10 KIAS), at which time flap retraction in initiated. After the flaps are up, the airplane accelerates to best climb speed and continues climbing at that speed.
Recommended - all bleed air systems be turned off to ensure that maximum take-off power is obtained.
Take-Off Speed (Max Effort)
1.2 x power-on stall speed (Vmeto) or Vmca 1 engine inop in ground effect (whichever is higher)
Ground Minimum Control Speed (Vmcg) define
- Assumptions
- Contributing Factors
The minimum speed at which the airplane may lose the #1 engine during take-off ground run and still maintain directional control.
Assumptions: #1 Engine inoperative with propeller wind-milling on NTS, max power on all operating engines, bleed: zero or normal, flaps: 50% (3000psi rudder boost), rudder deflection: max available limited by 180 pound pedal force or max rudder surface deflection (whichever occurs first), max deviation from runway centerline of 30 feet, wings level.
Contributing Factors: Outside air temp, pressure altitude, nose-wheel steering capability
Max Effort Landing profile
Normal traffic patterns will be flown unless airfield situations or mission requirements dictate otherwise. Select GCAS/TAC if desired. When established on final approach and at the pilot’s discretion, slow to max effort threshold speed. During gusty wind conditions, the max effort approach, threshold, and touchdown speeds will be increased by the full gust increment, not to exceed 10 knots (any increase in touchdown speed will increase the minimum runway length required).
Rate of descent on the approach should be adjusted to arrive over the end o the runway at max effort threshold speed with approximately a 500 fpm rate of descent. Intended point of touchdown should be 100 - 300 feet down from the approach end of the runway markers.
Flap Retraction Speed (Normal Take-Off)
Take-Off Speed plus 20 KIAS
Threshold Speed (Normal Landing) - Minimum threshold speed?
- 35 x power off stall speed
- 106.5 KIAS minimum