THOPPAY UNIT 8 Flashcards
Cold War 8.1
A conflict that does not require direct military conflict/confrontation between 2+ rival states. The Cold War was fought between the two superpowers of the world, the US and the USSR, over Capitalism and Communism. This involved propaganda campaigns, an arms race, and secret operations.
LO 1: Hopes for greater self government, anti-imperialist sentiment, and technological and economic gains led to the global shift of power balance, thus setting the scene for the Cold War.
Non-Aligned Movement 8.2
29 countries schemed resolutions for condemning colonialism. Asian and African countries wanted to remain out of the US-Soviet Cold War, thus promoting an international economic, social, and political order not dominated by two superpowers.
LO 2: The COld War was caused by the global shift in power to the rise of the two superpowers; the US and Soviet Union. This lead to the Cold War by promoting the ideological conflict and power struggle between Capitalism and Communism. Thus, an effect of the ideological battle was the opposition to succumbing to the two global superpowers, as observed by the formation of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Kwame Nkrumah 8.2, 8.5
The exertions of Ghana’s delegate in the Non-Aligned Movement, Kwame Nkrumah, include that he gains independence from Britain, reunites Africa, and strays away from involvement in the USSR/US cold war. Nkrumah was the first president, focused his rule on nationalistic policies he learned from the west such as having a flag, anthem, monuments, and a rich history. He founded the Organization of African Unity (OAU) as a means for Pan-Africanism.
LO 2: An effect of the Cold War was Kwame Nkrumah’s opposition to existing political, economic, and social orders, as observed by his introduction of Western ideals through his presidency.
LO 6: Kwame Nkrumah sought independence through peaceful negotiations.
Proxy Wars (Korean War and Angolan Civil War) 8.3
A Proxy War is a war where a major power brings about conflict between other countries but does not directly be involved in it. Korea was divided into a Communist, Soviet controlled North and a non-communist South occupied by the US. When North Korea attempted to invade Korea as a means to reunite the country, the UN voted to defend the south militarily, thus causing the Korean War. After gaining independence from Portugal’s control through war, Angola was composed of distinct cultural groups that each wanted control of the country’s diamond mines. Each of the tribal groups were supported by other countries, thus fueling the Proxy War (USSR+Cuba, South Africa, US).
LO 3: The United States and the Soviet Union sought to maintain influence over the course of the Cold War by creating new military alliances, such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact, thus leading to proxy wars.
Communist Revolution in China 8.4
As led by Mao Zedong, Communism in China had won popular support due to its emphasis on the distribution of land to peasants, opening of schools + hospitals, and punishment for civilian mistreatment. In 1949, the Communists defeated the Nationalists, thus setting up the People’s Republic of China.
LO 4: As a result of internal tension and Japanese aggression, China succumbed to communism. This political ideology controlled the national government through the Great Leap Forward implementing repressive policies.
Great Leap Forward 8.4
The Great Leap Forward was a land reform policy by which peasant lands were divided into state-owned communes. Those who protested such policies were sent to “reeducation camps” or were killed. Mao Zedong aimed to convince the world that China’s economic plans were successful, thus resulting in millions of Chinese dying from starvation as he continues to export grain although there were food shortages.
LO 4: China’s adoption of Communism led to China’s desire to appear successful with its political ideology as well as demonstrate strict control through the Great Leap Forward.
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence 8.4
As Communists vowed to seize land from large landowners and distribute it amongst the peasants, this pledge won great support amongst the peasants. Thus, violent policies were carried out in North Vietnam, whereas in South Vietnam, the government was slow to implement land reform.
LO 5: The redistribution of land and resources stemmed from advocating communism, as observed by the Communist Revolution for Vietnamese independence.
Decolonization 8.5
The process of obtaining control over nation from colonizers. This desire and struggle for independence stemmed from notions of freedom born of WW2.
LO 6: Obtaining independence was done in various manners by the countries, ranging from negotiations to armed violence.
