Thorax & Lungs - Week 6 Flashcards
You note a unilateral decrease on lung excursion. You suspect: (Bates, p. 319)
a. Bronchitis
b. RSV
c. Pneumonia
d. Severe asthma
(*extra: what do you see with all the other dx?)
You note unilateral decreased fremitus. You suspect: (Bates, p. 320)
a. Pneumonia
b. Pneumothorax
c. Foreign body inhalation
d. Phrenic nerve damage
(*extra: What would you suspect w/ increased fremitus? How do perform this technique)
Percussion is a technique used to help identify deep-seated lesions such as a neoplasm. (Bates, p. 320).
a. True b. False
Your patient has advanced COPD. With percussion, you will likely hear this percussion note: (Bates, p. 322)
a. Flatness
b. Hyperresonance
c. Resonance
d. Dullness
(*extra: what would you find with each example?)
Flat = large pleural effusion
dull = lobar pneumonia
resonant = simple chronic bronchitis
hyper resonant = COPD, pneumothorax
You are assessing a newborn. The caregiver tells you she has witnessed the infant stop breathing for 5-10 seconds at time & then breath rapidly after. You know this is: (Bates, p. 829)
a. Periodic respirations & normal
b. Apnea & high risk for SIDS
c. Potentially abnormal & should be referred to pulmonologist
d. Neurologic defect of respiratory center & referred to neurology
All of the below are signs of increased work of breathing in an infant except: (Bates, p. 830)
a. Nasal flaring
b. Retractions
c. Weak or thready pulse
d. Stridor
You note inward movement of the chest & outward movement of the abdomen (thoracoabdominal paradox) of the newborn you are assessing. You know this is a potential sign of pneumonia. (Bates, p. 831)
a. True b. False
You place your hands bilaterally on the posterior thorax at the 10th ribs. You slide your hands medially to raise a loose skin fold between your thumbs & the spine. You ask the pt to inhale deeply. This technique is called (Bates, p. 319)
a. Percussion
b. Tactile Fremitus
c. Diaphragmic Excursion
d. Thoracic/Chest Expansion
(*extra: Describe how to perform each technique. What do any abnormalities signify?)
Your adult patient has +bronchophony & egophony on exam. You suspect: (Bates, p. 327)
a. Generalized abnormal lung tissue (i.e. pulmonary fibrosis)
b. Severe asthma exacerbation
c. Lobar consolidation (i.e. pneumonia)
d. COPD exacerbation
C Lobar consolidation (i.e. pneumonia)
It is appropriate to assess the infant with tactile fremitus. (Bates, p. 831)
a. True b. False
You are assessing a 7-year-old with what you suspect is a viral upper respiratory infection. You would expect to find the same symptoms as you would of an adult. (Bates, p. 876)
a. True b. False
Your pediatric patient presents with stridor. You’ve ruled out an acute etiology & are suspecting subacute cause. You know that this is responsible for 90% of subacute cause of stridor: (6.4 DDx lecture)
a. Bacterial pneumonia
b. Croup
c. Viral pneumonia
d. Foreign Body
Chronic stridor in an infant can be caused by all of the below except: (6.4 DDx lecture)
a. Subglottic stenosis
b. Vocal cord injury
c. Laryngomalacia
d. “
You know infants are obligate nasal breathers until approximately ____ months old (6.2 Thorax & Lungs, Pearls & Pitfalls)
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
You see a depression of the chest cavity of the newborn infant. You know this is likely (6.2 Thorax & Lungs, Pearls & Pitfalls)
a. Pectus carinatum
b. Pectus thoraxicum
c. Pectomalacia
d. Pectus excavatum
You‘ve diagnosed your pediatric patient with trachea-laryngo-bronchitis. Another common term for this infection is: (6.2 Thorax & Lungs, Pearls & Pitfalls)
a. Pneumonia
b. Croup
c. Bronchitis
d. Stridor
During inspiration, the diaphragm will: (Thorax & Lung PPT, slide 14)
a. Contract & expands
b. Chest wall & lungs recoil (contract)
c. Relax
d. Contract & flatten
Screening recommendations for lung CA for patients with who currently smoke or who have quite within the last 15 years include: (Bates, p. 314, Thorax & Lung PPT, slide 22)
a. Low-dose CT scan (LDCT) annually ages 55-79
b. Annual CXR or sputum cytology, ages 55-79
c. LDCT every 5 years, starting at age 55-79
d. Full CT scan annually, ages 55-79
You assessed prolonged expiration in your pediatric patient. You know this can be associated with: (Thorax & Lung PPT, slide 29)
a. Croup
b. Pneumonia
c. Asthma
d. Bronchitis
You are assessing for adventitious lung sounds by having your patient say “ee” as you move your stethoscope across the lung fields. You are using this technique: (Bates, p. 327)
a. Bronchophony
b. Whispered pectoriloquy
c. Egophony
d. Diaphragmic excursion
(*extra: how to perform each technique)
C Egophony