TOEFL Barrons Flashcards
Acceptable, allowable, satisfactory
The idea was permissible to everyone.
Praise, enthusiastic approval, applause
Isaac Stern has won acclaim abroad.
Acclaimed authors often win pulizer prizes.
Unfavorable, displeasing, objectionable
Adverse weather conditions made it difficult to play the game.
His indecision adversly affected his job performance.
Independant, by itself, with no association
Mexico became an autonomous state in 1817.
Although working closely with the goverment, all businesses function autonomously.
Disapproval, the act of disagreeing
Their objection of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned.
The students objectioned of the olan of study.
Disturbing , causing confusion and intrruption
Frequent quistions during lectures can be disruptive.
The storm caused a disruption in bus service.
Arbitrary, carelessly, having no order or pattern
It was obvious that the house was built haphazardly.
Susan completed the assignment in a haphazard way.
Constant, continous,refusing to give up, firm in action
The attorney’s presistant quistioning weakend the witness.
Her presistence earned her a spot on the team.
Appearance, the coming or arrival of sth.
With the advent of computers, many tasks have been made easier.
The newspapers announced the advent of the concert season.
Nimble, able to move in a quick and easy way
Deer are very agile animals.
She moved agilely across the stage.
Although , in spite of the facts, regardless of the fact
His trip was successful, albeit tiring.
Albeit difficult at times, speaking another language is rewarding.
Alluring, attractive or intersting, able to move feelings
Working abroad is apealing to many people.
Through his speeches, the candidate appealed to the voters.
Apealing , attractive or intrested
Workng abrad is alluring to many people.
Renown, acclaimed, famous, well known or popular
The celebrated pianistwill give a concert this weekend.
San fransisco is celebrated for its multicultural makeup.
Modern, current, up to date
Contemporary architecture makes very good use of space.
Cervantes was a contemporary of Shakespeare.
Distribute, to devide among people, give out
Many publishers distribute their newspapers directly to homes in their area.
The distribution of seeds is very quick with this new machine.
Encourage, to. Give courage or hope to sb.
Even though the runner finished second, he was encouraged by his performance.
His teacher give him the encouragement that he needed to learn the material.
Energetic, full of life, action
Sam hasn’t been vigorous as he usually is.
Fragile, weak in health or body
The frail wings of the newborn bird could not lift it off the ground.
One of the frailties of human beings is laziness.
Perfect, to make pure
Factories must refine oil before it can be used as fuel.
A squirt of lime juice is the perfect refinement to cola.
Rewarding, value in doing sth.
It was worthwhile waiting 10 hours in line for the tickets.
It’s worthwhile to prepare for the TOEFL.
Predict, to think about or prepare for sth ahead of time
No one can anticipate the results of the game.
They planned their vacation with anticipation.
Adapt, to follow stablished rules or behavior
You must conform to the rules or leave the club.
She has always been a conformist.
Enhance, to make rich, to make sth of great value
The fine arts enrich our lives.
The discovery of oil was an enrichment for the country.
Highten, to make stronger in feeling or quality
The importance of the test will sometimes intensify the nervousness of the students.
The chess match was played with great intensity.
Revitalize, to bring back sth., to return to the oreginal condition
He restored my confidence in him.
It is a beautiful restoration of the old table.
Indispensible, of great importance, full of life
Money is vital to the success of the program.
His intense vitality was easily observable.
Sth unusual, serious, or violent that happens
Any witnesses to the incident should speak to the police.
The protest finished without incident.
A stronge feeling of intrest and enjoyment.
He sang with enthusiasm.
A teacher who shared my enthusiasm for history.
The new students were full of enthusiasm.
To say public that sb has done sth well or that u admire him
Mr. Bonner praised Jill for the quality of her work.
A highly praised speech.
Based on or relating to facts.
The movie has many factual errors.
Attractive or intresting
An appealing smile.
These adventure stories are particulary aplealing to young readers.
Decided pr arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly
There are too many arbitrary rules and regulations.
Law, lawyer
Squirt (verb)
If u squirt liquid or it squirts,it is forced out of a narrow hole in a thin fast stream
To hit or cover sth or sb with a stream of liquid
You need to squirt some oil in the lock.
The children squirted each other with the hose.
Squirt (noun)
A fast thin stream of liquid, a word used when speaking to small child
A squirt of ketchup
Hey squirt, it’s time to wake up.
