Head & Neck - Week 5 Flashcards
Which disorder is associated with age-related visual changes that cause difficulty with reading? (Bates, p 217)
a. Myopia
b. Presbycusis
c. Presbyopia
d. Glaucoma
C Presbyopia
Consensual reaction to light is when a person shifts their gaze from a far object to a near object, the pupils constrict: (Bates, p 229)
a. True
b. False
B false
The static wiggle test evaluates: (Bates, p 232)
a. Pupillary response to motion
b. EOM
c. Near reaction to light
d. Peripheral vision
The diopter of the ophthalmoscope measures: (Bates, p 239)
a. The power of a lens to converge or diverge light
b. Retinal width
c. AV diameter
d. The power of the patient’s lens to reflect light
On ophthalmic exam, you see light red vessels that are about 2/3 the size of the other darker vessels. You are now are visualizing: (Bates, p 241)
a. Veins
b. Arteries
c. Venous pulsations
d. Optic disc vessels
Painless, leakage of blood outside the eye vessels producing red, sharply demarcated area with no discharge is: (Bates, p 270)
a. Subconjunctival hemorrhage
b. Corneal injury or infection
c. Acute angle closure glaucoma
d. Acute iritis
Your patient presents with severe, aching, deep eye pain associated with decreased vision, fixed dilated pupil, cloudy cornea & no discharge is: (Bates, 270)
a. Subconjunctival hemorrhage
b. Corneal injury or infection
c. Acute angle closure glaucoma
d. Acute iritisis
C Acute angle closure glaucoma
You see medullated nerve fibers on your ophthalmic exam. You explain to your patient: (Bates, p 279)
a. They should have an urgent ophthomology referral
b. This is a chronic condition & the cause of their decreased night vision
c. A sign of hyperthyroidism
d. A normal variation of the optic disc
Visualization of physiologic cupping should warrant emergent referral. (Bates, p 279)
a. True b. False
All are potential signs of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis except: (Bates, p. 251)
a. Facial pain, pressure or fullness
b. Smell disorder
c. Taste disorder
d. Purulent nasal drainage
You see a pink, hyperemic optic disc with disc vessels very numerous, curving over the disc border, with no visibility of the physiologic cup. You know that this is: (Bates, 280)
a. Papilledema
b. Glaucomatous cupping
c. Optic atrophy
d. A normal variation
You note exophthalmos in your patient. You suspect: (Bates, p 264):
a. Hypothyroidism
b. Multinodular goiter
c. Grave’s disease
d. Thyroid malignancy
You note enlargement of the left supraclavicular nodes. Top on your DDx would be: (Bates, p. 260)
a. Left thyroid nodules
b. Thoracic metastasis
c. Left Tonsillar abscess
d. Left side pneumonia
You see marked AV crossing, copper wiring of the arterioles & cotton-wool spots. You suspect these are caused by: (Bates, p. 283)
a. Diabetes
b. Increased cranial pressure
c. Increased ocular pressure
d. Hypertension
You are performing pneumatic otoscopy. The expected normal finding is that no TM movement.
a. True b. False
You note a +”tug” test on exam. You know that this likely indicates: (Bates, p. 245)
a. AOM
b. Otitis media with effusion
c. AOE
d. Inflamed preauricular lymph nodes
Your patient has one eye covered. You instruct him to look at your nose while you present 1-5 fingers to each quadrant of vision. This is used to assess visual fields & is called: (Bates, p 232)
a. Consensual Light reaction
b. Confrontation testing
c. Cover-uncover test
d. Convergence
All are considered “red flags” headache warning signs except: (Bates, p 216)
a. Change in patterns from past headaches
b. Aggravated or relieved by position change
c. Sudden onset like a “thunderclap”
d. New onset after age 35
Testing of bone conduction (BC) should be done by the Weber test. (Bates, p. 248)
a. True b. False
You see the following on exam of a 14-year-old male patient. You document this as: (Bates, p. 287)
LOOKS like scar tissue on tympanic membrane
a. Serous effusion
b. AOM w/ effusion
c. Tympanosclerosis
d. Perforation of TM
*Describe expected findings each of these
You are examining your 54 y.o. male patient who has a h/o smoking x 27 years and drinks approximate 6 beers a day. On oral exam, you assess a white, adherent patch on the side surface of the tongue. You are most suspicious of: (Bates, p. 256)
a. Oral herpes simplex
b. Melanoma
c. Leukoplakia
d. Erythroplakia
*Describe expected findings each of these
In conductive hearing loss, testing using the Rinne method will show BC=AC or BC > AC.
