Musculoskeletal - Week 10 Flashcards
You note inflammation of the prepatellar tendon in your 15 y.o. female patient. You suspect: (Pearls & Pitfalls lecture)
a. Osgood Schlatter Disease
b. Slipped Femoral Capital Epiphysis
c. Talipes equinovarus
d. Legg-Calve-Perthes
*Extra: What are exam findings for each?
Osgood Sclatter disease - knee pain in adolescents – inflammation of patellar tendon
slipped femora capital epiphysis - head of the femur (the ball) slips backward and down off the femur – most often in preteens and obese males
talipes equinovarus - club foot, completely turned in
leg-calve-perthes - avascular necrosis of femoral head
This image shows palpation of what area? (Bates, p. 661)
*Thumb over top part of hand above thumb joint
a. MCP
b. Anatomic snuffbox
c. Radial sheath
d. Radiocarpal joint
Genu varum is a term used to described knocked-knees. (Bates, p. 684)
a. True b. False
knock knees = genu valgum
bow-legs = genu varum
Melissa was playing soccer today & noted sharp pain in her right knee. In the office now, one of the 1st questions you ask is: (Bates, p 632)
a. Mechanism of injury b. Onset of symptoms c. Duration of symptoms d. Alleviating factors
An example of non-inflammatory MSK disorder is: (Bates, p 632)
a. Gout b. Rotator cuff tear c. RA d. Idiopathic
All are considered dynamic stabilizers of the shoulder except: (Bates, p 647)
a. Latissimus dorsi b. Supraspinatus c. Infraspinatus d. Teres minor
The most common cause of shoulder pain in primary care is arthritis. (Bates, p 652)
a. True b. False
A positive Bulge sign would indicate: (Bates, p 687)
a. Full-thickness rotator cuff tear b. Torn ACL c. Mild knee effusion d. Achilles tendon rupture
The 1st imagine would be used to assess the ACL & is known as ______ (Bates, p 690)
*pushing knees up and together
a. Posterior drawer b. Anterior drawer c. McMurray Test d. Valgus stress
*Extra: what is tested for each maneuver?
posterior drawer - PCL injury
anterior drawer - ACL tear
McMurray test - tear of medial meniscus
Valgus stress - MCL injury
The most commonly injured muscle in the rotator cuff is: (Bates, 650)
a. Supraspinatus b. Infraspinatus c. Teres minor d. Subscapularis
You detect proximal muscle weakness of the lower extremities (+Gower’s sign) in a toddler (depicted below). You are suspicious of: (MSK lecture)
Child having difficulty and needing to push bent legs straight to go from crawling on all fours to standing
a. Occult spina bifida b. Congenital hip dysplasia c. Tibial torsion d. Neurodegenerative disorder
- Extra: What would you see with the other disorders?
occult spina bifida - pigmented spots, hairy patches, or deep pits
congenital hip dysplasia - ortolani & barlow
tibial torsion - pigeon toed
neurodegenerative disorder (like muscular dystrophy)
You are testing adduction & internal rotation of your patient’s R shoulder. This image shows ________ test. (Bates, p. 653)
patient reaching behind themselves just under the scapula with back of hand
a. Crossover or crossed body b. Rotator cuff pain provocation c. Apley’s d. Internal rotation lag
- Extra: What does each test assess for?
crossover or crossed body - acromioclavicular joint
rotator cuff pain provocation - painful arch test. subacromial impingement/rotator cuff tendinitis
Apley’s - rotator cuff disorder or adhesive capsulitis
internal rotation lag - subscapularis disorder
You assess pigmented spots, hair tufts & deep pits on the spine base of a newborn. You know this is potentially indicates______ (Bates, p. 842)
a. Hirsutism b. Spina bifida (mengiomyelocele) c. Congenital drawfism d. Early severe scoliosis
The SITS muscles are supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor & subspinatus. (Bates, p 647)
a. True b. False
SITS muscles are supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis
On examination, your patient has a + Empty Can test. This likely indicates: (Bates, p 655)
a. Bicipital tendonitis b. ACL tear c. Supraspinatus tear d. Greater trochanter bursitis