Miscellaneous Numbers Flashcards
Flanges - Thread engagementellaneous acceptance criteria
-1 570: 5.12 / B31.3: 335.2.3
Ratio of Endurance Limit Stress to Ultimate Tensile Stress for Carbon Steel
0.4 – 0.5 571:
Testing - Minimum range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
1.5 ASME V: T-1031.a
Testing - Preferred range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
2 ASME V: T-1031.a
NDE - # of additional welds or joints to examine when a weld defect is found during a Random examination
2 B31.3: 341.3.4.a
PWHT - Minimum # of thermocouples required when performing a local PWHT instead of a 360 degree band
2 570:
Weld Qualification - Number of tension tests to qualify a WPS
2 ASME IX: QW451.1
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions 1G-4G
2 ASME IX: QW452.1.a
NDE - Minimum # of exposures to RT 360o of a weld using a double-wall technique, double-wall view (elliptical shot)
2 ASME V: T-271.2.b.1
NDE - RT film Density Range - allowed for the weld & IQI when using a gamma ray source
2.0 – 4.0 ASME V: T-282.1
NDE - Minimum # of exposures to RT 360o of a weld using a double-wall technique, single-wall view
3 ASME V: T-271.2.a
Impact Test - Number of test bars required in each set
3 B31.3: 323.3.3
NDE - When using a shim under a hole-type IQI, the number of sides of the IQI that must be seen in the RT image
3 ASME V: T-277.3
Testing - Maximum range of pressure gauge used during a pressure test (multiplied by test pressure)
4 ASME V: T-1031.a
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a WPS
4 ASME IX: QW451.1
Weld Qualification - Number of bend tests to qualify a welder or welding operator in welding positions 5G & 6G
4 ASME IX: QW452.1.a Note 1
Design - # of Stress Cycles needed to become rated as Severe Cyclic Service
7000 B31.3: 300.2