Timeline Flashcards
July 23, 1914
Austria-Hungary gives its ultimatum to Serbia
What happened on June 28, 1914
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assasinated
July 25, 1914
Serbia mobilizes and Russia declares a period preparatory to war
July 30, 1914
Russia and Austro-Hungary order general mobilization
August 1, 1914
Germany mobilizes and declares war on Russia. France mobilizes, Germany and the Ottoman Empire sign a secret alliance treaty
August 3
Germany declares war on France. Britain orders general mobilization
August 4, 1914
Germany declares war on Belgium and invades prompting Britain to declare war on Germany. Wilson declares US neutriality
August 5
Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia
August 6
Serbia declares war on Germany
August 10
France declares war on Austria Hungary. Hungary invades Serbia
August 12, 1914
Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 16, 1914
Russian troops invade East Prussia
August 20, 1916
The German Army occupies Brussels
August 22, 1914
Hungary declares war on Belgium
August 23, 1914
Japan declares war on Germany
August 23, 1914
Austria-Hungary invades Russian Poland
August 28, 1914
The Russians are defeated at Tanneburg
September 4-10
The Battle of the Marne
September 15, 1914
The Race to the Sea begins
September 17, 1914
Austro-German forces attack western Poland, Austro-Hungarian attempt at invading Serbia fails
October 6, 1914
Belgian troops abandon Antwerp to the Germans
October 19 1914
The First Battle Of Ypres
October 29, 1914
Turkey enters teh war
November 1, 1914
Russia declares war on the Ottoman Empire
November 5, 1914
Hungary invades Serbia
November 22
The First Battle of Ypres ends the Race to the Sea
December 15, 1914
The French and British launch a general offensive all along the Western Front
December 21, 1914
The first German air raid on Britain begins
January 15, 1914
Japan issues twenty one demands on China an ultimatum that sought Japan’s regional ascendancy over China
January 19, 19144
First German zeppellin attack on Britain
January 31, 1914
First German use of poison gas at Bolimow on the Eastern Front
February 4, 1915
German U-Boat attacks on Allied shipping an dGermany declares a blockade of Britain
February 22, 1915
Russia suffers heavy losses at the Second Battle of Masurian Lakes
March 1, 1915
The first British passenger liner is sunk by a U-boat
March 18, 1915
The British-French naval task force fails to force open the Dardanelles
April 22, 1915
The Second Battle of Ypres begins; the first German use of poison gas on the Western Front
April 25, 1915
British forces land on Gallipoli
April 26
France, Russia, Italy and Britain conclude seccret Treaty of London
May 7, 1915
The Lusitania is sunk
May 23, 1915
Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary
August 5, 1915
German forces occupy Warsaw
August 6, 1915
British forces land in Gallipoli
September 5, 1915
Tsar Nicholas II takes command of the Russian armies
September 21, 1915
The Battle of Loos, a major British offensive begins
October 6, 1915
Austro-Hungarian and German forces invae Serbia, expelling the Serbian army from the country
October 15, 1915
Britain declares war on Bulgaria
October 14, 1915
Bulgaria and Serbia declae war on each other
December 17, 1915
Sir Douglas Haig replaces Sir John French as commander of the B.E.F.
January 8, 1916
The British complete the evacuation of Gallipoli ending in an Ottoman victory
January 27, 1916
Conscription is introduced in Britain
February 27, 1916
The Germans open an offensive at Verdun
April 24, 1916
The Easter Rebellion starts in Ireland
May 4, 1916
Germany renounces its submarine policy
May 5, 1916
Beginning of Arab revolt aginst the Ottoman Empire
May 19, 1916
Britain and France conclude the Sykes-Picot Agreement defining areas of control for the two nations in the Middle East
May 31, 1916
Battle of Jutland, the biggest naval battle in history
June 4, 1916
Russian Brusilov Offensive in Carpathia nearly knock Hungary out of the war
July 1, 1916
Britian and France begin the Battle of the Somme
August 27, 1916
Romania declares war on Austria
August 28, 1916
Italy declares war on Germany
August 29, 1916
Hindenburg replaces Falkenhayn as chief of the German General Staff
August 31, 1916
Germany suspends submarine assaults
September 1, 1916
Bulgaria declares war on Romania
September 15, 1916
Tanks are introduced for the first time on the Somme battlefield by the British
October 15, 1916
Germany resumes U-boat attacks
October 24, 1916
The French launch a counter-offensive at Verdun
November 9, 1916
US President Wilson secures reelection
November 18, 1916
The Battle of the Somme ends
November 21, 1916
Franz Josef dies
November 28, 1916
The first German ariplane air raid on Britain
November 299, 1916
The US proclaims its occupation of Santa Domingo
December 5, 1916
David Lloyd George replaces Herbert Henry Asquith as British Prime Minister
December 12, 1916
Joseph Joffre is replaced by Robert Nivelle and Germany issues a peace note suggesting a compromise
Februay 1, 1916
Germany resumes unrestricted submarine warfare
February 3, 1917
The US ends diplomatic relations with Germany
February 23, 1917
German forces begin a withdrawel to strong positions on the Hindenburg Line
March 1, 1917
The Zimmermann Telegram is made public, detailing a German proposal of an alliance with Mexico against the US
March 8, 1917
The Russian Revolution begins in Petrograd
March 15, 1917
Tsar Nicholas II abdicates
April 6, 1917
The US declares war on Germany
April 9, 1917
Canadian success at the Battle of the Vimy Ridge
April 16, 1917
Lenin arrives in Russia, Chemin des Dames starts
May y15, 1917
Nivelle is replaced by Philippe Petain as French Commander in Chief
June 15, 1917
The US Espionage Act is pressed
June 25, 1917
The first American troops land in France
June 27, 1917
Greece enters the war on the side of the allies
July 1 1917
The Russian offensive begins
July 6, 1917
British Army Officer TE Lawrence and Arabs capture Aquaba
Jul 16, 1917
The Third Battle of Ypres begins
July 19, 1917
Kerensky’s offensive fails marking the last Russian initiative of the war
July 31, 1917
The Battle of Passchendale
November 7, 1917
The Bolsheviks seize power in Petrograd and announce Russia’s intention to leave the war
December 7, 1917
US declares war on Austria Hungary
December 22, 1917
Russia opens separate pace negotiations with Germany
January 8, 1918
US President Woodrow Wilson makes hi 14 speech to Congress
March 3, 1918
The Russians accept German peace termss at Brest-Litovsk
March 21, 1918
Germany launches spring offensives
May 25, 1918
German U-boats appear in US waters for the first time
July 15, 1918
The final phase of the great German spring push, the Second Battle of the Marne
July 16, 1918
Fromer Tsar Nicholas II, his wife and children are murdered by the Bolsheviks
July 18, 1918
The Allies counterattack against German forces, seizing initiaitive
August 3, 1918
Allied intervention begins at Valdiostok
August 8, 1918
The British launch Amiens offensive
August 21, 1918
The Germans begin withdrawel to the Hindenburg Line
September 29, 1918
Bulgaria signs an armistice
October 30, 1918
Turkey concludes an armistice with the Allies
November 3, 1918
The German fleet mutinies at Kiel. Trieste falls to the Allies and Hungary surrenders
November 11, 1918
Armistice day
January 5, 1919
Communist revolt in erlin
January 18, 1919
Start of peace negotiations in Paris
May 7-June 28, 1919
Treaty of Versailles drafted and signed