DM Complications Flashcards
4 mechanisms of hyperglycemia induced damage
- Increased polyol pathway influx
- Increased intracellular formation of AGE
- Activation of protein kinase C
- Increased hexosamine pathway influx
Mononeuropathy of this nerve is the least likely associated with DM
4th cranial nerve
CSME definition
Clinically significant macular edema
Retinal thickening within 500 um of the the fovea, hard exudates at or within 500 um of the fovea
DCCT results on retinopathy ang glycemic control
Intensive insulin therapy prevented the development of retinopathy by 27%
Treshold for treatment of eyes with DME
Presence of thickening of the central 1 mm diameter retinal subfield
Severe NPDR bu american academy of ophthalmology
More than 20 intraretinal hemorrhages in each of the four retinal quadrants
Definite venous beading in two or more retinal quadrants
Prominent intraretinal microvascular abnormalities in one or more retinal quardrants
Definition of PDR by the american college of ophthalmology
- One or mor retinal neovascularization
- Vitreous hemorrhage
- Preretinal hemorrhage
% of EOM palsies attributable to DM
Does BP control help reduce diabetic retinopathy?
Yea. UKPDS demonstrated a 34% and 47% reduction in risk of DM retinopathy progression in those assigned to intensive BP control
Strong predictor of incipient DM nephropathy, first ever CB event and all cause mortality in patients with T1DM
Serum OPN
Single upstream process that links different hyperglycaemia induced pathogenic mechanisms
Overproduction of superoxide by the mitochondrial electron transport chain
Explain the hexosamine pathway influx (4th hypothesis)
Fructose 6 phosphate diverted from glycolysis to the hexosamine pathway, it orocudes substrate for reactions that require UDP-GlcNac I
What is the rate llimiting step of the conversion of glucose to glucosamine
What mechanism for hyperglycemia induced damaged?
hexosamine pathyway
Explain increased polyol pathyway flux (mech #1)
Aldose reductose converts glucose to sorbitol
Sorbitol is oxidized to fructose by sorbitol dehydrogenase
Accounts for almost all of the hyperglycemia induced increase in reactive AGE precursors
Earliest morphologic changes in the diabetic retinal capillaries
1) Pericyte loss
2) Acellular capillary formation
Voltage gated sodium channel expressed exclusively in the unmyelinated sensory C fibers, responsible for the painful diabetic neuropathy
Nav 1.8
Anti atherogenic enzymes inactivated by ROS
Prostacycline synthase
Most common cause of vision loss from diabetes
Macular disease/ macular edema
Current first line therapy for most etes with center involved DME
Intravitreal injections of VEGF inhibitors
Clinical triad of DM nephropathy
Renal impairment
5 stages of diabetic nephropathy in T1 DM patients
- Hyperfiltration
- Silent stage
- Microalbuminuria/ incipient nephropathy
4: macroalbuminuria - Uremia
EM abnormalities of diabetic renal disease
Glomerular basement membrane thickening
Mesangial expansion
Thiamine derivative that inhibits the downstream effects of mirochondrial ROS production