Indian National Congress 8.5
National organization that strived for Indian Independence from Great Britain and its self-rule. Such tactics employed by this organization for independence include mass civil disobedience. Its leader in 1920 was Mohandas Gandhi, who often led such civil disobedience movements.
LO 6: In contrast to the armed violence displayed by Algeria’s National Liberation Front, the National Indian Congress participated in the peaceful manner of protest known as civil disobedience.
Muslim League 8.5
Organization in India, founded in 1906, that advocated for a separate Muslim nation. Opposed Gandhi’s call for unity between Muslims and Hindus.
LO 6: In contrast to conducting civil disobedience movements as done by the National Indian Congress, the Muslim League strived for the partition of India to form the Muslim nation known as Pakistan.
Partition of India 8.6
In 1947, colonial India was divided into two countries (majority Hindu India and majority Muslim Pakistan). Hindus and Sikhs fled their homes to move to India from Pakistan and Muslims fled India to Pakistan from India. The deaths of 500,000 to 1 million people were present as a result of such political turmoil associated with the migrations. With powerful conservative religions separated between both countries and different governmental during, Pakistani-India distrust grew.
LO 7: The redrawing of political boundaries led to political conflict and population displacement, as observed by the Partition of India.
Creation of Israel 8.6
As a result of the unfair treatment of the Jews presented through their assimilation in Europe, Theodore Herzl proposed the creation of a separate Jewish state to provide safety and equal opportunity. Soon Zionists began to immigrate to Palestine. With worldwide sympathy for the Jews, the UN divided Palestine into Jewish and Arab nations, with the Jewish section declaring itself as a new country known as “Israel.”
LO 7: The creation of Israel involved the redrawing of political boundaries within Palestine, thus leading to conflict. and population displacement of the Palestinians.
Metropole 8.6
A metropol is a large city of a former colonial ruler. For example, London was a metroople where refugees and immigrants from Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh moved to London.
LO 8: As a result of decolonization, former colonial subjects migrated to imperial metropoles of the former colonizing country, thus maintaining cultural and economic ties between the colony and metropole even after decolonization.
Mohandas Gandhi 8.7
Mohandas Gandhi was the leader of the Indian National Congress, initiating mass civil disobedience by leading nonviolent marches, fasts, and boycotts to oppose British colonial rule.
LO 9: Mohandas Gandhi challenged the use of violence by promoting the practice of nonviolence to bring about political change.
Martin Luther King, Jr. 8.7
Martin Luther King Jr. was the most prominent civil rights leader in the US during the 1950s and 1960s as he had employed court decisions, lengthy boycotts, and massive marches as a peaceful manner of social opposition.
LO 9: Martin Luther King Jr. promoted the practice of nonviolent means to achieve a change in society as opposed to armed conflict.
Nelson Mandela 8.7
Protested against apartheid (racial segregation in South Africa) through forms of violence and nonviolent protests.
LO 9: Nelson Mandela demonstrated the practice of nonviolence to eliminate apartheid as opposed to using armed violence.
Francisco Franco 8.7
Dictator of Spain from 1939-1975 who was passionately anti-communist, leading labor camps, executions, and imprisonments to thousands of political dissenters.
LO 9: A reaction to the rise of Communism globally, Francisco Franco demonstrated heavy opposition through intensified conflict against Communist political leaders.
Shining Path 8.7
As a means to promote replacing Peru’s government with a Communist one, this terrorist group conducted bombings and assassinations.
LO 9: As a means to achieve political aims fo heavy Communist control in Peru, some movements, such as the Shining Path, employed violence against civilians to achieve this goal.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 8.8
The Soviets invaded Afghan countries as a means to impose Communism against Muslim fighters. This led to millions of Afghans dying, fleeing to Pakistan and Iran, and becoming homeless.
LO 10: One of the causes for the end of the Cold War was the Soviet Union’s costly and ultimately failed invasion of Afghanistan.