Anterior Neck & Face Flashcards
What muscles makeup the anatomical snuffbox?
The extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis longus make up the anatomical snuffbox.
What muscle(s) forms the medial border of the anatomical snuffbox?
The extensor pollicis longus
What muscle(s) form the lateral border of the anatomical snuffbox?
The extensor pollicis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus
We have a (superior/right) and (inferior/left) anterior cervical triangle.
right and left
What is the most superior border of the anterior cervical triangle?
The inferior border of the mandible
What is the common name for the mandible?
The jaw
What is the posterior border of the anterior cervical triangle?
The anterior border of the SCM
What is the medial border of the anterior cervical triangle?
An imaginary line that runs down the midline of your neck
What is the floor of the anterior cervical triangle?
The vertebral bodies
The viscera sits (within/outside) the anterior cervical triangle and is not the floor of the anterior cervical triangle
The skin in the region of the anterior cervical triangle is innervated by what nerve?
The transverse cervical nerve (C2-C3) from the cervical plexus
From the deep cervical fascia, the investing (superficial layer) is (muscular/visceral) fascia that envelopes the entire neck and splits to enclose the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
From the deep cervical fascia, the pretracheal layer has a combination of what two types of fascia?
Muscular and visceral fascia
From the deep cervical fascia, the pretracheal layer that is (muscular/visceral) fascia encloses the infrahyoid muscles
From the deep cervical fascia, the pretracheal layer that is (muscular/visceral) fascia surrounds the thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, pharynx, and esophagus.
From the deep cervical fascia, the prevertebral layer is (muscular/neurovascular) fascia that surrounds the cervical vertebral column and associated muscles
From the deep cervical fascia, the carotid sheath is (visceral/neurovascular) fascia and encloses the common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and vagus nerve.
The (larynx/pharynx) is a portion of the GI system and the respiratory system
The pharynx is divided into (four/three) regions. What are their names?
three; nasopharynx, oropharynx, and the laryngopharynx
Between the three regions of the pharynx, when you hear about upper respiratory infections, we are talking about the (oropharynx/nasopharynx).
Between the three regions of the pharynx, when you hear about lower respiratory infections, we are talking about what two regions of the pharynx?
The oropharynx and the laryngopharynx
The pharynx is located (superficial/deep) to the nose, the mouth, and the larynx.
The larynx sits (anterior/posterior) to the laryngopharynx.
The larynx is located between C_ and C_ vertebral bodies.
C3 and C6
The larynx is located (anteriorly/posteriorly) to the esophagus.
The larynx continues down the body and becomes the ____ which will be in front of the body.
The esophagus is (anterior/posterior) to the larynx and the trachea, and is (superficial/deep) to the vertebral bodies. If you are looking for the esophagus, you should find it resting on the vertebral bodies.
posterior; superficial
The esophagus stays (flat/rounded) until you swallow
From inferior to superior, the structures that makeup the larynx that we discussed in class was the ___ cartilage, ___ cartilage, the fibrous membrane (___ membrane), and the __ bone. These tissues are important to maintain a patent airway for breathing and sound production.
cricoid, throid, laryngeal, hyoid
Inferior to the thyroid cartilage and sitting superficial to the cricoid cartilage is the ___ gland that looks like a bird with its wings’ outstretched or a butterfly.
On the back side of the thyroid gland will be four dark pea like structures that will be the ___ gland.
The hypoglossal nerve is cranial nerve ___
To find the hypoglossal nerve, find the hyoid bone and go (anterior/posterior).
The phrenic nerve sits (anterior/posterior) to the anterior scalene/right on the anterior scalene.
The phrenic nerve runs to the ____ which is an important structure in allowing us to breathe.
The phrenic nerve is made up of C_ - C_ ventral rami. C_,C_,C_ stay alive.
C3-C5, C3,C4,C5 stay alive.
The cervical sympathetic chain is part of the (sympathetic/parasympathetic) nervous system which is part of the (autonomic/peripheral) nervous system.
sympathetic; autonomic
The cervical sympathetic chain is made up of a bunch of grey rami communicans, so they communicate to the spinal and cranial nerves for the head to receive (sympathetic/parasympathetic) information/innervation.
The cervical sympathetic chain should be found along what two muscles?
The longus colli and longus capitis
The carotid sheath encases what three structures?
The common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and the vagus nerve
When you open the carotid sheath you will find the ___ nerve in-between the common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein posteriorly.
The common carotid artery comes off of the ___ artery on the right side of the body
The common carotid artery comes off of the __ on the left side of the body
aortic arch
The common carotid artery runs from the brachiocephalic artery on the right and the aortic arch on the left and it is going to divide into the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery at the level of C_-C_ around the level of the laryngeal prominence
What is the common name for the laryngeal prominence?
The Adam’s Apple
The (internal/external) carotid artery takes blood to the brain
There (are/aren’t) branches off of the internal carotid artery in the neck, it goes directly to the brain.
At the proximal end of the internal carotid artery we have the __ which is a baroreceptor which looks at pressure.
carotid sinus
If you take a carotid pulse you want to be below C_-C_ (palpate the laryngeal prominence and go below that).
The laryngeal prominence is at the level of C_-C_?
