Bricks 2/Have, Nothing, Something, Everything, Bueno, Mas, El Que, Lo Que, La Que, Unos and Dos Flashcards
to have (nouns, not having done something)
I have it
Lo tengo
I have them
Las tengo
Do you have that
Tienes eso?
He has her here
La tiene aqui
She has a house
Ella tiene una casa
You don’t have that?
No tienes eso?
I have been here one time
He estado aqui una vez
I have that thing here
Tengo esa cosa aqui
He has been your friend
El ha sido tu amigo
My friend has this
Mi amigo tiene esto
You have done that
Has hecho eso
I have a house in that place
Tengo una casa en ese lugar
No one (must use “no”)
Nothing (must use “no”)
All the things
Todas las cosas
All the time
Todo el tiempo
bueno/a (can go before after a noun)
Loses the “o” when used before a masculine noun’ “buen”
Refers to what something is
Associated with ser
Add “s” if noun plural
Refers to how something is doing
Associated with estar
It’s a good day
Es un buen dia
It was a good thing
Era una buena cosa
Those were good things
Esas eran buenas cosas
The houses were good
Las casa eran buenas
I want more of that
Quiero mas de eso
He is taller than her
El es mas tall que ella
I want to eat more
Quiero comer mas
I want it to be a good day
Queiro que sea un buen dia
She is happier than he
Ella esta mas happy que el
She wanted more of that thing
Ella wanted mas de esa cosa
I have done it more
Yo lo he hecho mas
Something else
Algo mas
Someone else
Alguien mas
Someone else has that
Alguien mas tiene eso
I have something else
Tengo algo mas
The (used when there is noun)
The good thing is that we’re here early
Lo bueno es que estamos aqui early
The difficult thing is that it’s mostly up hill
Lo difficult es que it’s mostly uphill
Lo sentence template
Lo [description] es que [sentence]
The nice thing is that it’s a nice day
Lo nice es que a nice day
The terrible thing is he won’t call me back
Lo terrible es que he won’t call me back
I like the one (house) we saw yesterday
I like la que that we saw yesterday
He was the one that was talking with us
Era el que was talking con nosotros
She was the one that was here that day
Era la que estaba aqui ese dia
These things are good, especially the one that’s here
Estas cosas son buenas especially la que esta aqui
Lo que vs. que
Lo que- specifically used when you want to say “the one that”
Que (accent on e) only used when there is a question or implied question
I like what you’re cooking
I like lo que you’re cooking
I like the one that you’re holding
I like el que estas holding
What he said was funny
Lo que he said was funny
What is this here?
Que es esto aqui?
I see what you did there
Yo see lo que you did there
I can’t find the one you liked
Yo no can find la que you liked
Everyone was in one place
Todos estaban en un lugar
I have been here both days
He estado aqui los dos dias
Both girls are going to do it
Las dos chicas lo van a hacer
I’m with one of the guys
Estoy con uno de los chicos
They my things. I have both
Son mis cosas. Tengo las dos.
One place or both?
Un lugar or los dos?
One house is here, one is not.
Una casa esta aqui., una no lo esta