Hose (verb)
To wash or pour water over sth or someone, using a hose
Would u hose down the car for me?
Hose sb/sth»_space;> down/off
Hose (noun)
لوله اي ك به نازل انتقال مايع يا گاز وصل است و قابليت خم شدن و منتقل سدن دارد و معمولا از جنس پلاستيك است
نازل بنزين مثلا ؛)
Determination to do sth even though it is difficult or other people oppose it
When sth continues to exist or happen specially for longer than is usual or desirable
Claudia’s persistance paid off and she got the job.
Thebank needed to act because of persistance of hogh inflation
A pleasent or exciting quality that attracts people
Alluring (adj)
The allure of travel.
To prevent sth from continuing in its usual way by causing problems
We can not allow terrorists to disrup our lives.
The blizzard disrupted transportation into the city.
A long heavy storm with a lot of wind and snow
The traditional stories or customs and etc. of the ordinary people of a particular area.
An occasion when sth is seen, specially when it’s sth unusual or rare
Sth that happens as the result of a particular action
She never thinks about the consequences of her actions.
He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences. (=accept the bad results of his action)
Cognizent of sth
Having knowladge or information about sth.
The social worker was cognizant of the fact that the boy’s father was abusive.
Showing that you believe sb or sth does not deserve any respect
Young people who are contemptuous of authority.
Impressive beauty
The splendor of Yousemite Valley.
Extreamly bad, of very bad quality
Coast (noun)
The land next to the ocean
The pacific coast
The west coast of mexico
A small beach house on the coast.
The coast is clear
(Informal) it is safe for u to do sth without being seen or caught
Let’s leave now while the coast is clear.
Coast (verb)
To succeed without using any affort
Wilson coasted to victory in the election.
Sb who thinks or behaves like everyone else because she does not want to be different
Too bad, painful, annoying for u to deal with
Her pain had became unbearable.
To make sth became strong or powerful again
The city has began to revitalize the downtown area.
The way u understand sth and your beliefs about what it is like
The way u use your sight, hearing, feeling …. To notice things
The natural ability to understand or notice sth quickly
A child’s perception of the world is not the same as an adult’s.
Drugs that alter perception.
I’m impressed by her perception and her grasp of the fact.
On the threshold of sth > at the begining of a new and important event or development
The level at which sth begins to happen or have an effect on sth.
In the 1990’s, we were on the threshold of a new period in telecommunications.
She has a high paing threshold.
Boring, old fashioned
A lake of sth that is needed, a weakness or fault in sth.
A vitamin deficiency.
the computer system has serious deficiencies.
Breakfast food made from grain and usually eaten with milk
A bowl of cereal.
Done or made so well that u do not notice where one part ends and another part begins.
The show is seamless blend of songs, dance, and storytelling.
Not sure whether sth is good.
Not seeming honest or safe or valuable
Employees are dubious about the proposed changes.
An idea based on dubious research.
A particular quality in someone’s character
His jealousy is one of his worst traits.
A law or set of laws
The act of making laws
Human rights legislation
Legilation can be an extreamly lengthy process.
افتاب پرست - حيواني ك ميتواند رنگ بدنش را هم رنگ محيط اطراف كند
Of unclear meaning, sth that can be understood in more than one way
The man recieved an ambiguous message from the boss.
His letter was full of ambiguities.
To be clear in meaning, easily understood, clear
It was apparent that he needed to rest.
No one apparently knew how to solve the problem.
To express or defend oneself strogly, to state positively, declare
The goverment asserted its control over the banking system.
The company president is an assertive indivisual.
Verry surprising, astonishing
The scientists made an astounding discovery.
The fans were astounding by their team’s sucess.
Very intelligent, smart, clever, perceptive
He was an astute worker, finishing in half the time it took the others to finish.
The astutely determined that there would be no chance to finish on time.
Sth depicted as true or good when it is false or bad, misleading
The magician deceptively made the rabbit disappear.
Richard decieved Joe about the cost of the coat.
To get the facts, to draw out, to evoke, extract
A lawyer will elicit all the facts necessary to prove her case.
Elicitation of the truth can be difficult at times.
To make a request, appeal
Canada petitioned the united Nations to consider its case.
The student’s petition was denied.
Tenacious, strong enough to recover from difiiculty or disease
She has a resilient personality and will soon feel better.
The doctor was surprised by his patient’s resilience.
