504 Words Flashcards
It is gratifying to know that we have achieved so much.
Coming after or following sth ealse.
Subsequent investigations did not uncover any new evidence.
The charges against him were subsequently dropped.
An image that is reflected in a miror
idea or openion
sth that is sign of feeling or fact.
We looked at our reflection in the pool.
The book includes the writer’s reflection on america in 1920’s.
The rise in crime is a reflection of violent society.
To be in a particular place or position.
The hotel is situated in/near the old market.
To make a bad situation worse
to annoy sb.
The doctors said her condition is aggravated by stress.
What really aggravetes me is the way she won’t listen.
clear enough to be easily seen or noticed.
Tangible proof.
Tangible /formal form/
If sth is tangible
If sth is tangible , u can touch or feel.
Confused and without any order
A chaotic sense at the site of the accident.
Sth which is controversial causes a lot of disagreement because many people have strong openion about it, debatable.
The controversial subject of abortion.
He is a controversial figure.
A person who does controversial things.
To accept sb completely as a member of group
to learn and understand information.
Many ethnic group have been assimilated into american society.
We need sb who can assimilate new ideas quickly.
We can not afford to waste precious time.
Precarious situation may easily become worse
likely to fall.
The newspaper is in a precarious financial position.
We had to cross precarious rope bridge.
To ignore sth.
The judge told the jury to disregard that statement.
Very powerfull or impressive
difficult to deal with and needing a lot of skills.
A formidable apponent.
He had a formidable lead in the polls.
Different from what is expected or normal.
An odd guy.
It’s odd that she hasn’t phoned by now.
Presserve, to make sth continue in the same way
to strongly express an opinion.
The U.S. and Britain have maintained close ties.
I have always maintained that any changes in the law will hurt the poor more than the rich.
To give sth up or have it taken away from u because of rule of law.
Criminals who have forfieted their right to freedom.
An important success or victory or it’s feeling.
A foriegn policy triumph.
Fans celeberated San Francisco’s triumph over Cincinnati in a super bowl.
To understand or think about sth in a particular way
to notice sth which is difficult to notice.
Investors will pull out if they precieve that the economy is falling.
The sound is too high to be precieved by humans.
The witnesses report contradicted each other.
Contradict your self
To say sth that is the opposite of what you have said before.
Strange and a little surprising.
This cheese has a peculiar smell.
Scare sb out of his wits.
To frighten some one very much
Be at your wit’s end
To be upset because u tried every thing possible to solve a problem.
To suffer pain or deal with a very difficult situation for a long time
to continue for a long time.
People have endured months of fightning.
A marriage that has endured for 50 years.
Continuing for a long time.
A sustained effort is needed.
Not doing anything or not working
He injured his knee and was inactive for the rest of the season.
Most important
most noticable
Controling other people, or wanting to do this
Amirica’s dominant role in international business.
Her hosband’s dominant behavior.
Using lots of energy and strength.
Strong and very healthy.
A vigorous apponent of gun control.
A vigorous athlete.
One of several parts of someone’s character, a situation and etc.
You’ve only seen one facet of his personality.
A weakness that makes sth. Not perfect.
A mistake in argument.
A bad part of someone’s character.
I could see a flaw in the glass.
There is a fundamental flaw in his argument.
Dim (adj)
Not bright or easy to see well.
The curtains were close and the light was dim.
The dim outline of the building.
A dim recollection/awarness
Sth that is hard for someone to remmember, understand.
She only has a dim memory of her parents.
Thake a dim view of sth.
To disapprove of sth.
Dim (verb)
If a light dims, or if u dim it, it becomes less bright.
If a feeling or quality dims, or if sth dims it, it grows weaker.
Can u dim the lights?
The painful memory began to dim.
To move very carefully and quietly so that no one will notice u.
To move sth very slowly.
To gradually increase or began to appear.
She crept down the hall, trying not to wake up her mom.
A tractor creeping along the road at 15 mph.
The total number of people out of work crept up to five million.
Including many different types of sth or people.
A varied diet.
This essay discusses the many varied groups in american society.
Happening or moving so quickly
A swift response.
Very happy or pleased.
We are delighted to hear their good news.
They were very delighted with the results of the recent election.
Very nice, pleasent and enjoyable.
A delightful story for younger children.
Sharp, eager, intense, sensetive
The butcher’s keen knife cut through the meet.
My dog has a keen sense of smell.
Ability to say the right thing
My aunt never hurts anyone’s feeling because she always uses tact.
By the use of tact, janet was able to calm her jealous husband.
A promise that sth is true, a curse
The president will take the oath of office tommorrow.
In court, the witness took an oath that he would tell the whole truth.
Brave, showing respect for women
Ed is so gallant that he always gives up his subway seat to woman.
Not used to sth
Coming from Alaska, claude was unaccostomed to Florida’s heat.
