development of spine Flashcards
explain development of the spine
- sclerotome cells of each level have right and left mass with notochord in middle
- Each mass has a light top portion and dense bottom portion
- eventually dense portion would move down and fuse with light portion one level below
- denser part will seperate from original mass and tvp will grow between two myotomal masses
How do masses migrate to form around cord and what is ant and post make up
- both masses will begin to migrate anteriomediall and posteriorly medial
ant= centrum and body post= neural arch
Hemi vertebrea
one side of sclerotome mass did not migrate to meet contralateral side
Butterfly vertebrea
there is a migration and meeting in the middle but it doesnt fuse (incomplete centrum)
Block vertebrae
incompletion of sclerotome masses (light and dense)
What is klippel feil syndrome due to
what type of bone formation is vertebrae
endochondral bone formation
What are the primary ossification cenetrs
1 for centrum
2 for perichondral arches (R+L centrum, pedicals, lamina)
What are the secondary ossification centers
2 for epipheseal rings
1 for Sp
1 for each TP
What is scheurmas disease
secondary ossification centers fail to form properly
- congenital kyfosis( due to rims not forming)
Spina bifida is due to
-primary ossification centers fail
perichondral centers fail to fuse in midline
C1 developmet
3 primary ossification centers
1. in anterior arch
2 in lateral masses
centrum of c1 actually form dens of c1
Agenesis of ant arch and post arch
each of the primary ossifications centers fail
secondary ossification could also fail on post tubercle
5 stages of developement of dens
- two primary centers of ossification in dens
- fuse at midline at 8m developmet
- developing dens fuses to body at 6y/o
- a secodary ossification at very tip appears b/w 3-6years old (ossiculum terminale)
- Ot fuses with dens at 12y/o
what is it called when OT doesnt fuse with dens
persistent ossiculum terminale