Sway (verb)
To move slowly from one side to the other.
To try to influence sb to make a particular decision.
Palm trees swaying in the breeze.
Nothing you say will sway her.
Unclear because sb does not give enough details or say exactly what she means
John was a little vague about where he was going.
Vague promises to end the war.
Have a vague idea
To think sth might be true or that you remmember sth although you are not sure
To state officially and publicly that sth is happening or that sth is true
To say sth in a clear firm way
To officially state the value if things that you have bough or own or the amount of money u have earned, because u may have to pay taxes on them.
The U.S. Declared war on england in 1812.
He declared that he would never go back there.
You must declare your full income.
Very surprising
Astonishing news.
Good at noticing and understanding what is happening or what sb is thinking or feeling.
A perceptive young man.
Perceptive comments.
To describe or show character, situation, or even in writing or by using pictures.
The people depicted in the movie.
The god is depicted as a bird with a human head.
Determined, Doing sth because you feel very strongly that u are right
An official order that people must not do sth.
A global ban on nuclear testing.
A movement to LIFT the ban on travelling to Cuba.
The goverment banned Zhang FROM making films.
To officially give up the position of being king or gueen
Walk out, relegate
I officailly abdicate from my throne.
If we abdicate our roles as adults, it will be media and peers that educate our kids.
Abdicate (your) responsibility (formal)
To refuse to continue being responsible for sth.
A manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions
Relating to make decisions especially in a company or goverment or the organization
An executive committee.
Very determined to do sth, and unwilling to stop trying
To persuade sb to do sth by offering him sth nice
The tax break is meant to entice businesses to locate in the city.
To report sth in a way that is not completely correct so that the true meaning is changged.
To change the shape or sound of sth so tht it is strange or difficualt to recognize.
A reporter accused of distorting the facts.
Tall building can distort radio waves.
To protect sth from direct light or heat
She used her hand to shade her eyes from the sun.
To put things together especialy thing that are not normally together, in order to compare tham or make sth new
His art is made of photos juxtaposed with paited and drwn images.
An oppenion or feeling that you have about sth.
Feeling such as pity, love or sadness that are considered to be too strong or not appropriate for a particular situation.
Public sentiments against the war was growing.
There is no room for sentiment in the business!
Unlike laugher, or remarks intended to make sb or sth seem stupid
To lagh at a person, idea … Or to make unkind remarks about him
The other children made her an abject of ridicule
At the time, his ideas were ridicule.
A formal written agreement between two or more countries.
A peace treaty.
Relating to sky or heaven
One of the people or countries that sign an agreement
An idea that is wrong or untrue, but the people still believe
It’s a misconception that red meat cannot be part of healthy diet.
Set of laws and principles that a country or organization is governed by
Your general health and body’s ability to fight desease.
The structure of sth or the way sth is organized.
The constitution of united states.
A boy with a strong constitution
The constitution of earth’s crust.
Money paid by the goverment to people who are very poor or not working
Most of the people in this neighborhood are on welfare.
The study found that 90% of welfare reciptions are employable.
Can’t abide sth»_space; to hate sb or sth very much
Abide by»_space; to obey law or agreement
I can’t abide his stupid jokes.
If you’re going to live here, you will abide by my rules.
Sth that encourages you to work harder, start new activities
The goverment provides incentives for new businesses.
An area of ground around the house or in a park that is covered with grass
I should MOVE THE LAWN (cut the grass) today.
Sudden, quick, without warning
There was an abrupt change in the weather.
After the incident everyone left abruptly.
The scientific study of people, their societies, their beliefs and etc…
An occasion when an army enters a country using military force
The arrival of people or things at a place where they are not wanted
The invasion of Normandy.
Ron has tried everything to get rid of the invasion of ants in his kitchen.
The act of being involved in an argument, war… In order to affect or change what happens.
Is military intervention in the region necessary?
The right to stay permanently in a job at a university
The period of time when sb has an important job
The Mayor’s tenure in office.
To include all of a period of time
To include oll of a period of area
To go from one side of sth to the other side.
A career spanning four decades.
The internet spans the globe.
A bridge spanning the river.
To block a road, passage or sb’s view of sth.
To try to prevent someone from doing sth by making it difficult
The truck was on its side, obstructing two lines of traffic.
Federal officers accused Robbin of obstructing ther investigation
Gathered into
It is often followed by a term like sum, total or numbers.
