Thoracic Wall 1 and 2 Flashcards
What is referred to by the term ‘thorax’?
What is the difference between the thoracic (rib) cage and the thoracic wall?
What 4 things does the thoracic cage consist of?
- ‘Thorax’ refers to the area of the body between the neck and abdomen
- The thoracic (rib) cage is the structure that the thoracic wall is built on
- The thoracic cage consists of:
1) Sternum
2) 12 pairs of ribs and their costal cartilages
3) 12 thoracic vertebrae
4) 12 Intervertebral disks
what is the purpose of the thorax?
rigidity and elasticity
what is in covered in the costal groove
costal nerve, artery and vein
how does the thorax work in respiration?
- resists negative intra thoracic pressure (so the ribs don’t collapse), while working in partnership with the diaphragm and abdominal muscles
- the decrease in pressure draws the air into the lungs
what 5 things does the thoracic wall consist of?
1) Thoracic cage
2) Skin and Subcutaneous tissue
3) Thoracic muscles and fascia
4) 3 layers of muscles extending between the intercostal spaces (external, internal, innermost)
5) Mammary gland/breast tissue
describe the shape of the thorax?
- truncated cone
- wider transversely than sagittal
How many ribs do we have?
What are the 3 different types of ribs?
What number of ribs fall into these categories?
How does each type articulate with the sternum?
- We have 12 pairs of ribs
- 3 Different types of ribs:
1) True ribs (1-7) – attach directly to the sternum through costal cartilage, which gives flexibility for respiration
2) False ribs (8-10) attach to the sternum indirectly through the costal cartilage of the 7th rib
3) Floating ribs (11-12) – do not articulate with the sternum
describe the thoracic vertebrae?
- body, pedicles, lamina
- spinous processes and transverse processes
- superior and inferior articular facets
- invertebrate foramina
Typical/Atypical ribs
look at lecture
for the first atypical rib what are the grooves for
subclavian vein and subclavian artery
What numbers of ribs are considered typical?
What are the 7 parts of the typical rub?
- A typical rib consists of 7 parts:
1) Head
2) Neck – between the head and tubercle
3) Tubercle
4) Body (shaft)
5) Costal angle – lateral border of intrinsic back muscles. The region where the rib is the most strongly bent located on the proximal part of the body of the rib.
6) Ridge – divides articular surface of the head into demi facets
7) Costal groove (V.A.N) – on the inner surface and close to the inferior borders. Used for the intercostal nerves and vessels
describe some features of first atypical rib (rib 1)
- no costal groove
- deep nd non palpable
- scalene tubercle for attachment of the anterior scalene muscle
- groove for subclavian artery and the inferior trunk (C8 and T1) of the brachial plexus
- single facet on head to articulate with T1 vertebra only
Labelled thoracic vertebrae
what ribs are not attached to the sternum
11 and 12 (atypical ribs)
What is the sternum the site of
The sternum is also a site of
bone marrow aspiration, in
3 parts of the sternum?
xiphid process
(a Childs sternum will not have fussed yet)
describe the location of the sternal angle?
- second costal cartilage
- invertebrate disc between T4 and 5
- the beginning and end of the aortic arch
- the bifurcation of the trachea (carina)
- superior limit of the pulmonary trunk
- azygos vein opening to SVC
what ligament do you find at the sternal angle?
ligamentum arteriosum
what does each rib articulate with via?
- each rib articulates with the superior costal facet of its corresponding vertebra and the inferior costal facet of the vertebra above via a costovertebral joint
- these joints are synovial joints supported by a capsule with ligaments in it.
what are the facets of ribs T1-T12?
T2-T9= each one only has 2 half costal facets (demifacets)
T1= has one and a half costal facets on its body
T11 and T12 = has one oval costal facet each
How do costovertebral joints form?
What are exceptions?
What type of joints are these?
How are they supported?
What else is part of this joint?
- Costovertebral joints form when demi facets on the head of each rib (except 1, 11 and 12) articulate with the superior costal facet of its corresponding thoracic vertebra and the inferior costal facet of the vertebrae above
- These joints are synovial, and are supported by a capsule with ligaments.
- The intervertebral disc is also part of this joint
How many costal facets are found on each vertebra?
