Pathophysiology of Arrhythmias Flashcards
Learning outcomes
- know why dysrhythmias may arise and how they are classified
- know how heart block arises and its classification
- know how circus re-entry may arise
- know the differences in the electrical activity of the different parts of the heart and between normal and abnormal pacemaker cells which allow antidysrhythmic drug treatment
- understand the importance of correct identification of location and nature of the dysrhythmia for proper choice of antidysrhythmic drug
- Understand genetic basis of VT and ionchannelopathies
- Understand the management of atrial fibrillation
1st degree AV block?
lengthening of the PR interval
2nd degree AV block?
Mobitz TYPE 1
- progresive lengthening of PR internal until P wave blocked and then PR short again
Mobitz Type 2
- block after 2 or 3 conducted beats in regular pattern
3rd degree AV block?
complete AV dissociation
What are the 2 main types of arrhythmias?
- The 2 main types of arrhythmias are tachycardias and bradycardias
bradycardia = <50 bpm
tachycardia = >100bpm
What is decremental conduction?
What does this prevent?
- Decremental conduction references the fact that the more frequently the AV node is stimulated, the slower it will conduct
- This prevents rapid conduction to the ventricle in cases of rapid atrial rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter.
Where is fast conduction found in the heart?
What is fast conduction?
- Fast conduction is found in the His Purkinje system
- Fast conduction is where the His Purkinje System will conduct faster and faster until it stops conducting and enters its absolute refractory period where no more action potentials can be generated
What are the 5 phases of cardiomyocyte action potential?
- 5 phases of cardiomyocyte action potential:
1) Phase 0 = rapid depolarisation
2) Phase 1 = partial repolarisation
3) Phase 2 = plateau
4) Phase 3 = repolarisation
5) Phase 4 = resting potential
What is pacemaker potential?
- The pacemaker potential is the slow, positive increase in voltage across the cell’s membrane that occurs between the end of one action potential and the beginning of the next action potential
How does pacemaker cell action potential compare with cardiomyocyte action potential?
- Pacemaker cells do not have phases 1 or 2, but have an additional phase (partial repolarisation or plateau phase) (phase 4 on the diagram) known as the pacemaker potential
What are the 2 main type of bradycardia?
How do they each occur?
- 2 main types of bradycardia:
1) Sinus bradycardias
* Happens when your SA node generates a heartbeat less than 60 times a minute (60bpm)
2) AV blocks
* An AV heart block happens when the electrical impulses are delayed or blocked as they travel between your atria (the top chambers of your heart) and your ventricles (the bottom chambers of your heart)
* Occurs below the SA Node
What are the 5 causes of Sinus Bradycardia?
- 5 Causes of sinus bradycardia:
- Sinus Bradycardia is always a secondary event to:
1) Drugs (e.g. Beta Blockers, Diltazem(CCB))
2) Vagal activity
3) Hypothyroidism
4) Sinus Node disease
5) Electrolyte abnormalities
What are the 4 causes of AV heart block?
- 4 Causes of AV heart block:
1) Vagal activity
2) Myocardial infarction
3) Electrolyte abnormalities
4) Degenerative diseases
What are the 3 types of AV block based on ECG abnormality?
How do they appear on an ECG?
- 3 types of AV block based on ECG abnormality:
1) 1st degree
* Lengthening of the PR interval
2) 2nd degree
* Has 2 types:
* Mobitz Type 1 (Wenckebach block) - Progressive lengthening of PR interval until P wave is blocked and then PR is short again
* Mobitz Type 2 - Block after 2 or 3 conducted beats in regular pattern
3) 3rd degree
* Complete AV dissociation
* Atrial activation (usually from the sinus node) is independent from ventricular activation (originating from the AV junction, His-Purkinje system, or ventricles)
What is the main type of treatment for bradycardia?
What 3 other treatments might be offered if needed?