It is impossible to judge last year’s performance without knowing the aggregate sales number.
Preparing the land to grow crops - improvment for agricaltural propose
Witn the development of land cultivation, hunters and gatherers wereable to settle in one place.
To supply with nourishment for plants by adding helpful substances to the soil
The farm fertilizes tomatoes more than any other crop
The suplying of water to dry land
In dry areas of the country, u can see diches all over the farmland for irrigation
Water that falls to the Earth’s surface
In the Pacific Northwest, the high level of precipitation ensures rich, green plant life.
Extreamly harmful, causing financial or physical ruin
The architect died in a catastrophic elevator accident.
A sudden, often violent, outburst
The eruption of Mount st. Helens in a 1980 caused 57 deathes and imeasurable change to the face of the mountain.
Severe hunger, a drastic food shortage
The potato famine in Ireland in mid-nigntheeth century caused large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.
To go down suddenly, to decrease by a great amount in a short time.
He jumped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.
The value of company’s stock plunged after its chief executive was arrested.
To release a thing or an emotion
When they saw the strange man on their property, they unleashed their dogs.
To be responsible for sth, to bravely accept or deal with a painful or dificcult situation
The federal goverment will bear the coast of the program.
Make water as hot as u can bear.
The pressure was more than he could bear.
Cloud, to make sth difficult to see
The whole accident is just a blur in my mind.
The rain blurred everyone’s view of the valley.
Fragile, needing careful treatment, sensitive
U must handle the antique delicately.
To intrest sb a lot, specially by being strange or mysterious.
I was intrigued by her story.
The interguing question baffled historians.
To intrest u very much
Mechanical things fascinate me.
We were fascinated to learn she had grown up in kenya.
Discard, to throw off naturally, to give out
In order to grow, crabs must shed their shells.
Hatch (v)
If an egg hatches or is hatched, it breaks and a baby bird, fish or insect is born.
A copy of sth, or someone’s speech, behaviour or the act of copying
Harry does an excellent imitation of elvis.
Children learn by imitation.
It is not an antique, it’s an imitation.
A valuable stone that has been cut into a partiqular shape.
Someone or sth that is very special.
Precious gems.
A little gem of a movie.
The quality of speaking, writing or thinking in a clear way
The clarity of Irvin’s writing style.
A type of very hard black or gray stone that makes a small flame when u strike it with steel
A group of stars that form a particular patternand has a name
Artificial teeth worn to replace the natural ones that someone has lost.
Mostly, most important or most commmon
Houses are made chiefly of wood products.
Corn is the chief crop of the midwest.
Rough, not fine or smooth
Sandpaper is an extreamly coarse material.
Extreamly, very, to an unusual degree
In tropical zones, it is exceedingly hot and humid.
It is not safe to exceed the speed limit.
No one else, nothing else, not shared with others
This room is used exclusively by the faculty
Massive, extreamly large
From the mountaintop u can see the immense valley.
She has immensely intrested in the idea of teaching a foreign language.
Certainly, really, truly
Did he indeed go to the infirmary?
It is very hot indeed.
A place were sick people can recieve medical treatment, specially in a place such as a school.
Rigid, not easy to bend, firm
The teacher was very stiff in his idea about class attendance.
Adhear to sth > To stick firmly to sth.
To continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement or belief
Not all the states adhered to the treaty.
Extreamly harmful, causing financial or physical ruin
The architect died in a catastrophic elevator accident.
A sudden, often violent, outburst
The eruption of Mount st. Helens in a 1980 caused 57 deathes and imeasurable change to the face of the mountain.
Severe hunger, a drastic food shortage
The potato famine in Ireland in mid-nigntheeth century caused large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.
To go down suddenly, to decrease by a great amount in a short time.
He jumped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.
The value of company’s stock plunged after its chief executive was arrested.
To release a thing or an emotion
When they saw the strange man on their property, they unleashed their dogs.
To be responsible for sth, to bravely accept or deal with a painful or dificcult situation
The federal goverment will bear the coast of the program.
Make water as hot as u can bear.
The pressure was more than he could bear.
Cloud, to make sth difficult to see
The whole accident is just a blur in my mind.
The rain blurred everyone’s view of the valley.
Fragile, needing careful treatment, sensitive
U must handle the antique delicately.
To intrest sb a lot, specially by being strange or mysterious.
