TLE 10: 2nd Quarter, Lesson 3: Methods of Food Preservation Flashcards
What is Bactericidal?
It is a method in which most spoilage-causing microorganisms are killed with the presence and use of fire or heat.
What is Bacteriostatic?
It is a method in which further multiplication of spoilage-causing microorganisms controlled and preventive using different food additives.
What are the different methods of Food Preservation under Bactericidal?
It is an act of preparing food for eating with the application of heat, can be through baking, roasting, pot and stove cooking,
among others.
What is Canning?
It is the process of packing food in
tightly sealed tin cans or canning jars and heated at a high enough temperature.
It is a short term food preservation method in which food is heated in a closed system cooked fast and placed in a sealed container
What is Sterilization?
It is a method that destroys all microorganisms on the surface of an article or in a fluid to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of that food item.
What are the different methods of Food Preservation under Bacteriostatic?
It is known to be the oldest method of Bacteriostatic Food Preservation in which it reduces water activity to prevent bacterial
What is Pickling?
Pickling is the process of preserving
edible products in an acid solution,
usually vinegar, or in salt solution
(brine). It has two ways which are known as chemical and fermentation pickling.
This preserves food by drawing water out of the food, preventing bacteria growing and spoiling the food.
What are the two common methods of salting?
Dry Salting and Wet or Brining
This method of Food Preservation applies the use of smoke for the purposes of preservation and increasing their palatability by adding flavor and imparting a rich brown color.