Thoracic and Lumbar Lines of Mensuration (Exam 1) Flashcards
What are the 2 methods for measuring scoliosis?
1) Cobb method/ Cobb-Lippman method (preferred)
2) Risser-Ferguson method
What is the other name for Cobb method of scoliosis?
Cobb-Lippman method
Which line assessments use A->P thoracic/lumbar view?
1) Cobb method/ Cobb-Lippman method
2) Risser-Ferguson method
What is the procedure for cobb method?
-locate end vertebrae on either end of the scoliosis (superior and inferior); the end plates tilt to the side of curvature concavity
-superior end: a line is drawn parallel and through the superior end plate
-inferior end: a line is drawn parallel and through the inferior end plate
-perpendicular lines are then drawn off of both end plate lines until they intersect
-the acute angle is measured
What is the normal measurement for cobb method?
there is no normal because this is a scoliosis assessment
If scoliosis curvature is <20 degrees=
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no bracing or surgery needed
*** if in children 10-15 y/o monitor changes every 3 months
If scoliosis curvature is 20-40 degrees=
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braced, surgery for cosmetic reasons
If scoliosis curvature is >40 degrees=
Harrington rods/Dwyer procedure
What is the procedure for Risser-Ferguson method?
-locate the ends of the scoliosis as in the Cobb method
-locate the vertebrae that is the most laterally placed in the curve (apical vertebra)
-locate vertebral body centers, this is done by drawing diagonals from opposite corners of the vertebral bodies
-draw 2 lines connecting the apical vertebra with the vertebra at either end of the curvature
-the acute angle is measured
Which line assessment uses lateral thoracic view?
thoracic kyphosis
What is the procedure for thoracic kyphosis assessment?
-line is drawn parallel to and through the superior endplate of the T1 vertebral body
-similar line is drawn through the inferior endplate of the T12 vertebral body
-perpendicular lines to these endplates are then drawn
-the acute angle is measured
What is the normal for thoracic kyphosis?
there is no normal
What are Schmorl’s nodes?
disc material herniates into segment above or below
Increased thoracic kyphosis is due to….
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-old age
-scheuermanns disease
-congenital anomalies
-muscular paralysis
-cystic fibrosis
Does thoracic kyphosis increase or decrease with age?