I was intrigued by her story.
The interguing question baffled historians.
To intrest u very much
Mechanical things fascinate me.
We were fascinated to learn she had grown up in kenya.
Discard, to throw off naturally, to give out
In order to grow, crabs must shed their shells.
Hatch (v)
If an egg hatches or is hatched, it breaks and a baby bird, fish or insect is born.
A copy of sth, or someone’s speech, behaviour or the act of copying
Harry does an excellent imitation of elvis.
Children learn by imitation.
It is not an antique, it’s an imitation.
A valuable stone that has been cut into a partiqular shape.
Someone or sth that is very special.
Precious gems.
A little gem of a movie.
The quality of speaking, writing or thinking in a clear way
The clarity of Irvin’s writing style.
A type of very hard black or gray stone that makes a small flame when u strike it with steel
A group of stars that form a particular patternand has a name
Artificial teeth worn to replace the natural ones that someone has lost.
Mostly, most important or most commmon
Houses are made chiefly of wood products.
Corn is the chief crop of the midwest.
Rough, not fine or smooth
Sandpaper is an extreamly coarse material.
Extreamly, very, to an unusual degree
In tropical zones, it is exceedingly hot and humid.
It is not safe to exceed the speed limit.
No one else, nothing else, not shared with others
This room is used exclusively by the faculty
Massive, extreamly large
From the mountaintop u can see the immense valley.
She has immensely intrested in the idea of teaching a foreign language.
Certainly, really, truly
Did he indeed go to the infirmary?
It is very hot indeed.
A place were sick people can recieve medical treatment, specially in a place such as a school.
Rigid, not easy to bend, firm
The teacher was very stiff in his idea about class attendance.
Adhear to sth > To stick firmly to sth.
To continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement or belief
Not all the states adhered to the treaty.
Extreamly harmful, causing financial or physical ruin
The architect died in a catastrophic elevator accident.
A sudden, often violent, outburst
The eruption of Mount st. Helens in a 1980 caused 57 deathes and imeasurable change to the face of the mountain.
Severe hunger, a drastic food shortage
The potato famine in Ireland in mid-nigntheeth century caused large numbers of Irish people to emigrate to America.
To go down suddenly, to decrease by a great amount in a short time.
He jumped off the diving board and plunged into the pool.
The value of company’s stock plunged after its chief executive was arrested.
To release a thing or an emotion
When they saw the strange man on their property, they unleashed their dogs.
Relating to family relationships and life at home
Happening one country and not involving any other countries
A victim of domestic violence.
U.S. Foreign and domestic policy.
Any openion about whether a person, gorup or idea is good or bad, which influences how you deal with it
Some employees have a bias against women.
When analyzing data, you must avoid having a bias toward any particular result.
To eant sth that someone else has
The Michelin awards are coveted be restaurants all over the world.
Staying in a good condition for a long time
(Formal) continuing for a long time
Durable materials
A durable peace.
A long narrow piece of land that airplains can fly from and land on
باند فرودگاه
A hard surface of a board
As she fell off the bike, her arm hit the pavement.
To make sth dirty
Explain, to make clear
Chapter 2 of the textbook clarifies the process of osmosis.
A clarification of the goverment’s position on this matter is necessary.
Hide, to prevent from being seen or discovered.
The students concealed their feelings about the course.
His concealment of the evidence made his case more difficult to prove.
Easy to reach, near, suitable to one’s needs
The students union is convinient to the physical sciences building.
For the convinience of the student body, the library is located in a central location.
Different , various, distinct from others
He had many diverse intrests in psychology.
Successful, wealthy
In the early 1900s, san francisco was a prosperous city.
Bacteria prosper under the proper conditions.
Done for a special reason
The course syllabus was designed purposefully to be easy to follow.
Almost not, hardly
The woman scarcely spoke a word of english.
Due to scarcity of water, a rationing plan was established.
To become very succesful or very strong Nd healthy
Cactuses are able to thrive in dry conditions.
Done in a way that is intended. عمدي
Someone had set the fire deliberately.
One of the main areas of land on earth
The continent of africa.
To study the history, development or origin of sth.
To find someone or sth that has disappeared
To find out where the telphone call is coming from
He traced his family history back to the 17th century.
Police are still trying to trace the missing child.
Police were able to trace the call to an appartment in Brooklyn.
The light provided by a lamp, fire, etc.
