Time Intervals Flashcards
NDE - Minimum time an examiner should be in a darkened area prior to using a black light for MT & PT exams
5 minutes ASME V: T-676.4.b & T-777.2.b
Testing - Minimum duration for a pressure test
10 minutes B31.3: 345.2.2.a
NDE - Final interpretation of a PT exam after application of developer (time range)
10-60 minutes ASME V: T-676.1
Testing - Minimum duration of hydro to evaluate integrity of buried pipe
8 hours 570: 9.3.7
NDE - Max Calibrating Interval – MT Permanent Magnet Yoke
Daily ASME V: T-762.a
NDE - Max Calibrating Interval - RT densitometer
90 days ASME V: T-262.1
Maximum time for obtaining thickness readings when corrosion rate on new pipe is not known (no other data available)
3 months 570: 7.1.2.c
Welding – Max Time a Welder or Welding Operator maintains qualifications for a process without using that process
6 months ASME IX: QW-322.1.a
Interval - Suggested interval for Above-grade Visual Surveillance of buried pipe
6 months 570: 9.3.1
NDE - Max Calibrating Interval - Electromagnetic MT Yoke
1 year ASME V: T-762.a
NDE - Maximum Interval for a visual examiner’s eye exam
1 year ASME V: T-923
NDE - Max interval to calibrate pressure gauge used in testing
1 year ASME V: T-1061.a
AI - Length of time before an API 570 AI must recertify
3 years 570: A.3.1
Insp - Max Thickness Inspection interval for an Injection Point
Lesser 3 yr or ½ Life 570: Table 2
Insp - Max External Inspection interval for Class 1 & 2 Piping
5 year 570: Table 2
Insp - Maximum Interval for Relief devices in fouling or corrosive service
5 year 570:
Insp - Suggested interval for Close-interval Potential Survey of buried pipe with poor CP
5 year 570: 9.3.2
Insp - Suggested interval for evaluation of Soil Corrosivity for buried pipe with no CP
5 year 570: 9.3.4
Insp - Max Thickness Inspection interval for Class 1 Piping
Lesser 5 yr or ½ Life 570: Table 2
Insp - Maximum Interval for Relief devices in non-fouling or non-corrosive service
10 years 570:
Insp - Minimum years of experience for Owner’s inspector during new fabrication
10 years B31.3: 340.4.b
Insp - Maximum External Inspection interval for Class 3 Piping
10 years 570: Table 2
Insp - Maximum Thickness Inspection interval for Class 2 & 3 Piping
Lesser 10 yr or ½ Life 570: Table 2
RBI - Maximum Interval for the RBI Reassessment
Per Table 2 570: 5.2.4
Repairs - When should temporary welded pipe repairs be replaced
Next opportunity 570:
Repairs - When shall non-welded repairs & temporary leak sealing devices and be removed and pipe repaired
Next turnaround 570: 8.1.5
NDE - Max Calibrating Interval - Check the light intensity of a black light used in a MT or PT exam
Before & after use ASME V: T-676.4.e & T-777.2.e