Neurological Assessment Flashcards
Glasgow Coma Scale
- Eye opening, verbal response, motor response
- enter room, state patient name (use loud voice if no response), touch shoulder, noxious stimulation (pain- apply pressure to nailbed)
5 Levels of Consciousness
- Alert
- Confusion
- Drowsy
- Stupor
- Comatose
Awake and alert
Not oriented or unable to answer questions
Not easily aroused
Not aroused or engaged but responds to stimuli
Does not respond to any stimuli
6 Indicators of Consciousness
- orientation
- mood and behaviour
- general knowledge
- short term and long term memory
- attention span
- ability to concentrate
I - Olfactory
Test: bilaterally
II. Optic
Test: visual acuity and visual field
III. Oculomotor
Test: Pupillary assessment (PERRLA)
-up, down, medial, up and in
IV. Trochlear
Eyes - down and inward
V. Trigeminal
Cornea, cheek, nose, lips
Test: sharp and dull sensation, mastication
VI. Abducens
Lateral eye movement
VII. Facial
Tastes and facial expressions
Test: evaluate taste and facial movement
VIII. Acoustic
Hearing and equilibrium
Test: whisper test, Rinnie and Webber tests
IX. Glossopharyngeal
Test: taste and swallowing test
X. Vagus
Major parasympathetic nerve
Test: uvula deviation
XI. Spinal Accessory
Head turn/ shoulders
Test: shoulder shrugs
XII. Hypoglossal
Voluntary tongue movements
Test: stick tongue out