THOPPAY UNIT 5 Flashcards
Abolition Movement 5.1
The Abolition Movement was a direction towards ending the Atlantic Slave Trade and freeing all enslaved people.
LO 2: The Enlightenment era facilitated the Abolition Movement as the presence of new ideas involving natural rights were emphasized.
Empiricism 5.1
Francis Bacon developed the concept of empiricism, involving the belief that knowledge is succumbed through natural senses within experiences, supported by scientific experimentation by which natural data was observed.
LO 1: Empiricism reevaluated the natural world and the importance of reason within the Enlightenment Era, altering the mindsets of people.
Enlightenment 5.1
A revolutionary movement that involved the concept of individualism, natural birth rights, freedom, self-determination, and reason. Such ideals challenged the powers of persisting political rulers and resulted in revolutions (abolition and feminism) globally.
LO 1: The Enlightenment stemmed from global interactions, by which intellectuals began to emphasize reason over traditions, as well as individualism over stronghold community regimes.
Suffrage movement (include Wollstonecraft and Seneca Falls) 5.1
Mary Wollstonecraft believed that universal education would enable women to have the same qualifications as men to have the right to vote, or suffrage. This was implemented through the Seneca Falls Convention.
LO 2: As the Enlightenment movement emphasized natural rights, the suffrage movement was developed.
American Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
A rebellion against the British rulers of the American colonies. Stemmed from Enlightenment philosophies as the idea for “unalienable rights” was implemented by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. Victory through the war was achieved in 1783 with crucial help from France, Britain’s enemy.
LO 3: The American Revolution was inspired by democratic ideals from the Enlightenment philosophies. It led to numerous other revolutions, such as the Latin Revolution and the Haitian Revolution.
Bolivar Revolutions (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
Wars of independence from Spain amongst the Creole class, with Simon Bolivar being an instrumental leader. He outlined his concerns for Latin America through the “Jamaica Letter.”
LO 3: The Bolivar Revolutions were caused by rebellion and Enlightenment Ideals. Its revolutionary documents influenced resistance to existing political authority for the pursuit of such ideals.
Classical Liberalism (include John Stuart Mill) 5.2
Emphasized free market by which there is a limited government, political freedom, and economic freedom. John Stuart Mill contribution to these social, political, and economic theories through his concept of utilitarianism.
LO 3: Stemmed from discontent with monarchist/imperial rulings. Led to the development of various systems of governments, such as democracy.
French Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
Period of major social upheave against the monarchy within France. Moderates such as Lafayette seeked to establish a constitutional monarchy. Social revolts led to the flee of royal officials. Although the Declaration of the Rights of Man demanded basic human rights, Louis XVI refused such limited monarchy.
LO 3:
Caused by disruption against the French government.
Led to the government executing thousands of opponents, Napoleon becoming emperor of France in 1804.
Haitian Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
Started as a slave revolt led by escaped slaves, known as the Maroons. Led by former slave, Toussaint L’Ouverture as a military leader. His successor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines conducted the Haitian declaration of permanent independence.
LO 3: Caused by social hierarchy, inspiration within the groups from the Enlightenment, large slave population, and brutal slave working conditions.
Resulted in it being considered the only country to become permanently independent as a result of a slave uprising, first black-led country in the Western Hemisphere, and first country in Latin America to gain independence.
Nationalism (include German, Italian, and Argentinian) 5.2
Nationalism referred to overcoming oppressions from other nations, alienating monarchy, having a common cultural link, and following the influence of race. In Germany, nationalist movements led to the unification of Germany. The Italian Peninsula was unified through nationalism as it was sought to unite it under one dynasty due to common linguistic principles and political ideals. Nationalism in Argentina surged during the War of Independence and the Civil Wars (strengthened during the 1880s).
LO 3: Caused by the presence of common trends such as culture, religion, political beliefs, and language.
Drove efforts to unite people under individual political states.
Causes of Industrialization 5.3
- the emergence of capitalism
- European imperialism
- Britain’s environmental advantageous
- the effects of the Agricultural Revolution.
LO 4:
As excessive access to waters (island location in the Atlantic) gave Britain a distinct advantage as well as the access to natural resources from the colonized regions. The resource of cotton from India, the presence of coal deposits, access to rivers for transportation, and iron production were other forms of environmental factors.
Factory system 5.3
A system of specialized manufacturing operations using an assembly line.
LO 4: Factory system led to an increasing degree of specialized labor.
Industrialization 5.4
Refers to the increased levels of mechanization in terms of good production, as well as the social effects coupled with this.
LO 5: Industrialization led to faster good production, declining the global impact of Middle Eastern and Asian goods.
Fossil Fuels Revolution 5.5
New energy sources from energy reserves facilitated industrial practices. Shale Gas and Tight Oil were such fuels.
LO 6: Increased the amount of energy available to human societies.
Industrial Communication (include Railroad, Steamship, and Telegraph) 5.5
Industrial Communication facilitated more efficient modes of communicating through new technological innovations.
