Thorax and Lung Assessment Flashcards
Respiratory is divided into?
Upper and lower portions
- upper portion warms, moisturizes and transports air to lower portion
- lower portion is where oxygenation and ventilation occur
Three Main Compartments
- the mediastinum is the central compartment (heart, great vessels, lymph nodes, nerves and fat)
- other two contain the lungs
Phrenic Nerve
Innervates the diaphragms
Intercostal nerves
Innervate the intercostal muscles
Where does Arterial blood supply for the chest come from?
The thoracic aorta and the subclavian, brachial and axillary arteries
The two pulmonary arteries do what?
Carry deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to each lung (where gas exchange takes place)
Two pulmonary veins do what?
Return oxygenated blood to the left side of the heart for circulation to the rest of the body
Refers to the very bottom of the lungs
Is the very top of the lungs
- look for physical conditions
- patients in distress use accessory muscles
- looking for equal expansion
Cracklings or popping sound under skin due to air turbulence
- large airways the sound is louder and coarse
- small airways sound is soft and finer
- alternate from left to right
Fine Crackles
- small amounts of fluid in alveoli
- early crackles occur w/ obstructive disease
- late crackles associated w/ restrictive disease
Coarse Crackles
- small air bubbles flow through secretions or narrowed airways
- associated with pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary edema, COPD
- air passing through narrowed airways
- found with asthma, bronchitis
-airflow passes around/through secretions or narrow passages (invaders of pneumonia)
Sounds like a gurgle or low pitched wheeze
Pleural Friction Rub
With pleuritis, inflamed pleural surfaces lose lubrication and rub together during breathing
How many lobes of the lung?
5 lobes
- 3 on the right side
- 2 on the left side