TL vertebral column Flashcards
What attaches to the accessory processes?
Tendon of longissimus lumborum musculature
Which is the anticlinal thoracic vertebra?
Where is the intervertebral foramen in relation to the zygapophyseal joint?
Ventral and slightly cranial
What are the three components of the IVD?
- Annulus fibrosis
- Nucleus pulposus
- Cartilaginous end plate
What is each component of the IVD made of?
Annulus fibrosis
- concentric lamellae of collagen
Nucleus pulposus
- originates from remnant notochord and chondrocyte-like cells
- Chondroitin sulphate
- keratan sulphate
- type IV collage
What ligaments help to provide stability to the vertebral column?
Three long ligaments:
- Dorsal and ventral longitudinal ligaments
- Supraspinous ligament
Three short ligaments:
- interspinous
- intertransverse
- yellow ligaments
Intercapital ligaments (T2-T11)
What volume of methylene blue injection is recommended to aid in localisation?
What muscles are encountered in a dorsal approach to the cranial thoracic spine (T1-T5) which are not encountered more caudally?
- Trapezius
- Rhomboideus
- Splenius (cranially)
- Serratus dorsalis (caudally)
Where does the nuchal ligament attach?
Spinous processes of T1 and T2
What is sub-draping?
Use of Backhaus towel clamps, michel skin clamps ot suture to complete cover and attach the drapes to the edge of the skin incision
What are the main epaxial muscles encounted on a dorsal approach to the TL spine?
- Multifidus
- Longissimus lumborum
What epaxial muscles are encountered on a lateral approach to the TL spine?
- Serratus dorsalis caudalis
- Longissimus lumborum
- iliocostalis lumborum
Which muscles are seperated to allow a dorsolateral approach to the TL spine?
Multifidus and longissimus lumborum
Stabilisation may be required when 2 of 3 of which structures are compromised?
- Vertebral body
- Intervertebral disc
- Articular processes
What is the more appropriate term for a hemilaminectomy?
What are the anatomic landmarks of a hemilam window?
What parts of the vertebral canal does it allow access to?
- Ventral accessory process
- Base of spinous process
- Base of articular processes cranially and caudally
Access to ventral, dorsal and lateral canal
What is a pediculectomy and mini-hemilam?
Pediculectomy - Removes the pedicle over the body of 1 vertebra, leaving the zygapophyseal joint intact
Mini-hemilam - combined pediculectomy over contingous vertebrae
Faster and pediculectomy avoids the spinal nerve, artery and vein. Decreased exposure
What are the three forms for dorsal laminectomy?
- Funkquist A - Removal of spinous process, laminae, articular processes and approx half of the dorsal portion of the pedicles
- Funkquist B - Leaves the articular processes and pedicles intact
- Modified dorsal laminectomy - Removal of spinous process, laminae and caudal articular rpocesses are removed. Medial aspect of pedicles can be undercut to enhance exposure
What is the accuracy of radigraphs to determine the site of the primary IVDH?
51 - 61%
What is the sensitivity of myelography in determining the primary site and lateralisation of IVDH?
- Site: 74 - 98%
- Lateralisation: 55-100%
What prognostic factors can be determined from a myelogram?
Length of intramedullary pattern / length L2 vert ratio on a lateral view:
- Over 5 = 26% chance of recovery
- Less than 5 = 66% chance recovery
Intraparenchymal spinal cord contrast medium - seen in 6/7 dogs with myelomalacia in one study…
What is the reported rate of posy-myelographic seizures? What are some risk factors?
- 10-21.4%
- Risk factors include cisternal myelogram and large body size
What is the sensitivty of non-contrast CT for detecting the site and side of IVDH?
- Site: 84-100%
- Side: 79-94%
MRI has significantly higher sensitivity for site (87% vs79%
What is the typical intensity of degenerative IVD material on MRI?
- Hypointense on T1W and T2W
Non-degenerative disc can be isointense on T1W and hyperintense on T2W and blend in with epidural fat and CSF fluid
What sequences can be used on MRI to help identify an inconspicuous IVDH?
- T2* can help to identify haemorrhage
- STIR and FLAIR helpful to identify low volume disc extrusion
- ultrafast, heavily T2W sequence has appearance of a myelogram
- Disc material may enhance with gadolinium contrast
List some CSF biomarkers with potential prognostic potential in dogs with IVDH
- MMP-9
- CK
- Protein tau
- Glutamate
- Haptoglobin
- NCC and protein concentration
Associated with severe spinal cord injury
Increased CK activity and increased protein tau, myelin basic protein and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 conc have been assoc with failure to regain ability to ambulate
What is the reported success rate of conservative management with IVDH?
