(mental activity) involved in understanding, processing, and communicating information
paying attention to info, mentally representing it, reasoning and making decisions about it
(mental category) used to CLASS together objects, relations, events, abstractions, ideas, or qualities that have COMMON properties
(good examples) of a category
which fits the prototype of a fish? sea horse or tuna? why?
specific example (dog, red are taught as examples)
(specific/systematic procedure) for solving a type of problem that works invariably when it is done correctly
Systematic Random Search
(algorithm) for solving problems where each possible solution is tested according to a particular set of rules
Heuristics (Heuristic Devices)
(shortcuts/jumping to conclusions) rule of thumb that helps simplify and solve problems
does not guarantee a correct solution, but if right, is a rapid one
Means-End Analysis
(heuristic device) trying to solve a problem by evaluating the diff between the current situation and goal
Mental Sets
tendency to respond to a new problem with the same approach that helped solve similar problems
(gestalt psychology) sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution
finally understanding the connection of something once solution is known
(in problem solving) process of standing back from a frustrating problem for a while and the solutions “suddenly” appears.
Functional Fixedness
(may hinder problem solving) tendency to view an object in terms of its name or familiar usage
Representative Heuristics
(decision-making heuristic) people make judgments abt samples according to the population they appear to represent.
we make judgements based on the populations of events they represent (coin flip 3:3 probability)
Availability Heuristic
(decision-making heuristic) our estimates of frequency or probability are based on how easy it is to find examples
what has more students. sociology majors or art majors? (i will answer based on the numbers if i am aware of the enrollment statistics)
Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic
(decision-making heuristic) a presumption or first estimate serves as a cognitive anchor that when additional info is given can change but still within the proximity of the anchor
Framing Effect
influence of WORDING in decision-making
communication of info thru the use of symbols arranged according to the rules of grammar
(quality of language) words are used as symbols for objects, events, or ideas
Infinite Creativity
capacity to create rather than imitate sentences (combine words into original sentences)
(quality of language) ability to communicate info in another time and place (gen to gen)
Linguistic-Relativity Hypothesis
(view) that language structures the way we view the world
Prelinguistic Vocalizations
actions that show communication but are not considered as language
single word used to express complex meanings
“cat” could be expressed thru: that is a cat, u look like my cat, i want a cat