Small deep muscles of back/ Sub occipital Region Flashcards
Interspilis O, I, A
Betweeen adjacent SP
A- Approximation of SP
Intertransverarii O, I, A
I- TVP of vert above
doesnt exist in thoracic
Levator Costarum Brevis, O, I A
O- TVP of vert (c7-t11)
I- shaft of the rib next to non articular of tubercle of rib one level below
A- Elevation of rib
Levator costarum Longus O,I,A
O- TVP of vert (c7-T10)
I- 2nd rib below next to non articular tubercle of rib
Rectus Capitis post maj O, I, A
O- SP of vert C2
I- lat part of inf nuchal line
A- ext, lat flex of skull
Rectus Capitis post min O, I, A
O- Post tubercle of post arch of C1
I- Med part of inf nuchal
A- extension of skull
Obliquus capitis inf O, I, A
O- Post tub of post arch of vert (C2)
I- TP of C1
A- ipsilateral rot of the head
Obliquus capitis sup O, I, A
O- TVP of C1
I- bw sup and inf nuchal lines
A- contalateral flex, ex, lat flex
Suboccipital triangle borders (superomedial, superolateral, inf)
superomedial- Rectus capitis post major
Superolateral- Sup oblique of the head
Inf- Inf oblique of the head
Floor of suboccipital triangle
Post atlanto-occipital membrane + Post arch of C1
Content of the Suboccipital triangle
- Vertebral artery (3rd portion)
- PPR C1
- anastomic nerve branch c1-2