Chapter 7 Body Parts/Que/Para/Por Flashcards
Ir + a + infinitive
To be going to do something
Ellos van a cantar esta noche
They are going to sing tonight
Ir + a+infinitive when formed as a question
Place subject of sentence either directly after conjugated form of ir or after the infinitive
Van ellos a cantar esta noche?
Van a cantar ellos esta noche?
Are they going to sing tonight?
“Que” can refer to persons or things
El programa que miro los viernes es interesante
The program that I watch on Fridays is interesting
Los platos que acabo de comprar son verdes
That plates I just bought are green
Que can be used as the object of a preposition and refers to thing or things only
in which, of which, with which
El libro en que escribimos es viejo
The book in which we write is old
Ella tiene un bastón con que caminar
She has a cane with which to walk
Que can be used to join two sentences into one
El maestro sabe que los estudiantes entienden
The teacher knows the students understand
Use of para
For or in order to
Josė tiene dos libros para la clase
Jose has two books for the class
Los guantes son para el invierno
The gloves are for the winter
El estudia para ser doctor
He studies in order to be a doctor
Comemos para vivir
We eat in order to live
la cara
the face
la cintura
the waist
el cuello
the neck
la columna
the spine
el dedo del pie
the toe
el diente
the tooth
la frente
the forehead
la garganta
the throat
el hombro
the shoulder
la lengua
the tongue
la mano
the hand
la mejilla
the check
la muñeca
the wrist
el muslo
the thigh
las nalgas
the buttocks
la nariz
the nose
la oreja
the ear
the chest
la piel
the skin
el pulgar
the thumb
la quijada
the jaw
la rodilla
the knee
los senos
the breasts
el tobillo
the ankle
el cerebro
the brain
el corazón
the heart
las costillas
the ribs
el hueso
the bone
el músculo
the muscle
el pulmón
the lung
las venas
the viens
Possessives and body parts
el, la, los and las used as opposed to possessive adjectives.
Por ejemplo: Ella tiene un problema en el pie. (She has a pain in her foot)
La barba
The beard
La barbilla
The chin
El codo
La pierna