Thinking/Problem solving/Language Flashcards
Overarching categories that help us organizing mental info
Our best representation of an object (Help us organize and interpret info we receive)
Negatives of prototypes
They sometimes block new info and make us focus on preexisting info
The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
Convergent thinking
Narrows available solutions to determine the best solution (multiple choice test)
Divergent thinking
Ability to think about many things at once and generate many possible solutions. (creating as many designs out of a few blocks)
Follow/consider all options to ensure that you arrive at a solution
Mental shortcut to arrive at an answer (make everyone where a mask)
A sudden realization of a problems solution
Inductive reasoning
Reasoning from the specific to the general
someone is wearing a mask—– they must be vaccinated
Deductive reasoning
Reasoning from the general to the specific
Californians—– all demarcates
Knowledge without oblivious thought
Confirmation bias
Looking for info that goes along with what we think we know
Mental set
Inability to think outside the box
Way a problem is posed (more likely to by something that says 90% free then 10% fat)
Belife Presevreance
Cling to beliefs even with contradicting evidence
Availability heuristics
Something that pops into mind to determent probability of something happening (plane crashes are common)
Representative heuristic
A new situation is judged by how well it matches a stereotypical model (Tall=must play basketball)
Functional fixedness
Failure to use an object in a unusual way
Smallest unit of sound in a word (B-A-T)
Smallest meaningful unit of speach-As prefixes -dis/ suffixes- ment
System of rules that determent sounds and how words are combined
Order of words in sentences that make sense
Birth to 4 months
4 months +
10 Months
Babbling & phenoms narrow to the lang that is spoken
12 months
One word stage
One word to convey meaning
24 months
2 words
Using grammar rules where they dont apply
Noam chomsky thinks
We are genetically programmed to speak
Critical period
If children are not exposed to language before adolescences they will be unable to acquire language
Brocas aphasia
You struggle to speak words but can remember how to sing words
Wenickers aphasia
Speak only meaningless words
Linguistic determinism
Language may determinate our thinking patterns, culter, and how we view the world.
Events in out environment
Determine the words that become a part of out language