a. True b. False
* What will you see in conductive hearing loss when you use the Weber test?
* What will you see in sensorineural hearing loss?
On exam of a 5 y.o. with R ear pain, you see a buldging TM with obscured landmarks. Erythema is most obvious by the umbo, but the redness is diffuse. There may be spontaneous rupture with discharge in the canal. This describes: (Bates, p. 288)
a. Serous effusion b. Otitis externa c. Bullous myringitis d. Acute otitis media w/ purulent effusion
*Describe characteristics of each of the above
D acute otitis media with purulent effusion
Your patient presents with white exudate on their tonsils, erythematous posterior pharynx, low-grade fever & enlarged cervical lymphnodes. You are most suspicious of: (Bates, p. 292)
a. Viral pharyngitis b. Diphtheira c. Group A streptococcus d. Thrush
*Describe characteristics of each of the above
You see exostosis on exam. You know that is requires: (Bates, p. 245)
a. Urgent ENT consult b. Urgent audiology consult c. Non-urgent allergy consult d. No further action
Your patient presents with complaints of a swollen, red, painful L ear. On exam, you see the canal is swollen, narrowed, moist & erythematous. The most likely dx is: (Bates, p 246)
a. AOE b. AOM c. AOME d. Perforated TM
*Describe characteristics of each.
Normal age-related changes of the aging adult include all except: (Bates, p 991)
a. Retinal structures have less shine
b. Lens lose elasticity leading to presbyopia
c. Breakdown of cells in macular leading to macular degeneration
d. Fibers lens begin to thicken leading to cataracts
You are performing this eye exam. You are inspecting ________________(Bates, p. 265)
inside of the eyelid
a. Extraocular muscle movement
b. Palpebral conjunctiva
c. Sclera
d. Cornea
If you & your patient do NOT have any refractive errors, the retina should be in focus with the diopter on _______. (Bates, p. 240)
a. +10
b. -10
c. 0
d. +12
On ophthalmologic exam, you assess the following. You understand this to mean a _________ visual defect. (Bates, p. 273)
LEFT side visual field black in each circle/eye
a. Horizontal
b. Right optic nerve lesion
c. Bitemporal hemianopsia (optic chiasm)
d. Left homonymous hemianopsia (Right optic radiation)
The posterior eye structures include all except: (Bates, p. 227)
a. Optic disc
b. Cornea
c. Retinal vessels
d. Macula
You are examining a 6-week-old infant & note intermittent alternating convergent strabismus (esotropia). You discuss with the parents: (Bates, p. 824)
a. This warrants an ophthalmology referral
b. Considered a normal variant at this age
c. Patching should be initiated to prevent long-term visual defects
d. This is a congenital visual defect
You cannot measure visual acuity in infants. (Bates, p. 824)
a. True b. False
You note small, deformed or low-set auricles on an infant exam. You suspect: (Bates, p. 825)
a. Heart disease
b. Neurologic disease
c. Renal disease
d. Auditory deficits
You would diagnose the following as: (Bates, p. 275)
BUMP on the lash line
a. Hordeoleum
b. Chalazion
c. Xanthelasma
d. Blepharitis
*Describe each
You are performing the cover-uncover test. This helps to identify: (Bates, p. 278)
a. Aniosocoria b. Unilateral visual defect c. Corneal reflex asymmetry d. Dysconjugate gaze