Making u feel that a situation will not improve.
Sad because u don not have a lot of hope
Dark in a way that makes u feel sad
The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy.
Gloomy thoughts.
The cold gloomy weather.
Slight pain or a bad feeling
Sth that makes u uncomfortable
A feeling of embarrassment
We need to treat the diseasewithout increasing the discomfort of the patient.
The discomfort of long distance travel.
She could sense his discomfort at having to speak in front of a large group.
To make sth easier to notice
Her scarf accentuated the blue of her eyes.
Of various different types
A box of assorted cookies.
Not fully developed
The country’s embryonic nuclear weapons program.
Someone who goes to live in a new place, usually where there were few people before
Early settlers of the American West.
A low shelter at the side of a baseball field, where players and team officials sit
A house, apartment, etc. where people live
the openion and feelings that you usually have about someone or sth
The way that u behave toward sb or in a particular situation
The confidence to do unusual and exciting things without caring what other people think
I don’t like his attitude toward women.
She has a real attitude problem.
A young singer with attitude.
A small mark that spoils the appereance of sth or someone
A small blemish on her cheek.
To move on ur hands and knees or with your body close to the ground
If a vehicle crawls, it moves very slowly
Be crawling with sth means to be completely covered with insects or people
The baby crawled across the floor.
We got stuck behind a truck crawling along at 25 mph.
The food was crawling with ants.
Grind خرد كردن
The machine crushes corn to produce corn meal.
Passage of the legislation was a crushing blow to the president’s program.
To introduce a rule, punishment … And force people to accept it
To force sb to have the same idea as u
To ask or expect someone to domsth when it is not convenient for him to do it
City officials have imposed limits on commercial development.
Parents impose their values on their children.
I didn’t ask u because i did not want to impose.
To treat one person or group differently from another in an unfair way
To recognize a difference between things
A law that discriminates against immigrants.
U must learn to discriminate between facts and openions.
A part of sth or a small piece that has broken off of sth
Only fragments of the text have survived.
Glass fragments
Exact or correct in every detail
To be precise > used when u add exact details about sth
What is the precise location of the ship?
At the precise moment, the telephone rang.
He wasborn in April, on the 4th to be precise.
The type of money that a country use
Japan currency
Foreign currency
Difficult to see, hear or smell
A faint sound
A faint possibility/chance
A very small possibility
There is a faint hope that they are still alive.
Not have the faintest idea
To not know anything at all about sth
I don’t have the faintest idea what you are talking about.
To continue doing an activity or trying to achieve sth over a long time
To chace or follow someone or sth in order to catch hime
He left home to pursue a career in acting.
A police car pursued the suspect along Nordhoff Blvd.
The control of all or most of a business activity
The train company has a monopoly on/over services to New Jersey.
Have a monopoly on sth
To have complete control or possession of sth, so that other people can not have it
No country has a monopoly on bravery.
To suggest that sth might have happened or might be true
قياس منطقي
A strong desire to have or achieve sth
A young man with political aspiration.
Containing alit of parts or details
An intricate pattern
A large area of a flat land that is higher than the land around it
A period during which the level or amount of sth does not change
I had reached a plateau in my career.
The distance from one side of sth to the other side, specially sth very wide
A wide range or veriety
He could see the entire length and breadth of the canyon.
He had an enormous breadth of knowladge about his industry.
One of the people in a particular place
The inhabitants of large cities.
Clearly different or separate
A distinct possibility definitely exists and can not be ignored
Clearly seen, heard, smelled, etc.
African and asian elephents are distinct species.
There is a distinct possibility that we’ll all lose our jobs.
The distinct smell of cigarette smoke.
Not active now, but able to be active at a later time
A dormant volcano (اتشفشان)
Not colorful or intresting
A drab office building
Haveing a lot of small details or parts that are connected together in a complicated way
An elaborate design.
Elaborate plans for the wedding.
Extremely small
A minuscule amount of food.
Very simple and basic
A rudimentary knowladge of geometry.
To encourage more of an activity and help to develop faster
To make someone excited about sth
The proposed tax cut should help to stimulate the economy.
We hope the project will stimulate student’s intrest in science.
The order in which things happen
A series of related events, actions and etc.
Two of the pages were out of sequence (not in correct order).
The sequence of events that led to world war 1.
Affecting someone very strongly
Extreamly large or great
An overwhelming sense of guilt.
