Stenosis, Hip, Shoulder Lines of Mensuration (Exam 1) Flashcards
Which line assessment is used to screen for canal stenosis?
Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement
What is the procedure for Eisenstein’s lumbar method for sagittal canal measurement?
-for all lumbars except L5
-articular process line= line connecting superior and inferior tips of articular processes
-posterior body margin (George’s line)
-at L5, use spinolaminar line to posterior body line
What is the normal measurement for Eisenstein’s lumbar method for sagittal canal measurement?
Test 1 q
What does it mean if someone has <15mm on Eisenstein’s lumbar method for sagittal canal measurement?
lumbar spinal canal stenosis
What is the most reliable measurement for canal stenosis?
Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement
What is a major contributor to canal stenosis?
posterior osteophytes
What is the procedure for Eisenstein’s cervical method for sagittal canal measurement?
-a line is placed at the posterior vertebral body and at the spinolaminar region
-line is placed from the most anterior aspect of spinolaminar line straight forward to the posterior body line
-if posterior osteophyte is present, measure to the back of the osteophyte
What is the normal measurement for C1 on Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement?
Test 1 q
What is the normal measurement for C2 on Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement?
What is the normal measurement for C3 on Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement?
What is the normal measurement for C4-C7 on Eisenstein’s method for sagittal canal measurement?
Which line assessment uses A->P hip view?
hip joint space width
What is the procedure for hip joint space width?
-superior joint space- space between the most superior point of the femur and the adjacent acetabulum
-medial joint space (tear drop distance)- space between the most medial surface of the femur head and the opposing acetabulum