Thyroid CHapter Flashcards
Micro L Cystic Peripheral vascularutt Round shape —-
Type 1 deiodinase
Outer and inner Ring
Subcellular location in endoplasmic reticulim
Type 2
Outer ring
Type 2
Type 1 outer and inner
High susceptibility to PTU
Type 1
Inner and outer - inhibited by PTU and activated by thyroid hormone
Decreased response to increased T4 (the rest increases)
Type 2
Source of plasma t3 in thyrotoxic patients
Type 3
Found in liver kidney thyroid pituitary
Type 1
Effects of thyrotoxicosis in CV system
> decreased peripheral vasc resistance to dissipate heat
> inc CO inc HR inc SV
Mechanism of increased cardiac contractility in thyrotoxicosis
Increase in ratio of alpha to B myosin chain
Mearns Lerman scratch
Scratchy systolic sound in left sternal border resembling a pleuripericardial friction rub found in thyrotoxicosis
% of px with unexplained atrial fibrillation who are thyrotoxic
Percent of px with thyroxtoxicosis who have atrial fibrillation
Most common thyroid neoplasm
Follicular adenoma
Dose of rTSH
0.01 to 0.03 mg
TNM scoring
T0 no evidence of prary tumor T1 <1 T2 2-3 T3 4 cm limited to thyroid T4 extending beyond the thyroid
Most impt cytologic variant of thyroid CA whicb composed predominantly entirely of large cells with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm
Oxyphilic / oncocytic/ hurthle cell adenoma
PTC variant with poor progmostic finding
Hobnail variant with micropapillary pattern
PTC variant cells twice as tall as they are wide
Tall cell variant
PTC variant prominent nuclear stratification of elongated cells
Columnar cell variant
Aggrassive variants
Tall cell
Columnar cell variant
Nuclear changes in FNA
Nuclei are larger than N folloculae cells and overlap
Fissured like coffee beans
Ground glass nuclei (Chromatin hypodense)
Contain an inclusion corresponding to cytoplasmic invagination
Protooncogene whose activation is found only in PTC
Where is RET found
Chr 10q11-2