T2-T9 = each have 2 half costal facets (demifacets)
T1= has 1 and a half costal facets on its body
T11 and T12 = have 1 oval costal facet each
What 2 ways is flexion and extension prevented in the thoracic region?
- Flexion and extension in the thoracic region is prevented through:
1) Superior and inferior articular processes being vertical
2) Articular facets facing slightly medially (allows some rotation but no flexion)
Do spinous process of thoracic vertebrae overlap?
How do the vertebrae articulate?
- Spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae overlap, with the vertebrae articulating through superior and inferior articular facets on the articular processes
What 3 ways do spinous processes on thoracic vertebrae vary?
Which vertebrae fall into each category?
- Variation in the Spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae vary:
1) Horizontal - 1st, 2nd, 11th, 12th vertebrae
2) Oblique – 3rd, 4th, 9th, 10th
3) Long and vertical – 5th, 8th
Costotransverse joint
Is the joint between the tubercle of rib (except 11 and 12)
and the transverse process of its corresponding vertebra
describe the facets of costotransverse joints?
costotransverse joints 1-7= have curved facets allowing rotation
costotransverse joints 8-10 = have flat facets allowing gliding movement
THIS is important for respiratory movement.
Costochondral and Sternocostal joints
Why is the first rip not palpable?
How can the first rib be found?
What are 3 reasons why rib 1 is considered atypical?
What is the scalene tubercle on rip 1 used for?
- Rib 1 is not palpable as it is too deep
- Rib 1 can be found by finding rib 2 using the sternal angle
• Rip 1 is considered atypical because:
1) Rib 1 has 2 extra grooves: 1 for the subclavian artery and inferior trunk (C8 and T1) of the brachial plexus, and 1 for the subclavian vein
2) It does not have a ridge, meaning it has 1 articular facet on its head that articulates only with the T1 vertebra.
3) Rib 1 does not have a costal groove
• The scalene tubercle on rib one is for the attachment of the anterior scalene muscle
What ribs are floating ribs?
What are 3 reasons floating ribs are considered atypical?
How is rib 12 related to the pleura
- Ribs 11 and 12 are considered floating ribs
- Floating ribs are not attached to the sternum
• Floating ribs are atypical because:
1) The heads of floating ribs only articulate with vertebra of their level
2) They do not articulate with the transverse process of vertebrae
3) They do not attach to the sternum
• Rib number 12 is attached to the pleura of the lungs
Types of joints flow chart
What 3 bones does the sternum consist of?
How are these bones connected?
What is the sternal angle?
- The sternum consists of the manubrium, the body and with xiphoid process (xiphisternum)
- The manubriosternal and xiphisternal joints are secondary cartilaginous joint (symphyses), meaning they allow limited or no movement
- The sternal angle is the angle at which the manubrium and body of the sternum articulate
Where is the solar plexus found?
What process occurs in the axial skeleton into adulthood?
What does this allow the sternum to be used for?
- The solar plexus is found in the region of the xiphoid process (T6 dermatome)
- In the elderly, haematopoiesis is mostly confined to vertebrae, ribs and sternum (axial skeleton
- This allows for the sternum to be used as a site for bone marrow aspiration
What goes on at the sternal angle?
- bifurcation of the trachea
- the beginning and end of the aortic arch
- azygos vein opening to SVC
- 2nd costal cartilage
What are costochondral joints formed between?
What type of joints are these?
How much movement do they allow?
What are costosternal joints formed between?
What types of joints are these?
How much movement does this allow?
How does costal cartilage (CC) articulate with the sternum?
How does the orientation of CC changes as you go down the ribcage?
Why is this important?
- Costochondral joints are formed between ALL ribs and costal cartilage ANTERIORLY
- These joints are primary cartilaginous (hyaline cartilage) joints, meaning they allow little to no movement
- Costosternal joints are formed between the costal cartilage of ribs 1-7 and the sternum
- Costosternal joint 1 is a primary cartilaginous joint (synchondroses), which allows little movement or no movement
- Costosternal joint 2-7 are synovial joints (diarthroses), which allows movement for respiration.
- The costal cartilage of ribs 8-10 articulate with the costal cartilage of rib 7, allowing it to articulate with sternum indirectly
- At ribs 1-4, the costal cartilage is horizontal, at ribs 5-10, the costal cartilage is more oblique
- This change in shape is important for respiration