Time/Numbers/Contractions/Days of the Week Flashcards
In telling time when is “es” used?
Only when followed by “la una”.
Ex: Es la una (It is one)
In telling time when is “son” used?
Any time other when using “una”.
Ex: Son las tres
When adding minutes up to and including the half hour
Minutes are added by using the numeral after “y”
Ex: Los cuatro y veinte (twenty minutes past four)
Es la una y diez
Son las dos y cuarto
Son las dos y media
Between the half hour and the next hour, minutes are subtracted from the next hour using “menos”
Las dos menos cuarto (a quarter to two)
So las dos menos veinte
Quarter of an hour
Half an hour
Las dos y cuarto
Las dos menos cuarto
Las doce y media
What word is used when expressing a specific hour?
What word is used when no specific hour is given?
It is seven am (in the morning)
Son las siete de la manana.
I study in the afternoon
Estudio por la tarde
Word to express destination (“to”)
al when by “el”
The teacher is arriving at the classroom
El professor llega a la sala de clase
I have to go to the dinning room
Tengo que ir al comedor
Where to? To What Place?
Where are you going?
Adonde vas?
When asking for a place/where?
Where are you going to study?
Donde vas a estudiar?
The days of the week
Los dias de la semana
(on) Monday
el lunes
(on) Tuesday
el martes
(on) Wednesday
el miércoles
(on) Thursday
el jueves
(on) Friday
el viernes
(on) Saturday
el sábado
(on) Sunday
el domingo
We have class on Tuesday.
Tenemos la clase el martes.
To express repeated occurrences use “los” with the days of the week
We have class every Friday
Tenemos clase los viernes
We study on Saturdays
Estudiamos los sabados