The (internal/external) carotid artery takes blood to the face, the exterior portion of the cranium, and the anterior neck.
The (internal/external) jugular vein is bringing blood from the brain and joins with the subclavian vein.
The subclavian vein forms the ___ vein as it is heading back to the heart.
The (internal/external) jugular vein goes superficial to the SCM and it drains all of the blood from the face and neck and external cranium into the subclavian vein which then dumps into the brachiocephalic vein.
The vagus nerve is cranial nerve _
The (phrenic/vagus) nerve descends through the neck with the common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein.
The (phrenic/vagus) nerve in the neck has branches that go to the pharynx, the larynx, and the associated laryngeal muscles, and the thorax and abdomen. In the thorax and abdomen, it goes to multiple organs (the lungs, the heart, the stomach, the kidneys, the intestines, and all the viscera in the abdomen and thorax).
According to Dr. Goodstadt, the most important organ that the vagus nerve innervates is what?
The heart
The vertebral arteries runs through the (intervertebral/transverse) foramen
Vertebral arteries enter the transverse foramen at what spinal column level?
The vertebral artery on the right is coming off of the ____ artery and the vertebral artery on the left is coming off of the ___ artery and they enter the transverse foramen of C_ all the way up to C_, then they enter the skull.
brachiocephalic; subclavian; C6; C1
The vertebral arteries are carrying blood to the ___ through the transverse foramen
There are 2 internal carotid arteries and 2 vertebral arteries that are carrying blood to the ___, which indicates it is very important.
The (infrahyoid/suprahyoid) muscles are named for what they attach to, each attachment site is part of their name.
The (infrahyoid/suprahyoid) muscles are going to depress the floor of the mouth and larynx during speech and swallowing.
The superficial layer of the infrahyoid muscles includes the __ muscle and ___ muscle.
omohyoid; sternohyoid
The (omohyoid/sternohyoid) muscle has two muscle bellies and a tendon in the middle.
The (omohyoid/sternohyoid) muscle runs inferolateral as it goes down to the shoulder.
The (omohyoid/sternohyoid) runs from the sternum to the hyoid bone
The (sternohyoid/sternothyroid) runs from the sternum to the thyroid cartilage
The (sternothyroid/thyrohyoid) muscles are little strap muscles that run superficial to the larynx and the trachea
What two muscles are going to interconnect to the anterolateral aspects of the vertebral bodies and transverse processes of the cervical spine ?
The longus colli and longus capitis
The scalenes are (lateral/medial) to the longus colli and longus capitis
We have _ pairs of bones that makeup the face and _ single bone(s).
4; 1
The single bone that makes up the face is the __ bone which is attaching to the nasal bones and the maxillary bones.
The two ___ bones are going to join up with the frontal bone and each one of them is going to join up with its’ associated maxillary bone.
The __ bone attaches to the frontal bone, nasal bone, and attaches to itself underneath the nose. Laterally it attaches to the ___ bone.
maxillary; zygomatic
The ___ bone makes up the majority of our upper jaw and attaches to the zygomatic bone.
The ___ bone has attachments to the maxillary bone and it is going to attach to part of the frontal bone and the temporal bone.
The mandible has 2 bones and it connects to itself and makes up the (lower/upper) jaw. The mandible has a joint called the ___ joint where it joins with the temporal bone.
lower; temporomandibular (TMJ)
The muscles of facial expression are (skeletal/visceral) muscle.
The muscles of facial expression have their primary attachments to what?
The skin
What muscles will regulate the size and shape of our eyes, our external nares (nostrils), and our mouth?
The muscles of facial expression
The (buccinator/zygomatic major) comes off the zygomatic bone down from the lips and is what helps us smile
zygomatic major
The (buccinator/zygomatic major) muscle keeps our cheeks from folding in between our teeth
The nerve that innervates all of the muscles of facial expression is called the ___ nerve and is cranial nerve number __
facial; 7
The (facial/phrenic) nerve goes from the face to the chorda tympani and to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
The facial nerve is an (SVA/SVE) nerve
The (facial/hypoglossal) nerve enters the parotid gland as it comes out of the skull and explodes out through the parotid gland
To find the facial nerve, go towards the muscles of facial expression and follow it back to the __ gland.
The trigeminal nerve is cranial nerve _
The trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve 5) splits into __ different nerves
The most superior nerve of the trigeminal nerves is the __nerve (v1)
The middle nerve of the trigeminal nerve is the ___ nerve (v2)
The inferior nerve of the trigeminal nerve is the ___ nerve (v3)
The ophthalmic nerve goes up in the superior surface of the orbit of the eye and exits above the eyeball. As it exits above the eyeball it comes out of the ___ foramen and takes the name of the ___ nerve.
supraorbital; supraorbital
The (v1/v2)from the trigeminal nerve indicates the ophthalmic nerve branch or the supraorbital continuation. So (v1/v2) can be written for either.
v1; v1
V2 from the trigeminal nerve exits from the cranial cavity to the inferior portion of the eye orbit and exits through the ___ foramen and then becomes the ___ nerve.
infraorbital; infraorbital
V3 is the mandibular nerve and it runs down inferiorly into the mouth and enters the mandible and it is going to exit the mandible through the __ foramen and becomes the __ nerve.
mental; mental