- 82 - 88% ambulatory
- 43 - 51% non-ambulatory
What is a lateral corpectomy?
Success of decompression?
- Creation of a “slot” in the vertebral body, 1/4 the length of the vertebrae
- 90% successful decompression, deeper slots more successful decompression
- Risks: Possible instability and risk of fracture/subluxation
What are the improvement rates after corpectomy?
- 18.7% immediate impovement
- 52.8% improvement at discharge
- 64.2% improvement 4 weeks
- 91.4% ambulatory at 6 months, 74.5% having a normal gait
What is the success rate after spinal surgery for dogs with intact nociception?
72 - 100%
Inverse relationship between time of onset of nonambulatory status to time of regaining ambulation post-op
What is the reported rate of returning to ambulation in dogs with no nociception?
What are the prognostic indicators?
43 - 62%
Prognostic Indicators:
- Progressing to nonambulation within 1 hour, poorer prognosis
- Those that do not recover nociception in 2 weeks, unlikely to recovery
- Subdural haemorrhage at surgery may be a negative prognostic indicator
- T2W cord hyperintensity 5 x length of L2 negative prognostic indicator
- Odds of recovery decrease as lenght of T2W cord hyperintensity increase
List 2 biomarkers which may be increased in the serum of dogs with spinal cord injury
- Phosphorylated neurofilament
Name the following instruments
From left to right
- Kirby intracapsular lens retractor hook
- Angled nerve hook
- House curette
- Curved dental tartar scraper
- Angled ball probe
What is the maximal recommeneded thickness of an autologous free fat graft?
What is the reported recurrence rate of surgically treated IVDH? (At either the same site or different site)?
Any known risk factors?
15 - 20%
The number of radiographically opacified IVD increases the risk of recurrence 1.4x in non-Dachshund breeds.
List come potential alternatives to fenestration for prophylactic treatment
Laser disc ablation
-Ho:YAG laser
- chymopapain
- collagenase
- chondroitenase ABC
List the three main nerves supplying the bladder, their associated spinal cord segments and their main functions
Pelvic nerve (S1-S3)
- Parasympathetic supply to the detrusor muscle
Pudendal nerve (S1-S3)
- Somatic innervation to external urethral sphincter, perineal musculature, anal sphincter and skin of perineum
Hypogastric nerve (L1-L2)
- Sympathetic innervation to the internal urethral sphincter, pelvic (parasympathetic) ganglia and detrusor muscle. Inhibits parasympathetic neurons during urine storage.
What are hemivertebrae?
Block vertebrae?
Butterfly vertebrae?
- Incompletely formed, wedge shaped vertebrae resulting from failure of one or more sclerotomes to form during embryogenesis.
- Can prediapose Frenchies to lumbar IVDE and also place at higher risk of myelomalacia
Block Vertebrae
- Fused vertebrae due to failure of vertebral segmentation
Butterfly vertebrae
- A sagittal cleft witihin the vertebral body
What are the three forms of spina bifida?
- Spina bifida occulta - no external evidence
- Spina bifida cystica - concurrent meningocoele, meningomyelocoele or myeloschisis
- Spina bifida aperta - open dysraphic/myelodysplastic disorders
Spina bifida is failure of the lamina to fuse dorsally, often associated with other neural tube malformations
What is a pilonidal sinus?
A congenital condition wherein the skin failts to completely seperate from the neural tube.
aka Dermoid sinus, Rh. Ridgebacks overrepresented
What is an epidermoid cyst?
Incomplete seperation of the neuroectoderm from the ectodermal tissue, trapping viable ectodermal cells within the CNS
What is a subarachnoid diverticula?
A focal accumulation of CSF within the arachnoid membrane or subarachnoid space.
Controversy if this causes cord compression and subsequent atrophy or if spinal cord atrophy leave extra space which then fills with CSF
Pugs and Rottweilers overrepresented
Surgical marsupialisation best outcome
What is myelodysplasia?
Incomplete or abnormal fusion of the neural tube along the sagittal plant. Aka dysraphism
Weimeraners overrepresented.
Microscopic - no visible on CT myelogram. All dogs will have a bunny-hopping gait