Other Idioms Flashcards
acabar de + infinitive
To have just (done something)
yo acabo de llegar
I have just arrived
tú acabas de cantar
You have just sung
él acaba de salir
he has just left
nosotros acabamos de decidir
we have just decided
ellos acaban de volver
they have just returned
dejar de + infinitive
to stop (doing something)
yo dejo de fumar
I stop smoking
tú dejas de comer
you stop eating
ella deja de bailar
she stops dancing
nosotros dejamos de trabajar
we stop working
ellas dejan de estudiar
they stop studying
tener + que+ infinitive
have to (do something)
tengo que ir
i have to go
tú tienes que cocinar
you have to cook
él tiene que hablar
he has to speak
tenemos que caminar
we have to walk
tenemos que eschuchar
We have to listen
tienen que descansar
they have to rest
tratar de + infinitive
to try to do something
trato de leer
i try to read
tratas de limpiar
you try to clean
trata de contestar
you try to answer/ud
tratamos de escribir
we try to write
trantan de nadar
They try to swim
volver a + infinitive
to do something again
vuelvo a leer
I read again
vuelvas a concinar
you cook again
vuelve a mentir
you (ud) lie again
volvemos a conversar
We speak again
vuelven a ganar
They win again
to leave
To deal with something.
To begin again.