The king was unaccostomed to having people disobey him.
Ed could not conceal his love for Gloria.
Count Daracula concealed the corpse in his castle.
Dark and depressing
When the weather is so dismal, I sometimes stay in bed all day.
I’m unaccostomed to this dismal climate.
As the dismal reports of the election came in, the senator’s friends tactfully made no mention of them.
Very cold
Inside the butcher’s freezer the temperature was frigid.
Live in
Eskimos inhabit the frigid part of alaska.
Because Sidney qualified, he was allowed to inhabit the vacant appartment.
Without the power of feeling, deadend
My fingers quickly became numb in the frigid room.
A numb feeling came over him, as he read the telegram.
There is a great peril in trying to climb the mountain.
Our library is filled with stories of perilous adventures.
Lie down, stretch out, lean back
Richard likes to recline in front of the television set.
My dog’s greatest pleasure is to recline by the warm fireplace.
Evil, wicked, dishonest, frightening
The sinster plot to cheat the widow was uncovered by the police.
When the bank guard spied the sinster-looking customer, he drew his gun.
I was frightened by the sister shadow at the bottom of the stairs.
I lost a small wager on the superbowl.
After winning the wager, tex treated everyone to fee drinks.
It is legal to make a wager in the state of Nevada.
Hard to get, rare
As there is a little moisture in the desert, the trees are scarce.
How scace are good cooks?
Win over to do or believe, make willing
Can u persuade him to give up his bachelor days and get married?
No one could persuade the captain to leave the sinking ship.
Boyfriend, suitor
When her beau talked to other girls, Diane became jealous.
Even if u have no beau, u are welcome at the dance.
Think out, plan, invent
The burglars devised a scheme for enthering the bank at night.
I would like to devise a method for keeping my toes from becoming numb, while I am skating.
In large quantity, less than retail in price
By buying my ties wholesale, i save fifteen dollors a year.
A very wicked person, the main bad character in the movie
The villain gets killed at the end.
The villain concealed the corpse in the celler.
Wicked (adj)
Morally bad or evil, bad in a way that is amusing
The wicked stepmother in the story of cinderella.
His wicked sense of humor.
A wicker basket
Make use of
No one seems willing to utilize vacant house.
Does ur mother leftovers in her cooking?
Go or come down from a higher place to lower level
If we left the air out of the balloon, it will have to descend.
The pilot thinking his plane was in peril, descended quickly.
What is carried, a load
The burden of the country’s safty is in the hands of the president.
Ed found an enormous box too much of a burden.
Ricky carried the burden throughout his college career.
Get away from by trickery or cleverness
John tried to evade the the topic by changing the subject.
The prisoner of war, evaded quistioning by pretending to be sick.
Search into, examine throughly, investigate.
The lawyer probe the man’s mind to see if he was innocent.
After probing the scientist’s theor, we proved it was correct.
Come near or nearer
The lawyers were asked to approach the bench.
Her boyfriend kissed silvia when he approached her.
Find out, discover
Sam detected that the important papers had vanished.
From her voice it was easy to detect that, she was frightened.
Fault, that which is wrong
My shevrolet was sent back to the factory because of a steering defect.
The villain was caught because his plan had many defects.
Mislead, make sb believe as true sth that is fault.
Janet cried when she learned that her best friend has deceived her.
The villain deceived Chief White Cloud by pretending to be his friend.
Complete, being all that is needed
The police made a thorough search of the house.
My science teacher praised Sandy for doing a thorough job of cleaning up the lab.
To say publicly that someone has done sth well or that u admire him
A highly praised speach.
Mr. Bonner praised Jill for the quality of her work.
Person for whom a lawyer acts, customer
The lawyer told her client that she could predict the outcome of his trail.
If this restaurant doesn’t improve it’s service, all it’s clients will vanish.
Including much, covering compeletely.
After a comperhensive exam, my doctor said i was in good condition.
Our teacher wanted us to do a comperhensive study of edgar poe.
Take money or rights and etc away by cheating
My aunt save thousends of dollors by defrauding the goverment.
By defrauding his friend, Dexter ruined a family tradition of honesty.
Delay, put off to a letr time
The young couple wanted to postpone their weddinguntil they were sure they could handle the burdens of marriage.
I neglected to postpone the party because I thought everyone would be able to come.
Agree, give permission or approval
My teacher concented to let our class leave early. David would not concent to our plan.
Condomn in public, express strong disapproval of
Some people denounce the goverment for probing into their private lives.
The father denounced his son for lying to the district attorney.
Any violent, rushing stream, flood
A massive rain was coming down in torrents.
In the debate, a torrent of quistions was asked.
Feel injured and angered at (sth)
Bertha resented the way her boyfriend treated her.
The earthquake victim resented the poor emergancy care.
Easy to recognize
The unmistakable taste of garlic.