Time management and prioritisation Flashcards



Example of how you planned and prioritised time to deliver fundraising activity


Situation: New Business - Go into each annual cycle of quarterly cycle with known opportunities or unknown opportunities.

Task: find the balance of being on top of the opportunities that you know about to give you the capacity to take on any impromptu opportunities that pop up and are a great fit.

Action: At the start of the year I plan our my known opportunities Various techniques to manage them efficiently.

Diary - reminders in of deadlines and when to trigger actions so that it doesn’t fall off the radar for me and anyone i’m collaborating with.

Convey Matrix - BAU gets compromised when a massive opportunity comes up. The matrix helps me to understand what I can deprioritise or delegate so I’m not overstretching myself and giving my all the opportunity.

Pipeline pioritisation - score pipelines based on those that are going to be the most successful. Brand reach, propensity to give, synergy and brand strength - focus on the most impactful opportunities.

Result - It’s easy to get side tracked by new opportunities e.g. £2m KMPG opportunity came up whilst I was at a crucial point in getting a £50k opportunity over the line. Using those metrics above I was able to make an informed decision and not compromise my £50k opportunity for KMPG which we are very unlikely to win.

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