- The main treatment for bradycardia is pacemaker (temporary or permanent)
- Only if needed, treatment for:
1) Symptoms of syncope dizziness
2) Prophylactic at time of operations
3) Post AMI (acute MI)
Based on ECG, what are the 2 main types of tachycardia?
How do they appear on an ECG?
Where do they each originate?
- 2 main types of tachcyardia based on ECG:
1) Narrow Complex / Supraventricular Tachycardias
* Whatever is causing it originates above AV node and sending it below AV node, rises above the purkinje fibres.
1) Broad Complex Tachycardias
* Origin is below AV node and therefore arising from ventricle)
* QRS complex is longer than 0.12ms
what are the 5 main types of narrow complex/supraventricular tachycardias?
- atrial tachycardias
- junctional tachycardias
- AVNRT + AVRT (atrialventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia and atrial re-entry tachycardia)
- atrial flutter
- atrial fibrillation
What are the 5 main types of narrow complex / supraventricular tachycardias?
How do they each appear on ECGs?
- 5 main types of narrow complex / supraventricular tachycardias:
1) Atrial Tachycardias
* Focus in the atria
* There is a narrow complex tachycardia at 95 bpm.
* Each QRS complex is preceded by an abnormal P wave
* P wave morphology is consistent throughout.
2) Junctional Tachycardias
* Junctional mean associated with the AV node
* Arise at junction of the heart
* Retrograde P waves — inverted in II, III and aVF; upright in V1 and aVR.
* Atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia (AVNRT)
* AV re-entrant (or reciprocating) tachycardia (AVRT)
* Involves the AV node intrinsically or AV node and accessory pathway
* IN AVNRT, Regular, narrow complex tachycardia without P waves activity (p waves merge into QRS complex), or P-wave occurs after QRS complex in retrograde with a short RP interval (70ms)
* IN AVRT P-wave is visible in most cases.
* It is retrograde (inverted) in leads II, III and aVF and it occurs after the QRS complex (somewhere on the ST segment or early on the T-wave)
* Typically longer RP interval in AVRT (>70ms)
4) Atrial Flutter
* Narrow and regular
* Flutter waves are present, best seen in leads II, III, and aVF (*)
* The atrium can beat 300 times, making 3 p waves per QRS complex, which creates a saw tooth pattern
5) Atrial Fibrillation
* Narrow but irregularly irregular.
* Could still be AF is broad and irregular
What are the 3 main types of broad complex tachycardia?
How do they appear on an ECG?
How does bundle branch block appear on an ECG?
What is aberration?
- 3 main types of broad complex tachycardia:
1) Ventricular Tachycardia
* Can be monomorphic (every complex is the same) and polymorphic (complexes are different) VT
2) SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) with aberration
* Aberration is acquired, rate- dependent bundle branch block
3) SVT with a pre-existing BBB morphology on ECG
* e.g. SVT of antidromic tachycardia in WPW
what is broad complex tachycardia characterised by?
heart rate of more than 100 bpm and a QRS width of more then 120ms
What are the 3 basic mechanisms of tachycardias?
- 3 basic mechanisms of tachycardias:
1) Ectopic Focus (aka ectopic pacemaker)
* An excitable group of cells that causes a premature heart beat outside the normally functioning SA node of the heart
2) Re-entry / circus movement
3) Fibrillation – independent wavelets of activity
what are the 2 adjacent pathways in heart connective tissue?
In connective tissue of the heart, there are two adjacent pathways with different electrophysiological properties, which are connected proximally and distally.
1- One pathway has fast conduction and long refractory period
2- The other pathways has slow conduction and short refractory period
Absolute refractory period is a period when action potentials can not be generated, and cells can not be excited
explain the mechanism of re-entry?
- impulses will split and go down the fast and slow pathways.
- fast pathway gets to the distal end first and will split to go down the distal portion or the to go down the distal portion of the slow pathway
- when these impulses meet here, both tissues on either side are in refectory.