Thoracic-Regional Anatomy Breast, Thoracic Muscles, Thoracic Circulation and Brachial Plexus Flashcards
The cylindrical thorax consists of:
- Anterior Thoracic Wall
- Two pleural cavities
a. Two Lungs - Mediastinum
a. Pericardial Cavity
1. Heart
b. Superior Mediastinum
Function of the Thoracic area
The thorax :
Houses the heart and lungs
Acts as a conduit for structures passing between the neck and the abdomen
Plays a principal role in breathing.
Protects the heart and lungs and provides support for the upper limbs.
Muscles anchored to the anterior thoracic wall provide some of this support, and together with their associated connective tissues, nerves, and vessels, and the overlying skin and superficial fascia, define the pectoral region.
is external to the anterior thoracic wall and anchors the upper limb to the trunk.
It consists of:
1. A superficial compartment containing skin, superficial fascia, and breasts. Nerves, vessels, and lymphatics emerge from the thoracic wall, the axilla, and the neck
2. Deep compartment containing muscles and associated structures.
consist of mammary glands and associated skin and connective tissues. The mammary glands are modified sweat glands in the superficial fascia anterior to the pectoral muscles and the anterior thoracic wall.
The mammary glands consist of a series of ducts and associated secretory lobules. These converge to form 15 to 25 lactiferous ducts, which open independently onto the nipple. The nipple is surrounded by a circular pigmented area of skin termed the areola.
A well-developed, connective tissue stroma surrounds the ducts and lobules of the mammary gland. In certain regions, this condenses to form well-defined ligaments, the suspensory ligaments of breast, which are continuous with the dermis of the skin and support the breast.
Carcinoma of the breast creates tension on these ligaments, causing pitting of the skin.
are modified sweat glands in the superficial fascia anterior to the pectoral muscles and the anterior thoracic wall.
mammary glands
The mammary glands consist of a series of ducts and associated secretory lobules. These converge to form 15 to 25 lactiferous ducts, which open independently onto the nipple. The nipple is surrounded by a circular pigmented area of skin termed the
A well-developed, connective tissue stroma surrounds the ducts and lobules of the mammary gland. In certain regions, this condenses to form well-defined ligaments, which are continuous with the dermis of the skin and support the breast.
suspensory ligaments of breast
creates tension on these ligaments, causing pitting of the skin.
Carcinoma of the breast
Also known as acini or alveoli, these are the actual source of breast milk. They develop during puberty to a certain degree, and then complete their development during pregnancy. Lobular development causes the breasts to expand. The final development occurs during pregnancy, and allows the production of milk just before and after giving birth. Most breasts of the same cup size have the same average number of lobules, and they are grouped into 15 to 25 lobes. As a woman approaches menopause, the lobules start to atrophy, allowing a reduction in the density of the breasts. They may be replaced with fatty tissue, further softening the breast; a process called involution.
Gland Lobules of the Breast
These gather the milk from the lobules and deliver it to the nipple. Each lobe usually has its own ductal system.
Lactiferous Ducts (milk ducts)
This is an enlarged area in the Lactiferous Duct that maintains a small reserve of milk that will be immediately available to the infant that is placed at the breast. It will maintain his/her interest until the Lobules are able to produce and release more milk. Pressure is placed directly onto these to manually express milk from the breast, not on the nipple.
Ampulla (Lactiferous Sinus)
The nipple contains an opening (pore or duct) that is the terminus of each Lactiferous Duct. There are actually 5 to 25 openings in the nipple, through which breast milk is expressed. The nipple might be prominent (sticks out away from the areola), flat (is flush with the areola), or inverted (actually folds inwardly, into the areola). Stimulation (cold, fear, sexual excitement, direct contact, etc.) usually causes the nipple to become erect.
Nipple (Papilla)
This special skin is pigmented and surrounds the nipple. It contains the Areolar (Montgomery’s) Glands, hair follicles and the Nipple. It is often darker than the surrounding skin, but this varies over a large range of intensity depending upon the person’s genetic background. The areolae often get darker and larger in diameter during pregnancy and lactation, being one of the earliest indications of a pregnancy.
Areola (Areola Mammae) (Areola Papillaris)
These are those small nodules that look and function like extra large “goose bumps”. They are sebaceous glands that secrete a waxy, lipoid fluid to lubricate, moisturize and protect the areola and the nipple. Stimulation causes them to become more prominent.
Montgomery’s Glands (Areolar Glands)
One third of the average sized adult breast of a non-lactating woman consists of fatty tissue. Larger adult breasts usually only contain more fatty tissue. Smaller than average breasts still contain the same amount of Glandular (milk producing) tissue, but have less fatty tissue. Poor nutrition will prevent the storage of excess fat in the breasts, and may result in a sagging (pendulous) effect.
Fatty tissue of the Breast
Located at the junction between the lower side of the breast and the chest wall, it is a more dense area that is easily felt when lying on your back. This will often thicken with age. It might be (and often is) confused with a mass or lump during a Breast Self-Examination.
Inframammary Ridge