Thoracic Cage and Mechanics of Breathing Flashcards
What level is the suprasternal notch?
What level is the sternal angle of Louis?
What level is the xiphisternum?
Which ribs are free?
11 and 12
Thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms
Arm will go blue if vein blocked
Hand pailer if artery is blocked
C8-T1 nerve root affected
Between clavicle and rib
Cause of thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms
Extra rib above first rib
Abnormal tight band connecting spine to ribs
Which ribs connected to sternum?
Which nerve supplies the diaphragm?
What are the accessory muscle for inspiration- what do they do?
Sternocleidomastoid muscle- elevate sternum
anterior, middle, posterior Scalenes - elevate 1st 2 ribs and sternum
Pectoralis minor- ribcage out- elevate 3rd,4th,5th ribs
Serratus anterior- elevate 8th or 9th rib
Pectoralis major- elevate sternum
What are the accessory muscles during expiration/
Rectus abdominis/ transversus abdominis- elevate costal margin, increase intra-abdominal pressure
Which direction do external intercostal muscles go?
Hands in pockets
Which nerve innervates scalene, pec major, pec minor?
Brachial plexus
Which nerve roots are phrenic nerve?
Which nerve roots innervate intercostal muscles?
The level they are at, that is what innervates them.
T2 nerve root innervate T2 set of intercostal muscles- segmental thoracic innervation
Intercostal muscles arise from which to which spinal roots?
Which muscles used during forced expiration?
Internal and innermost intercostals
Recutus abdominis/transversus abdominis
Which muscles used during forced inspiration?
External intercostal muscles
all other accessory muscles
What is diaphragmatic palsy?
Loss of diaphragm muscular power- arise from weakness of diaphragmatic fibres or injury to nerve supply-phrenic nerve