As a general rule, how long should paragraphs be?
Paragraphs should be between 100 and 200 words.
What can it make it seem like if there are shorter paragraphs?
Shorter paragraphs may make a composition seem choppy; longer ones can challenge the reader’s attention span.
What are the two exceptions to the 100 and 200 word paragraph guideline?
- Academic and literary writing
- Business correspondence, informal writing, journalism, and popular fiction.
What are the paragraph guidelines when it comes to academic and literary writing?
Paragraphs are frequently longer to allow for development of thought and/or elevation of expression.
What are the paragraphs guidelines when it comes to business correspondence, informal writing, journalism, and popular fiction?
Paragraphs are often shorter - to capture and maintain reader interest and to make points quickly an clearly.
What is key when it comes to paragraph length?
The key is to understand and exploit the effect that length and structure have on your overall composition and on your reader’s experience of the piece.
You will begin a new paragraph when you want to do the following:
Generally, a paragraph should be unified in what way?
It should be unified around a main point, which should be clear to readers, and all the sentences in the paragraph should relate to it.
What is the topic sentence?
The topic sentence is the paragraph’s main point.
What does the topic sentence state?
It is a sentence that states, simply and directly, the topic of the paragraph in which it appears.
What does a new paragraph often signal to the reader?
A new focus.
What are the two signals that are communicated to readers when it comes to the opening of a new paragraph?
The new paragraph signals to the reader either a development of a new idea of the development of an idea that has already been established.
Where should the topic sentence appear in a paragraph?
While the topic sentence may occur anywhere in a paragraph, it is best to position it at - or very near - the beginning.
Why should the topic sentence appear at - or very near the beginning (what are the two reasons)?
Reason one: Gives readers a sense of what is to follow.
Reason two: Helps the writer to organize the flow of info. on the page.
What are the two reasons for why a topic sentence may not be necessary?
Reason one: If the focus hasn’t changed.
Reason two: One paragraph transitions obviously from the previous paragraph, a topic sentence may not be necessary.
What are the four basic types of topic sentences?
- announces
- announces/forecasts
- rhetorical question
- transitional
What are the two special types of topic sentences?
- divisional sentences
- Summary sentences.
What is this sentence an example of?
There are three basic types of topic sentences to consider.
This is a topic sentence that is establishing expectations.
What does this sentence establish?
There are three basic types of topic sentences to consider.
It establishes an expectation about what the paragraph will be about.
What type of topic sentence is being used in this paragraph and what is the topic sentence doing?
There are three basic types of topic sentences to consider.
It is the announcing type of topic sentence - which is the most straightforward type that introduces a paragraph.
The following is an example of what?
This is a topic sentence that is using a colon to forecast.
What are the two special types of topic sentences?
- divisional sentences
- summary sentences
In what way is this topic sentence forecasting information?
By announcing the subtopics that will appear further on in the composition.
How is this sentence using punctuation to then forecast the information that will be talked about before the announcement of the topic sentence?
It is using a colon after consider, and then listing the three basic types of topic sentences to be discussed.
The following is an example of what?
What are your options when it comes to topic sentences? Well, there are three basic types.
This is a topic sentence being introduces as a question.
How is this sentence trying to present the topic?
What are your options when it comes to topic sentences? Well, there are three basic types.
As a rhetorical question.
What is the rhetorical question communicating to the reader?
That an answer to the rhetorical question will be communicated in the rest of the paragraph.
Besides a topic sentence pointing to what will follow in a paragraph; what else can a topic sentence do?
Refer to an earlier sentence.
How does a transitional topic go about referring to an earlier sentence while also introducing a topic sentence?
By linking the new paragraph topic to a previous one.
What linking verbs are used to reference information that has already appeared?
“however,” “too,” and “finally” are used to reference information that has already appeared in the composition.
For what purpose does it serve to reference previous information?
So that previous paragraph information can be tied into a new paragraph.
What is permissible to do with a topic sentence?
To use a topic sentence to introduce two or more paragraphs.
Why is using a topic sentence to introduce two or more paragraphs a useful strategy?
It’s a useful when introducing two or more ideas.
Besides using this topic sentence to explain the “tree basic types” in one paragraph, what else can the announcing topic sentence be used for?
There are three basic types of topic sentences to consider.
It can also be used to introduce three paragraphs - one about each topic.
In what instance does using a topic sentence to introduce more than one paragraph well used?
It is well used when you want to compare or contrast ideas.
By using a divisional sentence to compare and contrast - how would the topic sentence and the rest of the first paragraph be structured?
You would introduce the comparison in the topic sentence and then use the rest of the paragraph to write about the first item.
By using a divisional sentence to compare and contrast how would the 2nd paragraph be structured?
The 2nd paragraph is used for the second item and so on with other paragraphs, if there are more than two ideas.
Overall, the so-named divisional sentence serves to communicate what?
A large body of information.
Why is the divisional sentence necessary?
To convey a large amount of info. in the 1st paragraph & ones that follow.
The summary sentence also contains what?
It also contains the topic sentence.
When the opening topic sentence is being applied to the summary sentence - what happens?
The topic sentence is restated in the summary sentence with different words for impact.
Where does the summary sentence appear at?
The summary sentence appears at the end of a paragraph.
What is the summary sentence doing at the end of a paragraph?
It is summing up all the info. that has preceded it.
Why are transitional sentences extremely important in composition?
They’re the glue that leads readers from one paragraph to the next.
Not only is the transitional sentence trying to signal a connection, but what is it also trying to do?
It is trying to I.D. the relationship that’s being made between the bits of information.
In what three places can a transitional sentence appear?
They can appear in the beginning of a paragraph, at the end of a paragraph, and at both the beginning and end of a paragraph.
What are the three basic types of transitional words/ phrases?
- logical transitions
- temporal transitions
- spatial transitions
What do logical transitions signal?
A logical relationship between items.
These are the 8 logical transitions that may do all of the following:
What do temporal transitions show?
A progression of time.
Concerning time, what are the four kinds of temporal transitions?
- Frequency
- Duration
- Specific time
- Beginning and end
What do spatial transitions provide for readers?
They show objects in a scene.
In what three ways do spatial transitions clue readers to objects in a scene?
- closeness
- distance
- direction
What should be noted about this kind of sentence?
Finally, spatial transitions clue readers to objects in a scene, pointing to closeness, distance, or direction.
It should be noted that the word: “finally” is a logical transition that introduces the last item in a series.
What are the six examples of transition words and phrases?