TMJ Flashcards
The __ suture separates the temporal bone from the parietal bone
The lateral border of the infratemporal fossa is the medial side of the ___ of the ___
ramus of the mandible
The medial border of the infratemporal fossa is the lateral portion of the ___ plate.
The anterior border of the infratemporal fossa is the posterior aspect of the __ bone.
The posterior border of the infratemporal fossa is the ___ plate.
The ___ fossa is the concave superior portion/surface of the posterior TMJ.
The ___ tubercle is part of the superior surface of the anterior TMJ and is convex.
On the superior portion of the TMJ, we have the inferior portion of the __ arch and ___ bone where it is going from concave to convex.
zygomatic; temporal
The _____ process is involved in the movement of the TMJ.
The ramus has a ___ process.
A ___ process has a head and a neck
The condylar process is the (superior/inferior) portion of the TMJ
(Anterior/Posterior) to the condylar process is the ____ process of the TMJ
Anterior; coronoid
The coronoid process of the TMJ is an attachment site to the ____ muscle
Between the condylar process and the coronoid process is the ____ notch.
If we follow our way down the vertebral ramus to where it almost turns 90 degrees, that turning point is known as the ___ of the mandible.
Inside of the ramus there is an area with a bony process called the ____. It is a small bony process at the entrance of the mandibular foramen.
The mandibular foramen is the entrance to the ____ nerve.
inferior alveolar
The pars alveolaris is the sockets that our ___ go in
The _____ nerve runs right underneath the pars alveolaris
inferior alveolar
The ___ nerve provides sensory input to the teeth and also provides sensory input as it exits the mental foramen in which it changes its’ name to the ___ nerve
inferior alveolar; mental
The __ nerve supplies sensory input to the skin of the chin and the anterior portion of the lower jaw
The TMJ has a joint capsule so it is a ___ joint
The TMJ has a ligament that is called the ___ ligament and provides lateral reinforcement of the capsule
Typically the articular surface of a joint is covered by hyaline cartilage, the TMJ is covered by ____ which indicates that it has to resist compressive and shear forces.
The TMJ capsule has an outer fibrous layer and an inner synovial layer and it is supported by the thick strong ___ ligament
In-between the two joint spaces in the TMJ there is an intraarticular disk and this disk is not made like normal fibrocartilaginous disks. This disk is made up of a form of (loose/dense) fibrous connective tissue and some fibrocartilage.
In most cases the intraarticular disk of the TMJ is (complete/incomplete) and it creates a superior cavity and an inferior cavity.
From the disk to the temporal bone is a (loose/tight) capsule and from the disk to the mandibular bone is a (loose/tight) capsule and that is important as you learn the arthrokinematics
loose; tight
On the posterior portion of the articular disk it has what is called ____ tissue. This tissue attaches to the (anterior/posterior) aspect of the disk and capsule. The retrodiscal tissue is considered (loose/tight).
retrodiscal; posterior; loose
The retrodiscal tissue will resist (anterior/posterior) disk movement but remember it is loose so it will allow some (anterior/posterior) movement.
anterior; anterior
Anteriorly, the retrodiscal tissue is attached firmly to the ___ and a portion of the (medial/lateral) pterygoid tendon.
capsule; lateral
The superior head of the lateral pterygoid has an attachment to the ___.
articular disk
The inferior head of the lateral pterygoid attaches to the _____
The medial and lateral portions of the articular disk are firmly attached to the ____ .
The retrodiscal tissue is made up of collagen fibers, elastin fibers, fat, blood vessels, and sensory nerves. So all of these things are on the (anterior/posterior) aspect of the disk.
The ____ ligament runs from the sphenoid bone to the lingula of the mandible.
The ____ ligament runs from the styloid process to the angle of the mandible
The _____ ligament and the _____ ligament suspend the mandible from the skull and they play a role in the motion of the TMJ.
sphenomandibular; stylomandibular
The ___ muscle runs from the temporal fossa to the coronoid process
The temporalis muscle is a strong (elevator/depressor) and (protractor/retractor) of the mandible
elevator; retractor
On the lateral side of the mandible running up to the zygomatic arch we have the ___ muscle and it is a very strong elevator of the mandible
The (medial/lateral) pterygoid muscle is coming off of the sphenoid bone and runs to the condylar head and the disk of the TMJ
The medial pterygoid is named the MEDIAL pterygoid because it is medial to the ___ bone.
The medial pterygoid is more (medial/lateral) on the sphenoid bone and is running to the (medial/lateral) side of the ramus of the mandible
medial; medial
The lateral pterygoid is a little more lateral to the sphenoid bone and it is more (anterior/posterior) in its’ line of pull to the mandible, when it contracts it does a good job of (protruding/retracting) the mandible
posterior; protruding
When the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible it brings the disk (anteriorly/posteriorly).
The medial pterygoid has a more downward alignment of its fibers and helps in (elevation/depression) of the mandible
The medial and lateral pterygoids work (individually/together) to perform a vast array of movements of the mandible
When you open up the jaw you are going to see the ____ artery and the branch of the ___ artery
maxillary; external carotid
Anterior to the inferior alveolar nerve is another branch of the mandibular nerve called the ____ nerve
The lingual nerve (does/does not) enter the mandible
does not
The mandibular nerve runs right along the (medial/lateral) pterygoid
The ___ nerve runs underneath the tongue outside of the mandible on the medial side.
The chorda tympani joins with the ___ nerve and they are going to run underneath the tongue to supply general sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the ___ .
lingual ; tongue