Radius and Ulna Flashcards
What percentage of weight at the elboe is transmitted through the radius and the ulna?
- Radius 51%
- Ulna 49%
The tendons of which muscle insert on the medial side of the radius and ulna?
- Biceps brachii
- Bracialis
What muscles share their origin with both the radius and the ulna in the mid-diaphysis?
- Pronator quadratus
- Deep digital flexor
- Abductor pollicus longus
What is the radioulnar ligament?
Proximal extension of the antebrachiocarpal joint capsule between the radius and ulna. Attaches proximally to the interosseus ligament
How much of the growth below the elbow is the distal ulna physis responsible for?
Proximal radial physis?
- Distal ulnar physis 100%
- Proximal radial physis 30-50%
What age do the physes of the antebrachium close?
222-250d (in Beagles)
What is the mean radial procurvatum of Labs?
26.6 degrees
How do you calculate procurvatum?
On sagittal view:
Procurvatum = CORA magnitude + (90-aCdPRA) + (90-aCdDRA)
What is the sensitivity and specificity of rads for diagnosing radioulnar incongruity?
- Sensitivity 78%
- Specificity 86%
Radial shortening needed to be between 1.5-4mm for a 90% sensitivty
What is the sensitivty and specificity of arthroscopy for diagnosing radioulnar incongruity?
- Sensitivity 94%
- Specificity 81.9%
What it he sensitivity, specificity and interobserver agreement for radioulnar incongruency on 3D printed models with a 1mm incongruence
- Sensitivity 82%
- Specificity 100%
- Interobservor agreement 87%
How much radial lengthening has been reported with the use of an ESF and distraction osteogenesis?
Up to 50% of the original radial length
What are the options for radial lengthening?
- Distraction osteogenesis
- Transverse osteotomy and acute correction
- Sagittal sliding osteotomy (acute correction)
Can alternatively perform ulnar astectomy abover interosseous ligament with an IM pin. Can be left for gradual shortening or can be acutely shortened with hemicerclage
What percentage off physeal insults is made up of distal ulnar physeal injury?
What are the typical changes in the radius secondary to premature closure of the distal ulnar physis?
- Procurvatum
- Shortening
- Distal valgus
- Torsion
What are the surgical options for ulnar lengthening?
- Dynamic ulnar ostectomy/osteotomy
- Distal ulnar ostectomy
- CESF and distraction osteogenesis
- Distracted osteotomy and plating
- Sagittal sliding osteotomy
What can done to aid in stability of a proximal dynamic ulnar osteotomy/ostectomy?
- Oblique cut (proximocaudal to craniodistal)
- IM pin
What methods can reduce the chances of permature healing of the ostectomy?
- Ostectomy gap greater than 1.5x diameter of the bone (Key’s hypothesis)
- Removal of all periosteum in the vicinity
- Insertion of free fat graft into ostectomy
What had been associated with unsuccessful outcomes after a distal ulnar ostectomy to treat ulnar shortening?
Radial valgus greater than 25 degrees
If varus, recurvatum or internal torsion are present then radial corrective measures will be necessary
What is the Heuter-Volkmann law (aka Delpech’s law)?
Physeal growth is slowed by excessive compression and is accelerated by distraction
What percentage of antebrachial deformities are biapical in chondrodystrophic breeds?
What percentage of dogs with an antebrachial deformity corrected with a CESF has improvement in function?
What percentage of radial deformities in an oblique plane were accurately correced using a radial or cylindrical saw?
A true domes osteotomy ascribes to which low of osteotomies?
Paley’s second rule
What are the treatment options for congenital radial head luxation?
- Conservative managment
- Open surgical reducation and fixation (50% retained reduction of between 50-80%, 50% reluxated)
- Radial head ostectomy
- Arthrodesis
What are the surgical options for proximal radial fractures?
- T-plate
- Proximal ulna stabilised to distal radius with ESF
What is the tension surface of the radius?
What percentage of r/u fracture in toy breed treated with external coaptation resulted in malalignment or nonunion?
Successful return to function with bone plate?
Complication rate?
Coaptation 83%
Bone plate
- Successful 70 - 85%
- Complications 54%
What should you do if there is evidence of stress protection (osteopaenia) on rads?
Staged screw removal once clinical union is evident
- Start with screws closest to the fracture on each side
- Waiting 3-4 weeks after removal prior to removing the next set (allows holes to fill in)
What is the tension surface of the ulna?
What are the 4 types of Monteggia fracture?
- Type I: Cranial luxation of the radial head with cranioproximal angulation of ulnar fracture
- Type II: Caudal luxations of the radius and caudal angulation of ulnar fracture
- Type III: Lateral luxation of the radius
- Type IV: Fracture of the proximal part of the radius and the ulna diaphysis with cranial luxation of the radial head
If the radioulnar joint is no longer intact, will have to stabilise once radial head is reduced (screw from caudal to cranial