Thoracic Cage Flashcards
What are the normal curves of the vertebral column and classify them as primary or secondary
Cs - Secondary - lordosis
Ts - Primary - kyphosis
Ls - Secondary - lordosis
What is the lumbopelvic rhythm
When there is an anterior pelvic tilt there is an increase in the lordotic curvature
Describes the biomechanics and compressive load produced when the head is tilted forward on a seated position
Tilting the head forward increases the moment arm, making the muscles work harder thus increasing the force to be able to support the head. This creates a higher compressive force on the vertebrae because the head becomes heavier.
A compressive load is Force X Weight
What are the six degrees of freedom between adjacent vertebrae?
- Saggital plane: Rotation, flex/ext, lat flex - Translations: Sup/inf = distraction Anterior posterior (shear) Medial lateral shift
What is a shear force and how does it exist in the vertebral column?
Shear force is present when there are no horizontal surfaces. Shear acts on the disc to create post. ant. and lat. shift. shear has to be greater than friction for a slippage to occur.
What are the features of a typical thoracic vertebrae
T2-T9 Heart shape body vertebral foramen Long SP TP have rib facets Superior facet projects post Inf. facet projects anterior Size increases as they descend 3 costal facets: superior, inferior, transverse
What are the 4 atypical thoracic vertebrae and their features
- T1: Sup. costal facet complete
- T10: One singular complete costal facet
- T11- T12: No transverse costal facet
superior facet complete and are located at pedicle
how many thoracic vertebrae in the body
How many ribs in the body and how are they classified
- True ribs 1-7
- False ribs 8 - 10
- Floating ribs 11 - 12
What are the bony landmarks of a typical rib
Superior facet inferior facet head neck tubercle of rib + TP articular process Costal angle Costal groove Site of costal cartilage articulation
What are the Joints found in the rib cage?
Costovertebral - synovial joint
Costochondral - palne synovial
Costotranverse - synovial
What are the boundaries of the thoracic inlet?
costal cartilage
superior border of manubrium
What are the boundaries of the Thoracic outlet
Separates thorax and abdominal cavity T11-T12 Rib 12 Xiphisternal joint costal cartilage
Name location, structure and function of the diaphragm
Location: A muscle located at the inferior portion of the thoracic cavity
Structure: 2 domes named demi-diaphragm
a central tendon structure shaped like a clove
Function: Separate thoracic cavity from the abdominal area. Main muscle of respiration,
support lungs.
Origine insertion and cardiovascular supply of diaphragm
O: Xiphoid process,
Internal surface of inferior 6 costal cartillage
Lumbar vertebrae
I: central tendon
N: central portion: Phrenic: motor, sensory supply
Periphery: 6 intercostal and subcostal N.
What are the apertures (anatomical spaces) in the diaphragm and what goes through?
Caval opening:
- Inferior vena cava
- Branches of R phrenic N
- Lymph vessels
Oesophageal hiatus
- T10 body
- oesophagus
- Vagus N.
Aortic Hiatus
- Descending aorta
- Thoracic duct
- Azygous vein