Thoracic Flashcards
typical thoracic vertebra vetebral body
- heart shapped
- left part slightly flattened due to relation w thoracic aorta
typical thoracic vertebra pedicles
- sup vertebral notch absent
- inf vertebral notch deep
typical thoracic vertebra TP
directed lat and post
typical superior AP
- has an anterior non articular surface that slopes towards the sup vertebral notch
- has articular facet that is orientated post, lat and slightly sup
typical inferior AP
- has post non articular surface for muscle attachment
- has articular facet that is orientated post, lat and slightly sup
atypical vertebra
T1, 11, 12, 10, 9
t1 features
-widest thoracic vertebrae
VB- rectagular/ oval shape
TP- biggest and strongest
SP- longest/ almost horizontal
T12 features
-narrowest thpracic vertebrae
VB- more kidney shaped
TP- smallest TPs
Sup AP- has mammillary process on non articular part
Inf AP- has lumbar appearence, faces anterior and lat
SP- rectangular, almost horizontal
T11 features
VB- full costal facet for head of 11th rib
TP- relatively small
T10 features
VB- has a costal facet for the head of 10th rib that can either be full facet or semilunar shaped
TP- the transverse costal favet for the tubercle of the 10th rib may be absent
T9 vertebrae features
atypical only in the case when the head of the 10th rib articulates with the vertebral body t10 only
shape of intervertebral foramen
borders of intervertebral foramen
ant- posterolater part of the vertebral body + costovertebral joint
inf- sup vertebral notch
post- z joint
sup- inf vertebral notch
biomechanics of the thoracic spine
the most rotation
fair but limited by ribs lateral flexion
fair flex/extension
Scheuremanns disease
incomplete formation of the epiphyseal rims, mostly their anterior portion, leading to extreme kyphosis