An overwhelming number of voters.
A torrent of sth > a lot of sth
A large amount of water moving very quickly in a particular direction
A torrent of criticism
Torential rain
To raise or lift sth , specially using ropes or a special machine
To make sth completely wet
I forgot my umbrella and got drenched.
To use a law or principle to support your openion or action
To make particular idea apear in people’s minds
To ask for help from someone
The reporter invoked the first amendment when she refused to name her sources.
Her signing style invokes Billie Holiday, the great jazz singer.
To refuse to obey a goverment, law, etc. often using violence against it
To make u feel sick and shocked > revoltion
Rebels in the south revolted against the goverment.
The idea revolted me.
Belog ot a simple way of life that existed in the past
Very simple, uncomfortable or without modern features
Primitive societies
Primitive living conditions.
A quality, idea, or method that is typically of a particular person or thing
An official mark put on silver, gold or platinium to prove that it is real
Excellent service has always been the hallmark of this hotel.
To greatly respect and admire some one
Able to shine in the dark without being lit
Luminous paint.
Never having happend before or never having happened so much.
The steelers won an unprecedented four super bowls in six years.
To happen after sth often as a result of it
A heated dicussion ensued.
Having a much lighter skin color than usual because you are sick, frightened
A pale color has more white in it that usual
Her father looked pale and nervous.
Pale green walls.
Almost completely
He was virtually unknown until the elections.
Attribute (v)
To believe or say that someone or sth is responsible for causing sth
To say that most people believe that someone said, wrote, etc sth
Many diseases can be attributed to stress.
These paintings are generally attributed rembrandt.
A liking for sth that u do as a habit.
Bill has a penchant for fast cars.
To prevent sth from growing or developing in the unusual or expected way
To make someone feel embaressed or less confident
To make it ore difficult or impossible for someone to do sth
The new treatments inhibit the spread of the disease.
Fear of criticism may inhibit a child’s curiosity.
The goal is to inhibit the virus from invading healthy cells.
If a ball rebound, it moves quickly back after hitting sth solid
To increase again after decreasing
The ball rebounded off the hoop.
Oil prices rebounded this week.
Attribute (n)
A good or useful quality
Kindness is just one of her many attributes.
Very eager to argue or fight with people
No longer useful or needed because sth newer and better has been made
Floppy disks have become obsolete.
Nocturnal animals are active at night
Happening at night
Someone who studies a subject and knows a lot about it
To let yourself do or have sth that you enjoy, specially sth that is considered bad for u
To let someone do or have whatever he wants, even it is bad for him
Go ahead - indulge yourself.
She did not like her children to be indulged.
A problem or difficulty thatis likely to happen
The pitfalls of fame.
To look angrily at someone or sth for a long time
So shine with a strong bright light that hurts your eyes.
They glared at each other across the room.
Sunlight was glaring off the hood of the car.
Offensive or rude, especially by refering to sex in an unacceptable way
In a natural or raw condition
Not developed to high standard.
Crude language
Crude oil
A crude shelter in the forest
To search very carefully and thoroughly through an area or a document
To clean sth very thoroughly by rubbing it with a rough material
Police have scoured the area for evidence
To get ride of an old machine, vehicle, etc and use its parts in some other way
Equipment to be sold or scrapped.
Continueing for a long time
A sustained effort is needed.
Frenzied activity is completely uncontrolled
A frienzied attack
Clearly expressed and easy to understand
Able to think clearly and understand what is happening around u
A lucid speach
He was rarely lucid during his long illness.
Confident and having a lot of experiance of life
Having a lot of knowladge and experiance of difficult or complicated subjects and able to understand them well
Made or designed well and often complicated
She is beautiful, sophisticated and wealthy.
Today’s more sophisticated investors.
A highly sophisticated alarm system.
Easy to believe and likely to be true
A plausible story.
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An extream unhealthy intrest in sth or worry about sth which prevents u from thinking about other things
She developed an obsession with food.
To help to develop an idea, skill or feeling
Advance, encourage, forward
To take care of someone else’s child for a period of time without becoming his legal parent
He firmly declared that it is indeed the duty of local goverment to foster learning and love of reading.
A feeling or respect or admiration for someone
Appreciation, favor, regard, respect
She was held in high esteem by everyone on the team.
A ceremony or set of actions that is always done in a same way
Religious rituals.
The chrismas ritual of decorating the tree.