Steamship- revolutionized sailing by using coal as energy sources for dependability and mobility
Railroad- Transcontinental railroad- US industrial growth, subsidized by public funds.
Telegraph- immediate communication
LO 6: Allowed fro communication within internal regions (rather than simply coastal areas). Access to such areas increased trade and migration.
Internal Combustion Engine 5.5
An engine that burns fuel such as oil or gas to generate power as the hot gases are used to drive a piston during expansion.
LO 6: Utilized already existing resources (fossil fuels) to generate power
Second Industrial Revolution 5.5
Developments in steel, precision machinery, chemicals, and electronics that occurred in the later 19th, early 20th century.
LO 6: Led to new methods in these aspects, drifting focus away from textiles, steam power, and iron.
Steam Engine 5.5
Made by James Watt, proposed an inexpensive manner to utilize coal to generate steam. This steam is used to generate energy for machinery.
LO 6: Utilized already existing coal to generate power.
Meiji Restoration 5.6
This reform rejected feudal principles of government and sought imperialism for a centralized government under Emperor Meiji. The Meiji Restoration led to the westernization and industrialization of Japan.
LO 7: As a response to the US Opening, the Samurai sought for the Emperor to gain complete imperial rule to prevent European control over Japan. This resort to imperial rule was known as the Meiji Restoration.
Muhammad Ali 5.6
He was the first modern ruler of Egypt as he took control over Egypt as a viceroy after defeating the Mamluks. His prospects for state-sponsored industrialization, modernization, and weakening other regions enhanced his position as a ruler.
LO 7: The state sponsored visions of Industrialization by Muhammad Ali led to the development of a textile industry (cotton-based) in Egypt.
Capitalism (include Adam Smith) 5.7
In “The Wealth of Nations” Adam Smith conveys that humans naturally rely on capitalism, the establishment of private businesses that shape the economy.
LO 8: Economic policies shifted from mercantilism + free trade policies to theories of laissez-faire capitalism + free markets.
Stock Market 5.7
Markets that facilitate the presence of stockholders buying shares from corporations.
LO: New economic practices involving transnational businesses that shifted away from trading goods.
Transnational Business (include United Fruit Company and HSBC) 5.7
Businesses operated across national boundaries.
HSBC- British-owned bank that focuses on finance, corporate investments, and global banking.
United Fruit Company- powerful fruit company
LO 8: Global shift in focus to banking and finance
Communism (must include founder) 5.8
Karl Marx’s proposal of ending all class distinguishment to stop the abuse of power held by the bourgeoisie on the proletariat.
LO 9: Discontent with industrialized working conditions led to the arisal of labor unions, which led to the proposal of communism.
Labor Unions 5.8
Organizations of workers that revolted against poor working conditions and advocated for the right to bargain with employers.
LO 9: Led to Karl Marx’s proposals, promoting alternate visions of society.
Self-Strengthening Movement 5.8
The European encroachment of the Chinese Government by which the popular narrative involving the conspiracy of the Manchu people was facilitated led to the Self-Strengthening Movement in the Qing Dynasty. This movement involved China’s efforts to reform to European ideals (that gave them power) such as the abolishment of the Civil Service Exam.
LO 9: To compensate for losses through internal conflicts, China seeked to reform to European ideals as they believed that it would make them stronger.
Socialism (must include founder) 5.8
As proposed by Karl Marx, socialism refers to the fair treatment of factory workers, with reasonable pay and good working conditions. However, this ideology does to go to the extent of proposing that all humans should be equal in a social perspective.
LO 9: The formation of labor unions and lower-class discontent led to the formation of socialism.
Taiping Rebellion 5.8
The Qing rebellion (Taiping rebellion) was a huge revolt led by a religious zealot in an attempt to overthrow the Manchu rulers.
LO 9: Internal struggles caused by the Taiping Rebellion led to the Self-Strengthening movement of China.
Tanzimat Reforms 5.8
Government reforms that drew influences from Western European ideals ( that aided those states in increasing power). Such reforms included secularizing education, enhancing Ottoman laws (all men were seen as equal), and regulating the millets.
LO 9: The decline of the Janissaries led to the implementation of western reforms, such as using industrial principles for warfare manufacturing due to the lack of necessity for skilled fighters.
Cult of Domesticity 5.9
Commonly held belief that women should not work outside of home and solely do domestic work in the house such as cooking, cleaning, and tending to children.
LO 10: As lower-class families had to resort to women working in the factories, they did not suffice to the cult of domesticity.
New social classes (include middle and industrial worker) 5.9
As industrialization spread, the working class was developed, consisting of a class of industrial workers who produced goods rapidly. Industrialization also created jobs for managing the production of goods, thus emerging the middle class.
LO 10: Through industrialization, lower and middle classes were developed.
Urbanization 5.9
The process whereby cities develop and societies become more urban with industrial practices, drifting away from rural societies comprised of agricultural occupations.
LO 10: Urbanization led to numerous challenges such as pollution, poverty, increase crime, public health issues, and slums.