TIC 1er parcial Flashcards
the future of mobile and desktop devices will be main objective in the
development industries
research centers
operative system program
is in charge to administrate all the resources of the system, both hardware and software so it permits the communication
main functions of the system
interprets and executes the instructions through the interface that provides to the user
optimizes the communication between the input and the output devices.
coordinates the processing of tasks
provides diagnosis services of error of the basic parts of the equipment
serves as a connection to execute the application software
classification of the operative system
permits 2 or more users execute programs at the same time
permits 2 or more applications be used at the same time
has more than one processor that operates in the same memory but executes processes simultaneously
types of operative system
one for computers and other for mobile devices
operative systems for computers
Windows, MacOS, linux, freeBSD and solaris
appears in 1985
windows 10 is a version of the windows operative system
minimum requirements of the system for using windows 10
processor RAM hard disk space graphic card pantalla
lock screen windows 10
you can see small information data such as date and hour of the system as well as notices
desktop of windows 10
is like windows 7 or 8
appears icons which represent programs
icons that appear in the desktop by default
recycle bin short cuts file folder screentip
recycle bin
it is used as an electronic garbage . stores temporary the dleted files or folders. windows
icons distinguised for having an arrow in the left corner, represent direct access to some applciation file or folder
represents a grouping of data or information identified by a name
store files
screen tip
when the mouse pointer is placed in some icon, shows specific infromation of the selected file
start menu windows
composed by two sections
in the left section shows all applications and the recent used programs
the one of the right are tiles when clicking the app is opened
pin and unpin a program from the start menu
right click button pin to start/anclar al inicio and to un-anchor select unpin from taskbar
personalize the desktop
right click on an empty space of the desktop and the click on perssonalize
view apps and checkin the time, when you open and app it is added to the task bar temporarily
pin and unpinn program in the task bar
start menu click to the app more pin to task bar unpin from taskbar
configure the taskbar
right button in an empty space
taskbar settings
virtual desktops
copies of the main windows desktop,
useful when you have programs opened at the same time
the action center
offered by windows 10, its renovated
zone of the desktop it is shown the notifications of windows and the programs designed for windows
acess to the location,airplane mode , all settings
file explorer
windows app whose function is manage the files of the computer
control panel
permits to do settings of the system its divide in 8 categories: system and security network and internet hardware and sound programs user accounts appearance and peronalization clock language and region ease of acces
why we should be careful with the control panel
a change of its options could modify the working of the computer and affect the way we use the computer
born in 2003, in 2005 google bought it
operative system thpught to be used in electronci devices
operating system owned by the apple company
mainly oriented to electronic devices
storage tools
allow to save the information in the cloud and to always have it available
most common apps used in the network store data
one drive
google drive
basic tasks of dropbox
open a dropbox
add files to dropbox
eliminate files from dropbox
create a shared folder
available app in the network to create interactive presentations
cmap tools
program that permits the user to generate build and navigate and sahre concept maps
window view of cmap tools
shows all the organization of the tool cmap tools
cmaps in my computer
contains all the maps and resources located in the computer
cmaps in the cloud
permits to enter to the folder of cmap in the cloud
cmaps in the sites
the shared maps are saved in servers of cmap tools ypu can save your maps in this site for all the world sees it
educative platforms
teaching-learning virtual environment that permits to interact with one or more users with pedagogical purposes
Learning management system LMS
spaces in network where educative materials, (tests, communication between teachers and students) are administrated
characetristics of educative platforms
communication tools: so students and teachers can communicate
administration tools: it serves for the administration of the courses, assign paswords,access to courses
grade tools: for the student to review his academic situation
LCMS (learning content management system): it serves to work aspcets related to the content of the courses.
nexus platform
teaching-learning platform designed by direccion de tecnologias de la informacion of the UANL